


1.1 内存解剖



1.2 内存访问错误

相对用户使用的语言,动态内存的申请一般由malloc/new来完成,释放由free/delete完成。基本的原则可以总结为:一对一,不混用。也就是说一个malloc必须对应一且唯一的free;new对应一且唯一的delete; malloc不能和delete, new不能和free对应。另外在C++中要注意delete和delete[]的区别。delete用来释放单元变量,delete[]用来释放数组等集聚变量。有关这方面的详细信息可以参考[C++Adv]。



1   #include <iostream>
2   using namespace std;
3   int main(){
4      char* str1="four";
5      char* str2=new char[4]; //not enough space
6      char* str3=str2;
7      cout<<str2<<endl;    //UMR
8      strcpy(str2,str1);   //ABW
9      cout<<str2<<endl;  //ABR
10     delete str2;
11     str2[0]+=2;    //FMR and FMW
12     delete str3; //FFM
13   }

由以上的程序,我们可以看到:在第5行分配内存时,忽略了字符串终止符"/0"所占空间导致了第8行的数组越界写(Array Bounds Write)和第9行的数组越界读(Array Bounds Read); 在第7行,打印尚未赋值的str2将产生访问未初始化内存错误(Uninitialized Memory Read);在第11行使用已经释放的变量将导致释放内存读和写错误(Freed Memory Read and Freed Memory Write);最后由于str3和str2所指的是同一片内存,第12行又一次释放了已经被释放的空间 (Free Freed Memory)。


1.3 内存使用错误




IBM Rational PurifyPlus是一组程序运行时的分析软件。她包括了程序性能瓶颈分析软件Quantify, 程序覆盖面分析软件PureCoverage,和本文的主角:程序运行错误分析软件Purify。Purify可以发现程序运行时的内存访问,内存泄漏和其他难以发现的问题。


2.1 Purify的原理

程序运行时的分析可以采用多种方法。Purify使用了具有专利的目标代码插入技术(OCI:Object Code Insertion)。她在程序的目标代码中插入了特殊的指令用来检查内存的状态和使用情况。这样做的好处是不需要修改源代码,只需要重新编译就可以对程序进行分析。


参见本文中以上给出的代码,在程序第5行执行后,str2处于黄色状态。当在第7行进行读的时候,系统就会报告一个访问未初始化内存错误(Uninitialized Memory Read)。因为只有在绿色状态下,内存才可以被合法访问。


2.2 Purify的使用





        CC=purify gcc
all: pplusdemo
pplusdemo: pplusdemo.o$(CC) -o pplusdemo pplusdemo.o -lstdc++
pplusdemo.o: pplusdemo.cpp$(CC) -g -c -w pplusdemo.cpp
clean:-rm pplusdemo pplusdemo.o



