


Why is it so hard to get something about Unix.


The mistake is that programmers treat the source code as everything. But the world is not made up of source code!

In addition to the code, but also the spirit. Yes, what you need to live is not code, but thought.

Code doesn’t matter. Live and make love!

Let’s go!

Some people say that in 1969 there was a virus, Unix. The Unix virus now seems to be lurking in the shadows. The real virus is Linux. I used to love Linux, but now it’s getting a little annoying.

One morning last week, I posted a PengYouQuan(I think this word belongs to tencent):




I’m not cursing Linux, and I’m just trying to get to know some pure Unix, which is clearly not Linux.

Neither the pure old Unix nor Windows is technologically inferior to Linux, and perhaps even more Niubility. But what is it about Linus’s Linux that has dominated the landscape for so long? No one likes a monopoly, but Linux is the real monopoly, and Linus is the one behind it!

Some people say Microsoft created a monopoly, but AT&T is even more so. In my opinion, Linux beats both of them.

Now the operating system resources on the Internet have almost been Linux refresh, and it seems that there is only one operating system called Linux in the world.

Look at the programmers around you, especially the BAT programmers.

Open source? I don’t think it’s the cause. But it is the most difference! Yes, Open source.

This morning, I saw a tweet from an GongZhongHao called Linux中国:

I responded to this post:


That’s what I’ve always thought. This is a great innovation for Linux. None of the other technical details matter, just happens to be implemented in the Linux kernel.

But programmers don’t seem to like that answer. Probably because most programmers don’t like to learn anything other than programming.

Why Linux has taken the world by storm, and I call it the power of religion.

Before the Linux kernel, only Christianity had a similar effect:
You’re not all in one place, and you’re all over the world, but you’re all doing the same thing.

Non-christian people are not influenced by Christian teachings, but it doesn’t prevent them from reading bible stories, and any half-baked person can pretend to understand the Linux kernel.

Linux is too low a bar, and it belongs to everyone. You can contribute Linux code on a fishing boat in 太湖, though you’ll never know Linus in your life.

Haha, that’s all.

That’s how Linux beats Unix. Now we’re going to look at why did Unix fail.

There is no a certain Unix kernel in the world, and Unix wasn’t really an operating system. Unix became a trademark!

Unix definition specification.

Your system is called Unix as long as it conforms to the Unix specification and you pay the money to buy one that proves that it does.

Unix is a of operating systems family, not a separate operating system like Linux.

If you must find a Unix kernel, look no further than Unix v6 or earlier. As for the later versions, sorry, either the original System V or the various HP-UX, AIX, BSD, Solaris derivatives are either closed source or completely different!

Unix actually broke up after 1973! It was like the Roman empire. It died. It became a soul.

  • The division of Unix left the original ideas of Unix unimplemented.
  • System V IPC limited Unix’s focus to the mainframe.
  • BSD socket interface is strange.

Beginning in 1973, bell LABS gradually lost full control of Unix. By 1983, several events had taken place almost at the same time:

  • TCP/IP
  • System V release
  • BSD socket
  • I. myself

Let’s take a look at how these things are related:

  1. The release of System V as a commercial Unix version, accompanied by the sale of specialized hardware, made System V more likely to become a host operating System.
  2. TCP/IP desperately needs a Unix interface, and System V’s STREAM is starting to compete with the just-released BSD socket. TCP/IP is difficult to abstract into any of Unix’s first three broad categories of files. Unix ideas are being tested.
  3. BSD does not have IPC mechanism in socket, but applications like cu need IPC mechanism.【这个是我从另一篇国外的博客看到的,而不是原始论文】
  4. BSD socket can not only serve as the interface of TCP/IP networking applications, but also serve as an IPC. IPC is no longer limited to the internal host.
  5. I was born, so I can write this article now.

That’s pretty much it. By 1983, the Unix world was pretty much a mess.

Xie te! Faking!

What else do you expect from Unix?

What can you expect Unix to bring to programmers, to programmers who are nothing but dirt and dirt except programming?

Programmers know nothing but programming. Unix can’t direct specific programming. Programmers, however, don’t care about ideas.

Besides programmers, there are wall painters.

Linux attracts a lot of rabble with low barriers to entry. Everyone understands the Linux kernel source, and very few can debug.

I’m just talking about China. What about foreign countries? I don’t know

Yesterday morning, I sent a PengYouQuan:

一个dis命令就看到了地址a,再一个l *a就看到了源码。。。简单的问题到此就结束了,你还会再去查寄存器查引用图吗?同样的简单问题如果是windows,你就必须继续debug。

I replied to my friend’s message:

昨天我定位个crash,开搞前还抽根烟来点仪式感。。。。下载debuginfo并安装花了三五分钟,然后bt,dis,l *就结束了,奶奶的,无奈,要是这玩意儿不开源或者我不熟悉代码,还能多玩一会儿呢

I’m a masochist. And then?

I don’t know if I made myself clear. Maybe I don’t even know what I’m talking about. What’s the difference between Unix and Linux?

Any answer to this question is hard to convince a programmer. Because programmers don’t care about anything but programming.

Do programmers understand ideas that have nothing to do with technology? No.

一句话概述,Linux和Unix的最大不同就是, Linux用实践贯彻了开源的精神。



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