


卡尔曼滤波是一种高效率的递归滤波器(自回归滤波器), 它能够从一系列的不完全及包含噪声的测量中,估计动态系统的状态。卡尔曼滤波的一个典型实例是从一组有限的,包含噪声的,对物体位置的观察序列(可能有偏差)预测出物体的位置的坐标及速度。

这种滤波方法以它的发明者鲁道夫.E.卡尔曼(Rudolph E. Kalman)命名,但是根据文献可知实际上Peter Swerling在更早之前就提出了一种类似的算法。

斯坦利.施密特(Stanley Schmidt)首次实现了卡尔曼滤波器。卡尔曼在NASA埃姆斯研究中心访问时,发现他的方法对于解决阿波罗计划的轨道预测很有用,后来阿波罗飞船的导航电脑便使用了这种滤波器。 关于这种滤波器的论文由Swerling (1958)、Kalman (1960)与 Kalman and Bucy (1961)发表。

目前,卡尔曼滤波已经有很多不同的实现.卡尔曼最初提出的形式现在一般称为简单卡尔曼滤波器。除此以外,还有施密特扩展滤波器、信息滤波器以及很多Bierman, Thornton 开发的平方根滤波器的变种。也许最常见的卡尔曼滤波器是锁相环,它在收音机、计算机和几乎任何视频或通讯设备中广泛存在。











  1. x(n)是状态向量,包含了观测的目标(如:位移、速度)
  2. u(n)是驱动输入向量,如上面的运动过程是通过受力驱动产生加速度,所以u(n)和受力有关
  3. A是状态转移矩阵,其隐含指示了“n-1时刻的状态会影响到n时刻的状态(这似乎和马尔可夫过程有些类似)”
  4. B是控制输入矩阵,其隐含指示了“n时刻给的驱动如何影响n时刻的状态”


