
{"title": "数据存储|Database","items": [
{"title": "SQLite","description": "","tags": "database","language": null,"license": null,"url": "http://www.sqlite.org/"
{"title": "端到端的加密数据库ZeroDB","description": "ZeroDB is an end-to-end encrypted database. Data can be stored on untrusted database servers without ever exposing the encryption key. Clients can execute remote queries against the encrypted data without downloading all of it or suffering an excessive performance hit.","tags": "database","language": "Python","license": "APGLv3 (GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3)","url": "https://github.com/zero-db/zerodb","reference": ["http://www.zerodb.io/"]
{"title": "LevelDB","description": "LevelDB是一个嵌入式的key-value数据库。它的键和关联值可以是任意的字节数组,并且按照键值排序,排序机制是可以被重载的。数据存储机制非常简单,仅仅支持Put,Get和Delete命令,然后还有前向和后向迭代遍历。","tags": "key-value database","language": null,"license": null,"url": "http://code.google.com/p/leveldb/"
{"title": "ArangoDB","description": "An open-source database with a flexible data model for documents, graphs, and key-values. Build high performance applications using a convenient sql-like query language or JavaScript/Ruby extensions. ","tags": "Client/Server; database","language": null,"license": "Apache License 2.0","url": "http://www.arangodb.org"
{"title": "DBreeze","description": "DBreeze - C# ACID NoSql embedded object database management system. Professional, open-source, NoSql (embedded Key / Value storage), transactional, ACID-compliant, multi-threaded, object database management system for .NET 3.5> XAMARIN MONO . Written in C# . ","tags": "NoSql embedded object database","language": "C#","license": "BSD License","url": "https://github.com/hhblaze/DBreeze"
{"title": "OrientDB","description": "多模型数据库(支持Graph和Document)。有C# Driver。社区版可用于商业。 ","tags": "database","language": "Java","license": null,"url": "http://orientdb.com"
{"title": "Perst","description": "An open source, object-oriented embedded database。GPLv3/商业授权。","tags": "","language": null,"license": "GPLv3; 商业授权","url": "http://www.mcobject.com/perst/"
{"title": "sina dynamod","description": "一个分布式的key value存储","tags": "key-value database","language": null,"license": null,"url": "http://code.google.com/p/sina-sdd/"
{"title": "beansdb","description": "豆瓣的Key-Value存储类型doubandb的开源版本","tags": "key-value database","language": null,"license": null,"url": "http://code.google.com/p/beansdb/"
{"title": "Redis","description": "A persistent key-value database with built-in net interface written in ANSI-C for Posix systems","tags": "key-value database","language": "C","license": null,"url": "http://code.google.com/p/redis/"
{"title": "MongoDB","description": "无模式数据库","tags": "bson","language": null,"license": null,"url": "http://www.mongodb.org"
{"title": "RavenDB","description": "文档数据库。","tags": "document database","language": "C#","license": "商业授权","url": "http://www.ravendb.net"
{"title": "Eloquera","description": "文档数据库。","tags": "document database","language": null,"license": "商业授权; 社区版本","url": "http://www.eloquera.com"
{"title": "iBoxDB","description": "Fast Transactional TableStyle Document NoSQL Application Database","tags": "NoSql database","language": null,"license": null,"url": "http://www.iboxdb.com"
{"title": "STSdb","description": "STSdb 4.0 is a NoSQL key-value store open-source database. The entire database is written in pure managed .NET language without using unsafe code. The STSdb 4.0 engine is based on WaterfallTree technology. WaterfallTree provides blazing performance in real-time indexing of both sequential and random keys, making STSdb 4.0 perfect for BigData and enterprise systems.","tags": "NoSql; key-value","language": null,"license": "商业授权; GPLv2","url": "http://stssoft.com"
{"title": "UnQLite","description": "UnQLite is a in-process software library which implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional NoSQL database engine. UnQLite is a document store database similar to MongoDB, Redis, CouchDB etc. as well a standard Key/Value store similar to BerkeleyDB, LevelDB, etc.","tags": "NoSQL database","language": "C","license": "2-Clause BSD license","url": "http://unqlite.org/"
{"title": "Siaqodb","description": "Siaqodb is a NoSQL embedded object and document database engine that currently runs on .NET, MonoMac, Universal Windows Platform (UWP), Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.Mac and Unity3D.","tags": "NoSQL; embedded; object; document; database","language": null,"license": "商业授权","url": "http://siaqodb.com/"
{"title": "EJDB","description": "EJDB is the embeddable (in-process) database engine designed for querying collections of JSON documents and persisting data. EJDB is implemented as a C library based on Tokyo Cabinet key-value storage engine. EJDB design is inspired by Mongodb and follows the same philosophy , especially for the query language.","tags": "embedded; database; JSON","language": "C","license": "GNU LGPL v2.1","url": "http://ejdb.org"
{"title": "LiteDB","description": "LiteDB - A .NET NoSQL Document Store in a single data file. LiteDB is a small, fast and lightweight NoSQL embedded database.","tags": "NoSQL embedded database","language": null,"license": "MIT","url": "https://github.com/mbdavid/LiteDB"
