该课程从零基础-专家级使用和精通Mysql数据库,可从事Mysql DBA工程师职位。



















Suggested Prerequisite

Basic computer literacy

Previous experience with any command-line program

Knowledge of database conceptsAudience

Application Developers

Database Administrators

Database Administrators

Database Designers

Database Designers


Course Objectives

Describe the features and benefits of MySQL

Explain the basics of relational databases

Design an effective database

Issue MySQL statements from the mysql command-line client

Perform database operations by using MySQL Workbench

Select appropriate data types for your database

Build a database and tables by using SQL

Modify the structure of your database

Create indexes and keys

Add or update database data

Query data with SELECT statements

Join data from multiple tables

Use built-in MySQL functions

Export and import database data

Explain database transactions

Gain an understanding on the MySQL Cloud Service

The MySQL Fundamentals training is the first step in mastering MySQL, the world's most popular open source database. Develop solid understanding and practical experience using relational databases, SQL and the MySQL Server and tools.In this course, you will be introduced to the MySQL Cloud Service.

Learn To:

Explain the relational database model.

Describe the features and benefits of MySQL.

Install and configure the MySQL server and clients.

Design efficient databases.

Use Structured Query Language (SQL) to build your database and query data.

Employ appropriate MySQL tools.

Gain an understanding on the MySQL Cloud Service.

Benefits to You

This course will teach you everything you need to know to start using the incredibly popular MySQL database in your Web, Cloud and embedded applications. In learning about MySQL you will also gain an understanding of relational databases in general, learning how to design your database so it's robust and efficient. Furthermore, you will harness that power by learning SQL and using it to build databases, populate them with data and query that data through extensive hands-on practices.

Manage Your MySQL Database

In addition to covering core concepts, this course introduces you to more advanced tools and techniques to help you manage your MySQL database and data. At the end of the course, you will be confident in your ability to use the MySQL database and put your new skills to work.

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