
24 Dec, 2008, 2:37AM


472.78 KB  JAR

> 400,000 下载次数

Anyview is a free ebook reader for mobile phones. Anyview is

written in Java, therefore should run on any phone that

supports Java, and supports the JSR-75 standard.

It is known to run successfully on more than 100 phone

models from SonyEricsson, Motorola, and Nokia.

Anyview has 继续阅读

Anyview is a free ebook reader for mobile phones. Anyview is

written in Java, therefore should run on any phone that

supports Java, and supports the JSR-75 standard.

It is known to run successfully on more than 100 phone

models from SonyEricsson, Motorola, and Nokia.

Anyview has following features

It can read files of type TXT, HTML, PDB and UMD comic

format as well as display GIF, JPEG and PNG files.

Can handle UTF-8, GB2312 and Unicode - so can display

Spanish and other language texts.

Fully touch screen enabled (for those phones with touch screens)

Very fast and responsive

Can open files directly from your phone - no need to add text file

into jar file (as you have to do with most other ebook readers)

Has great page turning capability - you use 2/8 keys (or touch page)

for page scroll and 4/6 keys (or use joystick) for line scroll.

You can also turn on automatic scrolling.

Has Search, Jump to and bookmark features - everything you

would expect of an ebook reader.

It supports reading directly from ZIP files - so your ebooks can

take up less space on your phone.

Provides flexible customization capabilities with more than 50

user-customizable settings such as font size, colors, screen

layout, etc. These preferences can be saved in Settings files

and you can set up multiple settings files for use with

different document types.


Anyview is not a commercial product, but was was developed

in her spare time over the past 2 years. It has slowly improved

from the initial simple TXT reader of Release 0.2 to the current 3.1

version which can handle many different file formats. Originally

written to only work on E680/A780 phones, it now works on

hundreds of models. Many friends have given me encouragement

and advice with this development effort with the result that I

believe that Anyview is now the best ebook reader available

for Java enabled phones.

Copy the fairy.jar file to the memory card in your phone

Click on the fairy.jar file to install the application. The application

MUST BE installed on your memory card not the phone -

otherwise it will not work correctly.

Before you can use it you must change the permissions of

the app to allow it to read and write files from the phone's file

system. This is done by editing the registry.txt file associated

with Anyview. You do this as follows

[These instructions are for a Motorola A1200. The location

of the registry.txt file may differ on your phone]

After installing Anyview, plug the phone into the PC

Using windows explorer navigate to

\.system\java\DownloadApps\MIDletXXXX on your SD card where

MIDletXXXX is the last directory in DownloadApps in alphabetic

ascending order.

Make a copy of the file registry.tx (in case you need to recover original file)

Edit the file registry.txt with a editor compatible with unix (eg wordpad).

Do not use MS Word or Notepad! (Be sure the file has a line saying


Anyview.jar - if not, you are in the wrong directory)

Change the values to these ones

- DRM-Mode


- Is-Trusted


- Domain


Save the file and disconnect from PC

Go to the apps icon and hold the stylus until popup menu appears.

Select Manage --> Change permission

Click OK (no need to change anything - that just forces

new permissions to take effect)

The app should now be able to read and write files.


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