  5. w(n)是过程噪声,w(n)~N(0,Q)的高斯分布,过程噪声是使用卡尔曼滤波器时一个重要的量,后面会进行分析。

















#include "stdafx.h"
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>  using namespace std;
using namespace cv;// This video stablisation smooths the global trajectory using a sliding average window
//const int SMOOTHING_RADIUS = 15; // In frames. The larger the more stable the video, but less reactive to sudden panning
const int HORIZONTAL_BORDER_CROP = 20; // In pixels. Crops the border to reduce the black borders from stabilisation being too noticeable.  // 1. Get previous to current frame transformation (dx, dy, da) for all frames
// 2. Accumulate the transformations to get the image trajectory
// 3. Smooth out the trajectory using an averaging window
// 4. Generate new set of previous to current transform, such that the trajectory ends up being the same as the smoothed trajectory
// 5. Apply the new transformation to the video  struct Trajectory
{Trajectory() {}Trajectory(double _x, double _y, double _a) {x = _x;y = _y;a = _a;}// "+"  friend Trajectory operator+(const Trajectory &c1, const Trajectory  &c2){return Trajectory(c1.x + c2.x, c1.y + c2.y, c1.a + c2.a);}//"-"  friend Trajectory operator-(const Trajectory &c1, const Trajectory  &c2){return Trajectory(c1.x - c2.x, c1.y - c2.y, c1.a - c2.a);}//"*"  friend Trajectory operator*(const Trajectory &c1, const Trajectory  &c2){return Trajectory(c1.x*c2.x, c1.y*c2.y, c1.a*c2.a);}//"/"  friend Trajectory operator/(const Trajectory &c1, const Trajectory  &c2){return Trajectory(c1.x / c2.x, c1.y / c2.y, c1.a / c2.a);}//"="  Trajectory operator =(const Trajectory &rx){x = rx.x;y = rx.y;a = rx.a;return Trajectory(x, y, a);}double x;double y;double a; // angle
int main(int argc, char **argv)
{// For further analysis  ofstream out_transform("prev_to_cur_transformation.txt");ofstream out_trajectory("trajectory.txt");ofstream out_smoothed_trajectory("smoothed_trajectory.txt");ofstream out_new_transform("new_prev_to_cur_transformation.txt");//    ofstream out_trajectory("trajectory.txt");VideoCapture cap("my.avi");assert(cap.isOpened());Mat cur, cur_grey;Mat prev, prev_grey;cap >> prev;//get the first frame.ch  prev.copyTo(cur);cvtColor(prev, prev_grey, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);// Step 1 - Get previous to current frame transformation (dx, dy, da) for all frames  // Accumulated frame to frame transform  double a = 0;double x = 0;double y = 0;// Step 2 - Accumulate the transformations to get the image trajectory  vector <Trajectory> trajectory; // trajectory at all frames  //  // Step 3 - Smooth out the trajectory using an averaging window  vector <Trajectory> smoothed_trajectory; // trajectory at all frames  Trajectory X;//posteriori state estimate  Trajectory  X_;//priori estimate  Trajectory P;// posteriori estimate error covariance  Trajectory P_;// priori estimate error covariance  Trajectory K;//gain  Trajectory  z;//actual measurement  double pstd = 4e-3;//can be changed  4e-3double cstd = 0.25;//can be changed  0.25/*他们被假设成高斯白噪声(White Gaussian Noise),他们的covariance 分别是Q,R(这里我们假设他们不随系统状态变化而变化)它们值的选取很重要, 一般要通过实验统计得到,它们分布代表了状态空间估计的误差和测量的误差。。  */Trajectory Q(pstd, pstd, pstd);// process noise covariance  Trajectory R(cstd, cstd, cstd);// measurement noise covariance   // Step 4 - Generate new set of previous to current transform, such that the trajectory ends up being the same as the smoothed trajectory   // Step 5 - Apply the new transformation to the video  //cap.