2012-11-03 wcdj


#-*- coding: gbk -*-


# 20121003 wcdj

# FindFilev0.1

# 遍历目录和搜索文件中的关键字


# import module

import os

import sys

import cmd

# test

#print os.listdir('e:\\')

print "Beg"

print sys.argv

class Tool(cmd.Cmd):

def __init__(self):

cmd.Cmd.__init__(self)# initialize the base class

self.pathname = "e://"

self.dirname = "test"

self.prompt = "(FindFile)>"

self.intro = '''FindFilev0.1 usage:

set # set dir and path parameters

export # export result file

find keyword # set finding keyword

? # help

exit # exit current program, or use Ctrl+D(UNIX)|Ctrl+Z(Dos/Windows)


def help_exit(self):

print "quits the program"

def do_exit(self, line):

print "bye !"


def help_set(self):

print "set parameter program used"

def do_set(self, choice):

print "default para is: "

print "pathname: '%s'" %self.pathname

print "dirname: '%s'" %self.dirname

choice = raw_input("Do you wanna change? y/n")

if choice == "y":

self.pathname = raw_input("input pathname: ")

self.dirname = raw_input("input dirname: ")

print "set pathname as: '%s'" %self.pathname

print "set dirname as: '%s'" %self.dirname

def help_find(self):

print "set finding keyword"

def do_find(self, keyword):

if keyword == "":

keyword = raw_input("input finding keyword: ")

print "set finding keyword as: '%s'" %keyword

GrepFromTxt(self.pathname + self.dirname, keyword)

print "find over !"

def help_export(self):

print "export result file"

def do_export(self, para):

print "pathname: '%s'" %self.pathname

print "dirname: '%s'" %self.dirname

WriteDirList(self.pathname + self.dirname, "output.txt")

print "export over !"

# write file lists in according path

def WriteDirList(path, file):

export = ""

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):

export += "\n%s %s %s" %(root, dirs, files)

open(file, "w").write(export)

# grep keyword from txt type file only

def GrepFromTxt(path, keyword):

filelist = os.listdir(path)

bFind = ""

print filelist

for file in filelist:

if ".txt" in file:

curfile = open(path + "//" + file)

print "finding %s..." %(curfile)

for line in curfile.readlines():

if keyword in line:

print line

bFind = "true"

if bFind != "true":

print "find nothing !"


# start


if __name__ == '__main__':

cdc = Tool()


print "End" 输出格式: e://test ['2', '3'] ['code_test.c', '\xd0\xc2\xbd\xa8 \xce\xc4\xb1\xbe\xce\xc4\xb5\xb5.txt'] e://test\2 [] ['code_test.c'] e://test\3 [] ['aa.txt']


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