
Datasets - NCBI





conda create -n ncbi_datasetsconda activate ncbi_datasetsconda install -c conda-forge ncbi-datasets-cli


Examplesdatasets download genome accession GCF_000001405.39 --chromosomes X,Y --exclude-gff3 --exclude-rnadatasets download genome taxon "bos taurus"datasets download gene gene-id 672datasets download gene symbol brca1 --taxon mousedatasets download gene accession NP_000483.3datasets download virus genome taxon sars-cov-2 --host dogdatasets download virus protein S --host dog --filename SARS2-spike-dog.zipdatasets download --input-json request_file.json --filename



Flags-a, --annotated                only include genomes with annotation--assembly-level string    restrict assemblies to a comma-separated list of one or more of: chromosome, complete_genome, contig, scaffold--assembly-source string   restrict assemblies to refseq or genbank only--chromosomes strings      limit to a specified, comma-delimited list of chromosomes (default [all])--dehydrated               download a dehydrated zip archive including the data report and locations of data files (use the rehydrate command to retrieve data files).--exclude-genomic-cds      exclude cds_from_genomic.fna (genomic cds file)--exclude-gff3             exclude genomic.gff (gff3 annotation file)--exclude-protein          exclude protein.faa (protein sequence file)--exclude-rna              exclude rna.fna (transcript sequence file)--exclude-seq              exclude genomic.fna (genomic sequence file)-h, --help                     help for genome--include-gbff             include genomic.gbff (GenBank flat file sequence and annotation), if available--include-gtf              include genomic.gtf (gtf annotation file), if available--reference                limit to reference and representative (GCF_ and GCA_) assemblies--released-before string   only include genomes that have been released before a specified date (MM/DD/YYYY)--released-since string    only include genomes that have been released after a specified date (MM/DD/YYYY)--search strings           only include genomes that have the specified text in thesearchable fields: species and infraspecies, assembly name and submitterTo provide multiple strings '--search' can be included multiple times


(taxid 可以通过NCBI搜索得到。其他下载选项可以通过命令 datasets download查看)

datasets download genome taxon "4751" --dehydrated --filename --api-key 123456789abcdefghijk

因为数据量比较大先下载为json的压缩包形式 ,后面的--api-key防止短时请求次数过多被服务器屏蔽IP,api-key可以通过注册ncbi账号得到。


Archive:  fungi_genome_dataset.zipinflating:fungi_genome_dataset/README.mdinflating:fungi_genome_dataset/ncbi_dataset/data/*/assembly_data_report.jsonlinflating:fungi_genome_dataset/ncbi_dataset/data/dataset_catalog.jsoninflating:fungi_genome_dataset/ncbi_dataset/fetch.txt


##提示not find 仔细检查路径格式
datasets rehydrate --directory fungi_genome_dataset/

datasets download genome:

Download a genome dataset including genome, transcript and protein sequence, annotation and a detailed data report.
Genome datasets can be specified by NCBI Assembly or BioProject accession or taxon. Datasets are downloaded as a zip file.The default genome dataset includes the following files (if available):
* genomic.fna (genomic sequences)
* rna.fna (transcript sequences)
* protein.faa (protein sequences)
* genomic.gff (genome annotation in gff3 format)
* data_report.jsonl (data report with genome assembly and annotation metadata)
* dataset_catalog.json (a list of files and file types included in the dataset)Refer to NCBI's [command line quickstart]( documentation for information about getting started with the command-line tools.Usagedatasets download genome [command]Examplesdatasets download genome accession GCF_000001405.39 --chromosomes X,Y --exclude-gff3 --exclude-rnadatasets download genome taxon "bos taurus" --dehydrateddatasets download genome taxon human --assembly-level chromosome,complete_genome --dehydrateddatasets download genome taxon mouse --search C57BL/6J --search "Broad Institute" --dehydratedAvailable Commandsaccession   download a genome dataset by NCBI Assembly or BioProject accessiontaxon       download a genome dataset by taxon (NCBI Taxonomy ID, scientific or common name at any tax rank)Flags-a, --annotated                only include genomes with annotation--assembly-level string    restrict assemblies to a comma-separated list of one or more of: chromosome, complete_genome, contig, scaffold--assembly-source string   restrict assemblies to refseq or genbank only--chromosomes strings      limit to a specified, comma-delimited list of chromosomes (default [all])--dehydrated               download a dehydrated zip archive including the data report and locations of data files (use the rehydrate command to retrieve data files).--exclude-genomic-cds      exclude cds_from_genomic.fna (genomic cds file)--exclude-gff3             exclude genomic.gff (gff3 annotation file)--exclude-protein          exclude protein.faa (protein sequence file)--exclude-rna              exclude rna.fna (transcript sequence file)--exclude-seq              exclude genomic.fna (genomic sequence file)-h, --help                     help for genome--include-gbff             include genomic.gbff (GenBank flat file sequence and annotation), if available--include-gtf              include genomic.gtf (gtf annotation file), if available--reference                limit to reference and representative (GCF_ and GCA_) assemblies--released-before string   only include genomes that have been released before a specified date (MM/DD/YYYY)--released-since string    only include genomes that have been released after a specified date (MM/DD/YYYY)--search strings           only include genomes that have the specified text in thesearchable fields: species and infraspecies, assembly name and submitterTo provide multiple strings '--search' can be included multiple timesGlobal Flags--api-key string    NCBI Datasets API Key--filename string   specify a custom file name for the downloaded dataset (default "")--no-progressbar    hide progress barUse datasets download genome help <command> for detailed help about a command.

datasets download gene:

Usagedatasets download gene [flags]datasets download gene [command]Examplesdatasets download gene gene-id 672datasets download gene symbol brca1 --taxon mousedatasets download gene accession NP_000483.3datasets download gene gene-id 2778 --fasta-filter NC_000020.11,NM_001077490.3,NP_001070958.1Available Commandsgene-id     download a gene dataset by NCBI Gene IDsymbol      download a gene dataset by gene symbolaccession   download a gene dataset by RefSeq nucleotide or protein accessiontaxon       download a gene dataset by taxonFlags--exclude-gene               exclude gene.fna (gene sequence file)--exclude-protein            exclude protein.faa (protein sequence file)--exclude-rna                exclude rna.fna (transcript sequence file)--fasta-filter strings       limit gene fasta download to a specific list of accessions--fasta-filter-file string   file of accessions to limit gene fasta download-h, --help                       help for gene--include-3p-utr             include 3p_utr.fna (3'-UTR sequence file)--include-5p-utr             include 5p_utr.fna (5'-UTR sequence file)--include-cds                include cds.fna (CDS sequence file)Global Flags--api-key string    NCBI Datasets API Key--filename string   specify a custom file name for the downloaded dataset (default "")--no-progressbar    hide progress barUse datasets download gene help <command> for detailed help about a command.


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