Series.str.split(pat=None, n=-1, expand=False)
pat : 字符串,默认使用空白分割.
n : 整型,默认为-1,既使用所有的分割点分割
expand : 布尔值,默认为False.如果为真返回数据框(DataFrame)或复杂索引(MultiIndex);如果为假,返回序列(Series)或者索引(Index).
return_type : 弃用,使用spand参数代替
split : 参考expand参数


Property Description
year The year of the datetime
month The month of the datetime
day The days of the datetime
hour The hour of the datetime
minute The minutes of the datetime
second The seconds of the datetime
microsecond The microseconds of the datetime
nanosecond The nanoseconds of the datetime
date Returns datetime.date (does not contain timezone information)
time Returns datetime.time (does not contain timezone information)
dayofyear The ordinal day of year
weekofyear The week ordinal of the year
week The week ordinal of the year
dayofweek The numer of the day of the week with Monday=0, Sunday=6
weekday The number of the day of the week with Monday=0, Sunday=6
weekday_name The name of the day in a week (ex: Friday)
quarter Quarter of the date: Jan=Mar = 1, Apr-Jun = 2, etc.
days_in_month The number of days in the month of the datetime
is_month_start Logical indicating if first day of month (defined by frequency)
is_month_end Logical indicating if last day of month (defined by frequency)
is_quarter_start Logical indicating if first day of quarter (defined by frequency)
is_quarter_end Logical indicating if last day of quarter (defined by frequency)
is_year_start Logical indicating if first day of year (defined by frequency)
is_year_end Logical indicating if last day of year (defined by frequency)
is_leap_year Logical indicating if the date belongs to a leap year
import pandas as pd
df=pd.read_excel("C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/New Microsoft Excel 工作表.xlsx")#读取工作表
df["Property"],df["Description"]=df["Property Description"].str.split(" ",n=1).str#按第一个空格分割
df.drop("Property Description",axis=1,inplace=True)#删除原有的列
df.to_csv("C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/New Microsoft Excel 工作表.csv",index=False)#保存为csv,并删除索引


Property Description
year The year of the datetime
month The month of the datetime
day The days of the datetime
hour The hour of the datetime
minute The minutes of the datetime
second The seconds of the datetime
microsecond The microseconds of the datetime
nanosecond The nanoseconds of the datetime
date Returns datetime.date (does not contain timezone information)
time Returns datetime.time (does not contain timezone information)
dayofyear The ordinal day of year
weekofyear The week ordinal of the year
week The week ordinal of the year
dayofweek The numer of the day of the week with Monday=0, Sunday=6
weekday The number of the day of the week with Monday=0, Sunday=6
weekday_name The name of the day in a week (ex: Friday)
quarter Quarter of the date: Jan=Mar = 1, Apr-Jun = 2, etc.
days_in_month The number of days in the month of the datetime
is_month_start Logical indicating if first day of month (defined by frequency)
is_month_end Logical indicating if last day of month (defined by frequency)
is_quarter_start Logical indicating if first day of quarter (defined by frequency)
is_quarter_end Logical indicating if last day of quarter (defined by frequency)
is_year_start Logical indicating if first day of year (defined by frequency)
is_year_end Logical indicating if last day of year (defined by frequency)
is_leap_year Logical indicating if the date belongs to a leap year

Pandas 文本数据方法 split()rsplit()相关推荐

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