{"title": "Embark。","description": "Easy to use document database with a focus on visibility and simplicity. Made for prototyping or projects with an agile code-first approach. Embark allows you to defer the plumbing or commitment of choosing a specific database technology. 每条数据以json文件独立保存。","tags": "document database; file","language": null,"license": "MIT","url": "https://github.com/ideaflare/embark"
{"title": "MobileDB","description": "You like EntityFramework and use it frequently but sometimes you need just a simple embedded database for an app or a small application, then MobileDB ist just right for you. It's a lightweight, fast and simple JSON database with an EntityFramework inspired API. ","tags": "embedded database; EntityFramework; JSON","language": null,"license": "MIT","url": "https://github.com/flumbee/mobiledb"
{"title": "开源的轻量级JSON存储Kinto","description": "Kinto是个提供了同步与分片功能的轻量级JSON存储服务,并且易于使用。它在Mozilla内部得到了广泛的应用。","tags": "json storage","language": "Python","license": "Apache License, Version 2.0","url": "https://github.com/Kinto/kinto","reference": ["http://www.infoq.com/cn/news/2015/12/introducing-kinto"]
{"title": "BrightstarDB","description": "A fast and scalable NoSQL graph database for the .NET platform with code-first data model generation.","tags": "NoSQL graph database","language": "C#","license": null,"url": "http://www.brightstardb.com/ "
{"title": "Neo4j","description": "Neo4j, the world's leading graph database, powering numerous organizations worldwide, including more than 50 Global 2000 customers.","tags": "NoSQL graph database","url": "http://neo4j.com"
{"title": "HyergraphDB","description": "HyperGraphDB is a general purpose, open-source data storage mechanism based on a powerful knowledge management formalism known as directed hypergraphs.","tags": "NoSQL Graph Database","url": "http://hypergraphdb.org"
{"title": "FlockDB","description": "A distributed, fault-tolerant graph database. Twitter提供。","tags": "NoSQL Graph Database","url": "https://github.com/twitter/flockdb"
{"title": "InfoGrid","description": "InfoGrid is a Web Graph Database with a many additional software components that make the development of REST-ful web applications on a graph foundation easy. InfoGrid is open source, and is being developed in Java as a set of projects.","tags": "NoSQL Graph Database","url": "http://infogrid.org"
{"title": "AllegroGraph","description": "The free version of AllegroGraph RDFStore Server Edition is limited by a 50 million triples maximum. If you want to use AllegroGraph with over 50 million triples, please email info@franz.com for pricing information for the Developer or Enterprise versions, or call us at +1(510) 452-2000, ext. 300. ","tags": "NoSQL; Semantic Graph Database; RDFStore","url": "http://allegrograph.com/allegrograph/"
{"title": "Virtuoso","description": "Virtuoso is a modern enterprise grade solution for data access, integration, and relational database management (SQL Tables and/or RDF based Property/Predicate Graphs).","tags": "Graph Database; RDF","url": "http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com"
{"title": "Sones","description": "GraphDB development started in 2007 in Germany with the goal to create an enterprise graph database management system which allows users to handle large graph datasets on standard hardware using an easy to learn and easy to use Graph Query Language (GraphQL).","tags": "NoSQL Graph Database","url": "http://sones.de"
{"title": "Graph Engine","description": "SERVING BIG GRAPHS IN REAL-TIME. Graph Engine = RAM Store + Computation Engine + Graph Model.","tags": "graph; computation; store","url": "http://www.graphengine.io"
{"title": "DaggerDB","description": "The super fast, super simple real time dimensional aggregator for high performance analytics and reporting in .NET. DaggerDB is a new real time dimensional analytics engine built to be super fast and powerful without the complexity and steep learning curve of the mainstream OLAP platforms. DaggerDB is an ACID compliant hybrid column store / OLAP aggregate database which enables both high speed realtime inserts of data and predictable real-time high performance dimensional querying using a simple fluent .NET query api. It can be hosted in-process - integrated in your application, or as a client / server solution hosting one or many databases and cubes. Both hosting setups can be run completely in memory or in fully persistent mode. ","tags": "real time; dimensional analytics engine; OLAP","url": "http://www.daggerdb.com"
{"title": "CortexDB","description": "A schema less, multi-model NoSQL database able to load big data through different data sources, automatic indexing and extremly fast searching through all the incoming content, keeping data and algorithm in one system - just like the human brain does.","tags": "schema less; multi-model; NoSQL database","url": "http://cortex-ag.com/index.html"



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