
__packed typedef struct
{                                           uint16_t year;  //年份uint8_t month;  //月份uint8_t date;   //日期uint8_t hour;   //小时uint8_t min;    //分钟uint8_t sec;    //秒钟


void UTC_to_BJtime(nmea_time*    utc_time, int8_t    timezone)
{int year,month,day,hour;int lastday = 0;                  //last day of this monthint lastlastday = 0;           //last day of last monthyear     = utc_time->year;           //utc timemonth  = utc_time->month;day      = utc_time->date;hour   = utc_time->hour + timezone; if(month==1 || month==3 || month==5 || month==7 || month==8 || month==10 || month==12){lastday = 31;if(month == 3){if((year%400 == 0)||(year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0))             //if this is lunar yearlastlastday = 29;elselastlastday = 28;}if(month == 8)lastlastday = 31;}else if(month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11){lastday = 30;lastlastday = 31;}else{lastlastday = 31;if((year%400 == 0)||(year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0))lastday = 29;elselastday = 28;}if(hour >= 24){                  // if >24, day+1hour -= 24;day += 1; if(day > lastday){       // next month,  day-lastday of this monthday -= lastday;month += 1;if(month > 12){        //  next year , month-12month -= 12;year += 1;}}}if(hour < 0){                                        // if <0, day-1hour += 24;day -= 1; if(day < 1){                     // month-1, day=last day of last monthday = lastlastday;month -= 1;if(month < 1){           // last year , month=12month = 12;year -= 1;}}}// transfer value to NMEA_result.local_timeNMEA_result.local_time.year  = year;NMEA_result.local_time.month = month;NMEA_result.local_time.date  = day;NMEA_result.local_time.hour  = hour;NMEA_result.local_time.min  = utc_time->min;NMEA_result.local_time.sec  = utc_time->sec;


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