
Collection of Free Captcha’s for your Website and more about security

为您的网站收集免费的验证码 以及有关安全性的更多信息

In today’s article I will tell you about methods of protection against rotots. Just imaging – you created some post form at your website (to accept new articles, comments). And, what will happen if we don`t will add any protection here. As minimum our website will attached with big amount of robots. They will try to post different unwanted content (back links to another websites). As maximum – your website can be hacked. So, always (I repeating – always) checking all income variable before working with them. Make its safe.

在今天的文章中,我将向您介绍防止腐烂的方法。 只是成像–您在网站上创建了一些张贴表格(接受新文章,评论)。 而且,如果我们不添加任何保护措施,将会发生什么情况。 最低限度,我们的网站将附带大量的机器人。 他们将尝试发布不同的不需要的内容(反向链接到另一个网站)。 最多-您的网站可以被黑客入侵。 因此,在与他们合作之前,总是(我重复–总是)检查所有收入变量。 确保安全。

So, as I promised – today I will make review of captcha services and methods



reCAPTCHA is a free CAPTCHA service that helps to digitize books, newspapers and old time radio shows


2. captchas.net

Free service too. A CAPTCHA image shows a random string which the user has to type to submit a form. This is a simple problem for (seeing) humans, but a very hard problem for computers which have to use character recognition, especially, because the displayed string is alienated in a way, which makes it very hard for a computer to decode

也是免费服务。 CAPTCHA图像显示了用户必须键入以提交表单的随机字符串。 对于(看到)人类来说,这是一个简单的问题,但是对于必须使用字符识别的计算机来说,这是一个非常困难的问题,尤其是因为所显示的字符串以某种方式被疏远了,这使得计算机很难解码


Protect your guestbook, feedback form, comment form and any other web form with free anti-spam service of verification urls.


4. BotDetect

BotDetect is unique among Captcha solutions in offering many Captcha image and sound styles. While each of them is easily comprehensible to human users, randomly using multiple Captcha generation algorithms makes the Captcha challenge practically impossible to pass automatically.

BotDetect在验证码解决方案中是独一无二的,可提供多种验证码图像和声音样式。 尽管每个人都很容易理解,但随机使用多种验证码生成算法会使验证码挑战几乎无法自动通过。

5. Securimage PHP验证码

Free and open source project, but unfortunately it not worked today. Hope that they will back soon.

免费和开源项目,但不幸的是,今天该项目无法正常工作。 希望他们会尽快回来。


Cryptographp is a PHP script for generate captchas. Cryptographp limit the robots bombarding spams and automating the forms: spaces members subscriptions, guestbooks, forums… This script is free and does not use any database.

Cryptographp是用于生成验证码PHP脚本。 Cryptographp限制了机器人轰炸垃圾邮件和自动执行表格的形式:space成员订阅,访客留言簿,论坛…该脚本是免费的,并且不使用任何数据库。

7. tipstricks.org

Free Classic ASP Security Image Generator (CAPTCHA) Script


8. captcha.cc

Captcha.cc’s free service makes it extremely simple to place very hard captcha images in front of a form submission. These images are easy for humans to read, but very hard for computers to read. This cuts down on spam for blog comments, contact form submissions and much more.

Captcha.cc的免费服务使将非常困难的验证码图像放置在表单提交之前变得非常简单。 这些图像对于人类来说很容易阅读,但是对于计算机来说却很难阅读。 这减少了博客评论,联系表单提交等的垃圾邮件。

9. OpenCaptcha

OpenCaptcha: The Free & Open Captcha Web Service

OpenCaptcha:免费和开放的Captcha Web服务

10. Web Wiz验证码

Web Wiz CAPTCHA is free security image software written in ASP that displays a security image on your websites forms which only humans can read. This prevents your websites forms from being spammed by robots and hacked using dictionary or brute force hacking.

Web Wiz CAPTCHA是用ASP编写的免费安全映像软件,可在您的网站表单上显示安全映像,只有人类可以阅读。 这样可以防止您的网站表单被机器人发送垃圾邮件并使用字典或蛮力黑客进行黑客入侵。

11. WebSpamProtect.com

WebSpamProtect.com allows you to instantly add verification image (CAPTCHA) to your web site and protect your forms against spam robots.



This form processor (or form-to-email script) is intended to collect data from an HTML form and send it to a specified email address. It works with any kind of HTML forms and you can use it multiple times on your pages.

该表单处理器(或表单到电子邮件脚本)旨在从HTML表单收集数据并将其发送到指定的电子邮件地址。 它适用于任何类型HTML表单,您可以在页面上多次使用它。

13. Captcha ASP脚本

The main idea of a Captcha test (completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart) is to prevent automated form submission. This project is a very short VB Script source code, which let’s you generate gif, jpg or png images with text which most people can easily read and enter to a form field, but automated computer program cannot.

Captcha测试(完全自动化的公共Turing测试以区分计算机和人类)的主要思想是防止自动提交表单。 该项目是一个非常简短的VB脚本源代码,可让您生成带有文本的gif,jpg或png图像,大多数人可以轻松地阅读并输入到表单字段,但是自动化计算机程序则不能。

14. Floresense的验证码控制

Floresense’s Captcha control is a flexible, multi-option captcha control for .NET


15. u229

A CAPTCHA Solution Built With Classic ASP, CSS And Javascript.



Simply put, Text Disguise is a Human Interactive Proof. What is a Human Interactive Proof? It is a method of telling human users apart from computers (or, also known as “bots”). By presenting a CAPTCHA-image to a user, it requires that a living, breathing, thinking person be at the keyboard – interacting with your web site.

简而言之,文本伪装是一种人机交互证明。 什么是人机交互证明? 这是一种告诉人类用户除计算机(或也称为“机器人”)之外的方法。 通过向用户提供验证码图像,需要活着,有呼吸能力,有思想的人在键盘上–与您的网站进行交互。

结论 (Conclusion)

And this is not all, image and graphic captcha’s is good of course. But more human methods can be very useful too, as example:

这还不是全部,图像和图形验证码当然很好。 但是,更多的人工方法也可能非常有用,例如:

* math captcha 1, * math captcha 2

*数学验证码1 , *数学验证码2

* logic text captcha, so you even can ask something and await correct answer

*逻辑文本验证码 ,因此您甚至可以提出一些问题并等待正确的答案

* video captcha – this is new great methods

*视频验证码 –这是新的好方法

Commonly, what else? Any what you can imagine – some photo-based toys, any games, sound-based, all what can separate human and machine!. Hope today’s article was interested.

通常,还有什么? 您可以想象的任何东西–一些基于照片的玩具,任何游戏,基于声音的东西,所有可以将人与机器分开的东西! 希望今天的文章感兴趣。

翻译自: https://www.script-tutorials.com/collection-of-captchas-for-your-website-and-more-about-security/



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