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 0);  Mat T(2, 3, CV_64F); //vert_border是图像稳像后大约要剪切的边缘大小,其是与HORIZONTAL_BORDER_CROP成比例的,其实可以随意int vert_border = HORIZONTAL_BORDER_CROP * prev.rows / prev.cols; // get the aspect ratio correct  //VideoWriter outputVideo("compare.avi", CV_FOURCC('M', 'P', '4', '2'), 20, cvSize(prev.rows, prev.cols), 1);IplImage*srcimg;srcimg = &IplImage(prev);CvVideoWriter*outputVideo;//这里的VideoWriter其实是可以用的,是自己定义图像cvSize(prev.rows, prev.cols)时值要与图像大小一致,否则制作的视频没用outputVideo = cvCreateVideoWriter("camera.avi", CV_FOURCC('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'), 20, cvGetSize(srcimg));int k = 1;//获得图像总帧数int max_frames = cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT);Mat last_T;Mat prev_grey_, cur_grey_;int framecoun = 0;while (cur.data != NULL) {cvtColor(cur, cur_grey, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);framecoun++;// vector from prev to cur  vector <Point2f> prev_corner, cur_corner;vector <Point2f> prev_corner2, cur_corner2;vector <uchar> status;vector <float> err;//要记得参数的意义,200代表检测角点的个数,0.01代表角点的质量,一般0.4,越大质量越好,30角点间的像素距离goodFeaturesToTrack(prev_grey, prev_corner, 200, 0.01, 30);calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prev_grey, cur_grey, prev_corner, cur_corner, status, err);// weed out bad matches  for (size_t i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {if (status[i]) {prev_corner2.push_back(prev_corner[i]);cur_corner2.push_back(cur_corner[i]);}}// translation + rotation only  其是使用RANsc算法,故有噪声点也能很好的选取代表点Mat T = estimateRigidTransform(prev_corner2, cur_corner2, false); // false = rigid transform, no scaling/shearing  // in rare cases no transform is found. We'll just use the last known good transform.  /*这里是为了防止程序崩掉,也可以用来在当检测的点个数达不到estimateRigidTransform要求的3个点时,进行使用上次的值,不至于崩掉*/if (T.data == NULL) {last_T.copyTo(T);}T.copyTo(last_T); // decompose T  double dx = T.at<double>(0, 2);double dy = T.at<double>(1, 2);double da = atan2(T.at<double>(1, 0), T.at<double>(0, 0));//prev_to_cur_transform.push_back(TransformParam(dx, dy, da));  out_transform << k << " " << dx << " " << dy << " " << da << endl;  // Accumulated frame to frame transform  x += dx;//这里是使用主运动来稳像y += dy;a += da;out_trajectory << k << " " << x << " " << y << " " << a << endl;z = Trajectory(x, y, a);//  if (k == 1){// intial guesses  X = Trajectory(0, 0, 0); //Initial estimate,  set 0  P = Trajectory(1, 1, 1); //set error variance,set 1  }else{//time update(prediction)//记住A矩阵代表着状态矢量与测量矢量之间的关系,一般一个测量矢量就要有两个状态矢量分别为:X,delt_X //一般X与delt_X有关,delt_X与X无关,即构造矩阵时X的那一行有两个1,delt_X的那一行只有一个1.X_ = X; //X_(k) = X(k-1);  P_ = P + Q; //P_(k) = P(k-1)+Q;  // measurement update(correction)  K = P_ / (P_ + R); //gain;K(k) = P_(k)/( P_(k)+R );  X = X_ + K*(z - X_); //z-X_ is residual,X(k) = X_(k)+K(k)*(z(k)-X_(k));   P = (Trajectory(1, 1, 1) - K)*P_; //P(k) = (1-K(k))*P_(k);  }//smoothed_trajectory.push_back(X);  out_smoothed_trajectory << k << " " << X.x << " " << X.y << " " << X.a << endl;//-  // target - current  diff_x是估计的主运动与现实的主运动之间的差值,这里把其当做偏差值double diff_x = X.x - x;//  double diff_y = X.y - y;double diff_a = X.a - a;dx = dx + diff_x; //进行真正的运动矫正dy = dy + diff_y;da = da + diff_a;out_new_transform << k << " " << dx << " " << dy << " " << da << endl;//  T.at<double>(0, 0) = cos(da);T.at<double>(0, 1) = -sin(da);T.at<double>(1, 0) = sin(da);T.at<double>(1, 1) = cos(da);T.at<double>(0, 2) = dx;T.at<double>(1, 2) = dy;Mat cur2;warpAffine(prev, cur2, T, cur.size());//cur2 = cur2(Range(vert_border, cur2.rows - vert_border), Range(HORIZONTAL_BORDER_CROP, cur2.cols - HORIZONTAL_BORDER_CROP));// Resize cur2 back to cur size, for better side by side comparison  //resize(cur2, cur2, cur.size());srcimg = &IplImage(cur2);cvWriteFrame(outputVideo, srcimg);// Now draw the original and stablised side by side for coolness  //把图像现实在同一个画布上Mat canvas = Mat::zeros(cur.rows, cur.cols * 2 + 10, cur.type());prev.copyTo(canvas(Range::all(), Range(0, cur2.cols)));cur2.copyTo(canvas(Range::all(), Range(cur2.cols + 10, cur2.cols * 2 + 10)));// If too big to fit on the screen, then scale it down by 2, hopefully it'll fit :)  if (canvas.cols > 1920) {resize(canvas, canvas, Size(canvas.cols / 2, canvas.rows / 2));}    imshow("before and after", canvas);waitKey(10);//  prev = cur.clone();//cur.copyTo(prev);  cur_grey.copyTo(prev_grey);cout << "Frame: " << k << "/" << max_frames << " - good optical flow: " << prev_corner2.size() << endl;k++;cap >> cur;}cvReleaseVideoWriter(&outputVideo);return 1;



