
To do some research on sorting, I hauled one of the big, dusty Excel books off my shelf, to see if there were any scintillating sorting secrets to uncover. Under Sorting, I saw "rank calculations" so I turned to that page, to see what it said about calculating rank in Excel.

为了对分类进行一些研究,我从书架上拖了一大本尘土飞扬的Excel书籍,以查看是否有任何令人发指的分类秘密。 在“排序”下,我看到了“排名计算”,因此转到该页面,查看它在Excel中如何计算排名。

The referenced page explained the RANK function, and included this warning, "Be sure the data set is sorted in either ascending or descending order." Hmmm...I'd never heard that before, and a quick check in Excel's Help proved that statement was wrong – the data set does NOT have to be sorted. Whew! I've been doing it right all along.

参考页解释了RANK功能,并包含以下警告:“确保数据集按升序或降序排序。” 嗯...我以前从未听说过,快速检查一下Excel的“帮助”证明该语句是错误的-不必对数据集进行排序。 ew! 我一直都在做。

您是否使用RANK功能? (Do You Use the RANK Function?)

Maybe you use the RANK function every day, but I rarely need it. If I want to see which products have the highest prices, or which students have the best scores, I'd probably just sort the list.

也许您每天都使用RANK功能,但我很少需要它。 如果我想查看哪些产品的价格最高,或者哪些学生的分数最高,我可能只需对列表进行排序即可。

But now that I was in Excel Help anyway, I decided to learn a bit more about the RANK function. Maybe it has exciting features and hidden tricks to discover. (No, I hadn't been drinking, I'm just optimistic.)

但是现在无论如何我都在Excel Help中,所以我决定进一步了解RANK函数。 也许它具有令人兴奋的功能和隐藏的窍门。 (不,我没喝酒,我只是乐观。)

RANK功能基础 (RANK Function Basics)

If you give the RANK function a number, and a list of numbers, it will tell you the rank of that number in the list, either in ascending or descending order.


For example, here's a list of 10 student test scores, in cells B2:B11. To find the rank of the score in cell B2, enter this formula in cell C2:

例如,这是在单元格B2:B11中列出的10个学生考试成绩的列表。 要在单元格B2中找到分数的排名,请在单元格C2中输入以下公式:


= RANK(B2,$ B $ 2:$ B $ 11)

There are 3 arguments for the RANK function:


  • number: in this example, the number to rank is in cell B2

    number :在此示例中,要排名的数字在单元格B2中

  • ref: We want to compare the number to the list of numbers in cells $B$2:$B$11. I used an absolute reference, so the referenced range will stay the same when we copy the formula down to the cells below

    ref :我们要将数字与$ B $ 2:$ B $ 11单元格中的数字列表进行比较。 我使用了绝对引用,因此当我们将公式复制到下面的单元格时,引用范围将保持不变

  • order: (optional) Use zero, or leave this argument empty, to find the rank in the list in descending order. For ascending order, type a 1, or any other number except zero. I left this blank, to find the rand in descending order. If you were comparing golf scores, you could type a 1, to rank in ascending order.

    order :(可选)使用零,或将此参数保留为空,以降序查找列表中的排名。 对于升序,请键入1或除零以外的任何其他数字。 我将此空白留空,以按降序查找randint。 如果您要比较高尔夫成绩,则可以输入1以升序排列。

I copied the formula down to cell C11, and the scores were ranked in descending order, as promised.


带有领带的RANK功能 (RANK Function With Ties)

What happens to the ranking if some of the scores are tied? I was going to use the Olympics as an example, but it looks like every sport has different rules, so that won't work!

如果某些分数并列,排名会怎样? 我将以奥运会为例,但看起来每项运动都有不同的规则,所以这行不通!

In our example, if I change cell B7 to 43, it's tied with cell B3. Both cells are now ranked as 2, and it doesn't affect any of the other rankings. The score of 32 is still 4th, not 3rd, because there are 3 scores ahead of it.

在我们的示例中,如果我将单元格B7更改为43,则它将与单元格B3绑定在一起。 这两个单元格现在都排名为2,并且不会影响其他任何排名。 32分的得分仍然是4,而不是3,因为前面还有3分。

So, if you were handing out awards to the top students,
