
  • Word Preparation
    • tourist trap: 旅游圈套
    • pricey: 价格高的
    • beautiful landscape: 美丽风景
    • topmost: 最高的
    • fresh air: 新鲜空气
    • the entire population: 人口总数
  • Grammar
    • special questions (特殊疑问句)

Word Preparation

tourist trap: 旅游圈套

a place that provides entertainment and things for tourists to buy at high prices

Be careful when you visit the marketplace, because it might be a tourist trap.

This place is a tourist trap because many vendors sell things at a high price.

pricey: 价格高的

having a high price

priceless是 “无价的”,表示非常珍贵,同义词是 invaluable / valuable (这两个词都表示贵重的)。
valueless是 “无价值的”,表示不值钱的,无用的,同义词是 worthless。

This phone works very well, but it was really pricey.

I would like to buy a new car, but I’m looking for something that’s not too pricey.

beautiful landscape: 美丽风景

an attractive area of land

China has a variety of beautiful landscapes and wildlife.

My uncle is a photographer who likes to take photos of places with beautiful landscapes.

topmost: 最高的

nearest to the top or most favored
topmost的反义词(antonyms)包括:bottom-most, lowermost, undermost等
其他关联的词汇:left-most 和 right-most

It might take two days to reach the topmost part of this mountain.

I have never been to the topmost part of this building.

fresh air: 新鲜空气

air outside that is considered clean

Let’s go on a camping trip where we can get some fresh air.

Teresa left the house to get some fresh air.

the entire population: 人口总数

the number of people in a geographic area

The entire population of this city is no more than 105,000 people.

The entire population of this country is not even one percent of China’s population.


special questions (特殊疑问句)

对某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。常用的特殊疑问词有:what, who, whose, which, when, where, how, why等。

  1. 当特殊疑问词做主语时(即对主语进行提问),此时语序与陈述句语序一致。例如,Who saw you?
  2. 对其它成分做出提问时,特殊疑问句的构成是 特殊疑问词 + be/助动词/情态动词 + 主语 + 谓语。例如,Who did you see at the cafe?
  • How many people saw you there? (对主语提问)
  • Where is the restaurant? (对地点提问)
  • Why does she want to leave? (对原因提问)
  • How long did you stay there? (对时长提问)

注:与特殊疑问句相对的是 一般疑问句,即general questions,也叫 yes-no questions,表示使用Yes或者No回答。

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