只有一个自由度,角度,所以还是1维的。还是一个匀速运动,建立匀速运动模型,设定状态变量x = [x1, x2] = [角度,角速度]

#include "opencv2/video/tracking.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;//计算相对窗口的坐标值,因为坐标原点在左上角,所以sin前有个负号
static inline Point calcPoint(Point2f center, double R, double angle)
{return center + Point2f((float)cos(angle), (float)-sin(angle))*(float)R;
}static void help()
{printf("\nExamle of c calls to OpenCV's Kalman filter.\n""   Tracking of rotating point.\n""   Rotation speed is constant.\n""   Both state and measurements vectors are 1D (a point angle),\n""   Measurement is the real point angle + gaussian noise.\n""   The real and the estimated points are connected with yellow line segment,\n""   the real and the measured points are connected with red line segment.\n""   (if Kalman filter works correctly,\n""    the yellow segment should be shorter than the red one).\n""\n""   Pressing any key (except ESC) will reset the tracking with a different speed.\n""   Pressing ESC will stop the program.\n");
}int main(int, char**)
{help();Mat img(500, 500, CV_8UC3);KalmanFilter KF(2, 1, 0);                                    //创建卡尔曼滤波器对象KF  Mat state(2, 1, CV_32F);                                     //state(角度,△角度)  Mat processNoise(2, 1, CV_32F);Mat measurement = Mat::zeros(1, 1, CV_32F);                 //定义测量值  char code = (char)-1;for (;;){//1.初始化  randn(state, Scalar::all(0), Scalar::all(0.1));          //  KF.transitionMatrix = *(Mat_<float>(2, 2) << 1, 1, 0, 1);  //转移矩阵A[1,1;0,1]      //将下面几个矩阵设置为对角阵 (H)其一般设为1 setIdentity(KF.measurementMatrix);                             //测量矩阵H  // wk 是过程噪声,并假定其符合均值为零,协方差矩阵为Qk(Q)的多元正态分布;  setIdentity(KF.processNoiseCov, Scalar::all(1e-5));            //系统噪声方差矩阵Q  //vk 是观测噪声,其均值为零,协方差矩阵为Rk,且服从正态分布;     setIdentity(KF.measurementNoiseCov, Scalar::all(1e-1));        //测量噪声方差矩阵R  setIdentity(KF.errorCovPost, Scalar::all(1));                  //后验错误估计协方差矩阵P  randn(KF.statePost, Scalar::all(0), Scalar::all(0.1));          //x(0)初始化  for (;;){Point2f center(img.cols*0.5f, img.rows*0.5f);          //center图像中心点  float R = img.cols / 3.f;                                //半径  double stateAngle = state.at<float>(0);                //跟踪点角度  Point statePt = calcPoint(center, R, stateAngle);     //跟踪点坐标statePt  //2. 预测  Mat prediction = KF.predict();                       //计算预测值,返回x'  double predictAngle = prediction.at<float>(0);          //预测点的角度  Point predictPt = calcPoint(center, R, predictAngle);   //预测点坐标predictPt  //3.更新  //measurement是测量值  randn(measurement, Scalar::all(0), Scalar::all(KF.measurementNoiseCov.at<float>(0)));     //给measurement赋值N(0,R)的随机值  // generate measurement  measurement += KF.measurementMatrix*state;  //z = Vk + H*x;  double measAngle = measurement.at<float>(0);Point measPt = calcPoint(center, R, measAngle);// plot points  //定义了画十字的方法,值得学习下
#define drawCross( center, color, d )                                 \  line(img, Point(center.x - d, center.y - d), \Point(center.x + d, center.y + d), color, 1, CV_AA, 0); \line(img, Point(center.x + d, center.y - d), \Point(center.x - d, center.y + d), color, 1, CV_AA, 0)img = Scalar::all(0);drawCross(statePt, Scalar(255, 255, 255), 3);drawCross(measPt, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3);drawCross(predictPt, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 3);line(img, statePt, measPt, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3, CV_AA, 0);line(img, statePt, predictPt, Scalar(0, 255, 255), 3, CV_AA, 0);//调用kalman这个类的correct方法得到加入观察值校正后的状态变量值矩阵  if (theRNG().uniform(0, 4) != 0)KF.correct(measurement);//不加噪声的话就是匀速圆周运动,加了点噪声类似匀速圆周运动,因为噪声的原因,运动方向可能会改变  randn(processNoise, Scalar(0), Scalar::all(sqrt(KF.processNoiseCov.at<float>(0, 0))));   //vk  /*这里的是为了上面的measurement做准备,因为其是使用了下图中的状态方程和测量方程一起搭配使用其中的measurement就是测量量,即Zk,*/state = KF.transitionMatrix*state + processNoise;imshow("Kalman", img);code = (char)waitKey(100);if (code > 0)break;}if (code == 27 || code == 'q' || code == 'Q')break;}return 0;


