
by Jordan Harper

乔丹·哈珀(Jordan Harper)

情感设计的必要兴起 (The necessary rise of emotional design)

One of the best bits of future gazing I’ve read in the last six months was Jason Calacanis’ proposal that Airpods are Apple’s Best Product Since the iPad. You should read it (once you’ve read this, obviously) but to précis: in a world where AI and conversational interfaces can perform tasks as effectively and seamlessly as we currently do with our stubby little fingers and touchscreens, then an Airpod (or similar) is all we’ll actually need to execute most of the functional tasks we use our screens for today.

在过去六个月中,我读到的关于未来的最好评论之一是Jason Calacanis的建议,即Airpods是自iPad以来苹果最好的产品 。 你应该看它(一旦你读这个,很明显),但内容提要 :在这个世界上,AI和对话接口,可以执行任务,有效,无缝地为我们目前与我们的粗短的小手指和触摸屏,那么Airpod做(或类似)是我们执行当今使用屏幕的大多数功能任务所需的全部。

And that world is not far away.


Google’s Hector Ouilhet gave one of the most interesting talks I saw at SXSW Interactive 2017, The Future of Conversational UI. He envisages a very near future where, rather than simply doing what they’re told, our voice assistants — be they powered by Google, Amazon, Apple or Samsung — are smart enough to learn from the past, intuit our needs and start doing things for us on a regular basis as well as just providing us with information.

Google的Hector Ouilhet做了我在SXSW Interactive 2017上看到的最有趣的演讲之一,即“对话UI的未来” 。 他设想在不久的将来,我们的语音助手(无论是由Google,Amazon,Apple还是Samsung提供支持)将不仅仅是过去的工作,而且它们会足够聪明地吸取过去的经验,了解我们的需求并开始做事定期为我们提供服务,以及为我们提供信息。

“OK Google, I’ve been invited to talk at SXSW again next year.”


“Great, shall I book the same flights and hotel as last year?”


“That’d be great.”


“Perfect, I’ll send you the boarding pass and your reservation details in a minute. I’ll also order you a taxi for when you arrive and book a table at that great BBQ place you enjoyed last year. Sound good?”

“完美,我将在一分钟内将登机牌和您的预订详细信息发送给您。 我还将为您定点出租车,以便您到达时在去年喜欢的烧烤地点预订餐桌。 听起来不错?”

Sounds pretty great to me. If this seems like a long way away or far fetched prediction of how quickly these services will evolve, remember Dator’s Second Law:

对我来说听起来很棒。 如果对于这些服务的发展速度似乎还有很长的路要走或遥不可及,请记住Dator的第二定律 :

Any useful idea about the futures should appear to be ridiculous.


为人类设计 (Designing for humans)

So making functional design smart, seamless and screenless is a huge deal that could transform the way we interact with technology — and the execution of functional design will largely be away from screens and any form of human interaction outside of language and conversation.


At the opposite end of the scale, we have the kind of design that demands human attention and engagement in order to deliver joy and satisfaction, often without a mandated purpose or end result. Or to give it its common name: game design.

在规模的另一端,我们的设计需要人们的关注和参与,以便交付喜悦和满足感,而往往没有强制性的目的或最终结果。 或者给它起一个通用的名字:游戏设计。

Behavioural design specialist Yu-kai Chou gave another of my favourite talks at SXSW 2017, explaining his theory of Actionable Gamification: a detailed framework that can be used to analyse gamification techniques used by anything we humans interact with, be it apps, social networks, games and even marketing campaigns.


Game designers are masters at what Chou calls Human Focused Design, that is, designing experiences to satisfy the human brain. While gamification is too often used as a mechanism to try and make a dull experience more sticky, successful game design starts with the game mechanics that get our neurons firing, not the promise of a particularly tangible end result.

游戏设计师是Chou所谓的“以人为本”的大师,即设计满足人类大脑的体验。 尽管游戏化经常被用作试图使沉闷的体验变得更加粘稠的机制,但成功的游戏设计始于使我们的神经元发动的游戏机制,而不是最终取得切实结果的承诺。

功能设计与情感设计 (Functional vs emotional design)

So in the near future, we’re likely to see the discipline of ‘digital design’ split down the middle: on one hand, computational designers creating personalised, conversational and adaptable functional design frameworks, making our lives easier and less taxing by taking advantage of developments in conversational UI and artificial intelligence.

因此,在不久的将来,我们很可能会看到“数字设计”的学科分裂到中间:一方面, 计算机设计人员创建了个性化,对话性和适应性强的功能设计框架,从而通过利用优势使我们的生活更加轻松,省却了很多税费对话式用户界面和人工智能的发展趋势。

On the other hand: anything we interact with on a screen or that is designed to capture attention and engagement will need to be designed more like a game or an art installation than a functional user experience.


艺术与设计 (Art and design)

Just as I was finishing writing this piece, I happened to be listening to an episode of Adam Buxton’s brilliant podcast, in which he interviews Brian Eno.

就在我写完这篇文章的同时,我正好听着亚当·布克斯顿(Adam Buxton)出色的播客的一集,其中他采访了Brian Eno 。

The conversation drifts in a fascinating direction, where we find our heroes talking about why art is important (as opposed to science or more classically ‘productive’ activities).


Eno tells us that he’s come to define art as anything you don’t have to do, and that art can be thought of as any area of our lives where we engage in non-functional stylisation — from symphonies and Cezannes, to cake decoration and funny ways of walking. He also argues that art and these ‘non-functional’ activities serve a valuable purpose for us as a species: we know that children learn primarily through play, it’s how they come to understand the world, and that as we get older, we play through art.

伊诺告诉我们,他是来定义艺术的事情你不必做的,艺术可以为我们的生活,我们从事非功能性的程式化的任何区域被认为是-从交响乐和塞尚,蛋糕装饰有趣的步行方式。 他还认为,艺术和这些“非功能性”活动对我们这个物种而言是一个宝贵的目的:我们知道孩子们主要通过玩耍来学习,这是他们了解世界的方式,随着年龄的增长,我们玩耍通过艺术。

Whether you call it art, applied creativity, gaming or emotional design — creating experiences that satisfy and stimulate the human brain is the most effective way of learning, teaching and — to borrow a phrase from Marie Kondo — sparking joy in our lives.

无论您将其称为艺术,应用创造力,游戏还是情感设计-创建满足并刺激人脑的体验都是学习,教学的最有效方法,并且-从玛丽·近藤 ( Marie Kondo)借用一句话-在我们的生活中激发欢乐。

As conversational interfaces, increasing automation and artificial intelligence combine to help perform our functional needs more seamlessly and efficiently than ever before, designing for humans will become more and more like art.


It’s funny to think that after a decade or more of interactive design drifting towards usability, functional user experience and optimising journeys for speed and simplicity, it may be an artist’s talent for creating emotionally resonant, playful and game-like experiences that could be most important for anything designed for screens in the near future.


Thanks for taking the time to read my rambling thoughts. If you enjoyed it, please recommend, share, hit me up on twitter or respond if you want to keep the conversation going!

感谢您抽出宝贵的时间阅读我的漫漫想法。 如果您喜欢它,请推荐,分享, 在Twitter上打我,或者如果您想继续进行下去,请回复!




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