

hdiutil 命令详解


hdiutil -- manipulate disk images (attach, verify, create, etc)


hdiutil verb [options]


hdiutil uses the DiskImages framework to manipulate disk images.  Common verbs include attach, detach, verify, create, convert, and compact.

The rest of the verbs are currently: help, info, burn, checksum, chpass, erasekeys, unflatten, flatten, imageinfo, isencrypted, mountvol, unmount, plugins, udifrez, udifderez, resize, segment, makehybrid, and



Disk images are data containers that emulate disks.  Like disks, they can be partitioned and formatted.  Many common uses of disk images blur the distinction between the disk image container and its content,

but this distinction is critical to understanding how disk images work.  The terms "attach" and "detach" are used to distinguish the way disk images are connected to and disconnected from a system.  "Mount" and

"unmount" are the parallel filesystems options.

For example, when you double-click a disk image in the macOS Finder, two separate things happen.  First, the image is "attached" to the system just like an external drive.  Then, the kernel and Disk Arbitration

probe the new device for recognized file structures.  If any are discovered that should be mounted, the associated volumes will mount and appear on the desktop.

主要用到它的两个命令 hdituil attach, hdiutil detach.

attach image [options]

attach a disk image as a device.  attach will return information about an already-attached image as if it had attached it.  If any associated volumes are unmounted (and mounting is not suppressed),

they will be remounted.  mount is a poorly-named synonym for attach.  See BACKGROUND.

By default, the system applies additional mount options to filesystems backed by untrusted devices like disk images: options like nosuid and quarantine.  PERMISSIONS VS. OWNERS explains the behavior

of such filesystems and EXAMPLES shows how to override some of the default behavior.

The output of attach has been stable since Mac OS X 10.0 (though it was called hdid(8) then) and is intended to be program-readable.  It consists of the /dev node, a tab, a content hint (if applica-

ble), another tab, and a mount point (if any filesystems were mounted).  Because content hints are derived from the partition data, GUID Partition Table types may leak through.  Common GUIDs such as

"48465300-0000-11AA-AA11-0030654" are mapped to their human-readable counterparts (here "Apple_HFS").

detach dev_name [-force]

detach a disk image and terminate any associated process.  dev_name is a partial /dev node path (e.g. "disk1").  As of Mac OS X 10.4, dev_name can also be a mountpoint.  If Disk Arbitration is run-

ning, detach will use it to unmount any filesystems and detach the image.  If not, detach will attempt to unmount any filesystems and detach the image directly (using the `eject' ioctl).  If Disk

Arbitration is not running, it may be necessary to unmount the filesystems with umount(8) before detaching the image.  eject is a synonym for detach.  In common operation, detach is very similar to

diskutil(8)'s eject.



VOLUME=`hdiutil attach $1 | grep -o "/Volumes.*$"`

echo "app directory: $VOLUME"

APP_NAME=`ls "$VOLUME" | grep .app`

echo "app name: $APP_NAME"

cp -rf "$VOLUME/$APP_NAME" /Applications/"$APP_NAME"

xattr -c /Applications/"$APP_NAME"

hdiutil detach "$VOLUME"

echo "$APP_NAME install completed!"


xattr -c *.app 是删除所有扩展属性,解决问题“App can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer”。

详情参考:“App can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer” 的解决之道?_走向自由的博客-CSDN博客


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