<span style="font-size:18px;">#include "opencv2/video/tracking.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;  const int winHeight=600;
const int winWidth=800;  Point mousePosition= Point(winWidth>>1,winHeight>>1);  //mouse event callback
void mouseEvent(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void *param )
{  if (event==CV_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE) {  mousePosition = Point(x,y);  }
}  int main (void)
{  RNG rng;  //1.kalman filter setup  const int stateNum=4;                                      //状态值4×1向量(x,y,△x,△y)  const int measureNum=2;                                    //测量值2×1向量(x,y)    KalmanFilter KF(stateNum, measureNum, 0);     KF.transitionMatrix = *(Mat_<float>(4, 4) <<1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1);  //转移矩阵A  setIdentity(KF.measurementMatrix);                                             //测量矩阵H  setIdentity(KF.processNoiseCov, Scalar::all(1e-5));                            //系统噪声方差矩阵Q  setIdentity(KF.measurementNoiseCov, Scalar::all(1e-1));                        //测量噪声方差矩阵R  setIdentity(KF.errorCovPost, Scalar::all(1));                                  //后验错误估计协方差矩阵P  rng.fill(KF.statePost,RNG::UNIFORM,0,winHeight>winWidth?winWidth:winHeight);   //初始状态值x(0)  Mat measurement = Mat::zeros(measureNum, 1, CV_32F);                           //初始测量值x'(0),因为后面要更新这个值,所以必须先定义  namedWindow("kalman");  setMouseCallback("kalman",mouseEvent);  Mat image(winHeight,winWidth,CV_8UC3,Scalar(0));  while (1)  {  //2.kalman prediction  Mat prediction = KF.predict();  Point predict_pt = Point(prediction.at<float>(0),prediction.at<float>(1) );   //预测值(x',y')  //3.update measurement  measurement.at<float>(0) = (float)mousePosition.x;  measurement.at<float>(1) = (float)mousePosition.y;          //4.update  KF.correct(measurement);  //draw   image.setTo(Scalar(255,255,255,0));  circle(image,predict_pt,5,Scalar(0,255,0),3);    //predicted point with green  circle(image,mousePosition,5,Scalar(255,0,0),3); //current position with red          char buf[256];  sprintf_s(buf,256,"predicted position:(%3d,%3d)",predict_pt.x,predict_pt.y);  putText(image,buf,Point(10,30),CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SCRIPT_COMPLEX,1,Scalar(0,0,0),1,8);  sprintf_s(buf,256,"current position :(%3d,%3d)",mousePosition.x,mousePosition.y);  putText(image,buf,cvPoint(10,60),CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SCRIPT_COMPLEX,1,Scalar(0,0,0),1,8);  imshow("kalman", image);  int key=waitKey(3);  if (key==27){//esc     break;     }         }



http://blog.csdn.net/GDFSG/article/details/50904811 圆周与鼠标使用opencv例程

http://blog.csdn.net/xiahouzuoxin/article/details/39582483 卡尔曼滤波器的感性理解

卡尔曼滤波器的理解,C代码实现,和opencv里面KalmanFilter 的使用相关推荐

  1. ad 卡尔曼_对Kalman(卡尔曼)滤波器的理解

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  2. 【理解】Kalman卡尔曼滤波器 附pythonmatlab代码

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  7. 卡尔曼滤波器1——递归算法(笔记篇 + 代码实现)

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  8. kalman filter卡尔曼滤波器- 数学推导和原理理解-----网上讲的比较好的kalman filter和整理、将预测值和观测值融和...

    = 参考/转自: 1 ---https://blog.csdn.net/u010720661/article/details/63253509 2----http://www.bzarg.com/p/ ...

  9. SLAM14讲学习笔记(十五)卡尔曼滤波器的直观理解

    之前在SLAM14讲学习笔记(六)后端(最难一章:卡尔曼滤波器推导.理解以及扩展)中,介绍了卡尔曼滤波器的推导. 但是感觉不太直观,因此这次用了几个简单的图,希望能一目了然卡尔曼滤波器是在干什么. 先 ...

  10. 【信号处理】基于扩展卡尔曼滤波器和无迹卡尔曼滤波器的窄带信号时变频率估计(Matlab代码实现)

    目录 1 概述 2 数学模型 3 运行结果 4 结论 5 参考文献 6 Matlab代码实现 1 概述 本文讲解和比较了基于卡尔曼滤波器的频率跟踪方法的能力,例如扩展卡尔曼滤波器 (EKF) 和无味卡 ...


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