
I'm trying to implement this algorithm in Javascript.

Given a string s. Return all the words vertically in the same order in which they appear in s.

Words are returned as a list of strings, complete with spaces when is necessary. (Trailing spaces are not allowed).

Each word would be put on only one column and that in one column there will be only one word.

Input: s = "TO BE OR NOT TO BE"

Output: ["TBONTB","OEROOE"," T"]

Explanation: Trailing spaces is not allowed.



" T"

My solution:

var printVertically = function(s) {

let ans = [];

if(s === null || s.length === 0)

return ans;

let arr = s.split(" ");

let biggest = 0;

for(let i=0; i

if(arr[i].length > biggest)

biggest = arr[i].length;


let getBigWord = false;

while(arr.length !== 0) {

let word = arr.shift().split("");

if(!getBigWord && word.length === biggest)

getBigWord = true;

for(i=0; i

if(ans.length <= i)

ans[i] = word[i] === undefined ? " " : word[i];

else if(word[i] !== undefined) {

ans[i] += word[i];

} else if(!getBigWord) {

ans[i] += " ";




return ans;


For the input above, it works. However, if I change the input the solutions doesn't work. For example:


Output: ["CIC","OSO","N M","T I","E N","S G","T"]

My output will be: ["CIC","OSO","NM","TI","EN","SG","T"]

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?



Basically, this is a series of simple operations:

Split the string into words.

Create a matrix (2d array). The longest word in the string is the height (row count) of the matrix and the length of the number of strings is the width (column count).

Put the words in the string into the array rotated, that is, swap i and js where i is the row and j is the column.

Join and trim the right side of each row.

const verticize = s => {

const words = s.split(/\s+/);

return [...Array(Math.max(...words.map(e => e.length)))]

.map((_, i) =>


.map((_, j) => words[j][i] || " ").join("").trimEnd());


console.log(verticize("CONTEST IS COMING"));


You're never resetting the value of getBigWord so it's not working properly once you've seen a big word. Also it does not look like it would work properly for multiple big words.

This seems to work better:

var printVertically = function(s) {

let ans = [];

if(s === null || s.length === 0)

return ans;

let arr = s.split(" ");

let biggest = 0;

for(let i=0; i

if(arr[i].length > biggest)

biggest = arr[i].length;


while(arr.length !== 0) {

let word = arr.shift().split("");

let getBigWord = false

if(word.length === biggest) {

getBigWord = true;


for(i=0; i

if(ans.length <= i)

ans[i] = word[i] === undefined ? " " : word[i];

else if(word[i] !== undefined) {

ans[i] += word[i];

} else if(!getBigWord) {

ans[i] += " ";




for(i = 0; i < ans.length; i++) {

// Modern version :

// ans[i] = ans[i].trimRight();

ans[i] = ans[i].replace(/\s+$/g, "");


return ans;


I need to trim at the end to avoid extra spaces


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