    ****  Purify instrumented ./pplusdemo (pid 30669)  ****
UMR: Uninitialized memory read:* This is occurring while in:strlen         [rtlib.o]std::basic_ostream< char,std::char_traits< char>> & std::operator<<<std::char_traits< char>>(std::basic_ostream< char,std::char_traits<char>> &, char const *) [libstdc++.so.5]main           [pplusdemo.cpp:7]__libc_start_main [libc.so.6]_start         [crt1.o]* Reading 1 byte from 0x80b45e0 in the heap.* Address 0x80b45e0 is at the beginning of a malloc'd block of 4 bytes.* This block was allocated from:malloc         [rtlib.o]operator new( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]operator new []( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]main           [pplusdemo.cpp:5]__libc_start_main [libc.so.6]_start         [crt1.o]
****  Purify instrumented ./pplusdemo (pid 30669)  ****
ABW: Array bounds write:* This is occurring while in:strcpy         [rtlib.o]main           [pplusdemo.cpp:8]__libc_start_main [libc.so.6]_start         [crt1.o]* Writing 5 bytes to 0x80b45e0 in the heap (1 byte at 0x80b45e4 illegal).* Address 0x80b45e0 is at the beginning of a malloc'd block of 4 bytes.* This block was allocated from:malloc         [rtlib.o]operator new( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]operator new []( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]main           [pplusdemo.cpp:5]__libc_start_main [libc.so.6]_start         [crt1.o]
****  Purify instrumented ./pplusdemo (pid 30669)  ****
ABR: Array bounds read:* This is occurring while in:strlen         [rtlib.o]std::basic_ostream< char,std::char_traits< char>> & std::operator<<<std::char_traits< char>>(std::basic_ostream< char,std::char_traits<char>> &, char const *) [libstdc++.so.5]main           [pplusdemo.cpp:9]__libc_start_main [libc.so.6]_start         [crt1.o]* Reading 5 bytes from 0x80b45e0 in the heap (1 byte at 0x80b45e4 illegal).* Address 0x80b45e0 is at the beginning of a malloc'd block of 4 bytes.* This block was allocated from:malloc         [rtlib.o]operator new( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]operator new []( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]main           [pplusdemo.cpp:5]__libc_start_main [libc.so.6]_start         [crt1.o]
****  Purify instrumented ./pplusdemo (pid 30669)  ****
FMM: Freeing mismatched memory:* This is occurring while in:operator delete( void *) [rtlib.o]main           [pplusdemo.cpp:10]__libc_start_main [libc.so.6]_start         [crt1.o]* Attempting to free block at 0x80b45e0 in the heap.* Address 0x80b45e0 is at the beginning of a malloc'd block of 4 bytes.* This block was allocated from:malloc         [rtlib.o]operator new( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]operator new []( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]main           [pplusdemo.cpp:5]__libc_start_main [libc.so.6]_start         [crt1.o]* This block of memory was obtained using an allocation routine which isnot compatible with the routine by which it is being freed.
****  Purify instrumented ./pplusdemo (pid 30669)  ****
FMR: Free memory read:* This is occurring while in:main           [pplusdemo.cpp:11]__libc_start_main [libc.so.6]_start         [crt1.o]* Reading 1 byte from 0x80b45e0 in the heap.* Address 0x80b45e0 is at the beginning of a freed block of 4 bytes.* This block was allocated from:malloc         [rtlib.o]operator new( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]operator new []( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]main           [pplusdemo.cpp:5]__libc_start_main [libc.so.6]_start         [crt1.o]* There have been 0 frees since this block was freed from:free           [rtlib.o]_ZdLpV         [libstdc++.so.5]main           [pplusdemo.cpp:10]__libc_start_main [libc.so.6]_start         [crt1.o]
****  Purify instrumented ./pplusdemo (pid 30669)  ****
FMW: Free memory write:* This is occurring while in:main           [pplusdemo.cpp:11]__libc_start_main [libc.so.6]_start         [crt1.o]* Writing 1 byte to 0x80b45e0 in the heap.* Address 0x80b45e0 is at the beginning of a freed block of 4 bytes.* This block was allocated from:malloc         [rtlib.o]operator new( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]operator new []( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]main           [pplusdemo.cpp:5]__libc_start_main [libc.so.6]_start         [crt1.o]* There have been 0 frees since this block was freed from:free           [rtlib.o]_ZdLpV         [libstdc++.so.5]main           [pplusdemo.cpp:10]__libc_start_main [libc.so.6]_start         [crt1.o]
****  Purify instrumented ./pplusdemo (pid 30669)  ****
FUM: Freeing unallocated memory:* This is occurring while in:free           [rtlib.o]_ZdLpV         [libstdc++.so.5]main           [pplusdemo.cpp:12]__libc_start_main [libc.so.6]_start         [crt1.o]* Attempting to free block at 0x80b45e0 already freed.* This block was allocated from:malloc         [rtlib.o]operator new( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]operator new []( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]main           [pplusdemo.cpp:5]__libc_start_main [libc.so.6]_start         [crt1.o]* There have been 1 frees since this block was freed from:free           [rtlib.o]_ZdLpV         [libstdc++.so.5]main           [pplusdemo.cpp:10]__libc_start_main [libc.so.6]_start         [crt1.o]
****  Purify instrumented ./pplusdemo (pid 30669)  ****
Current file descriptors in use: 5
FIU: file descriptor 0: <stdin>
FIU: file descriptor 1: <stdout>
FIU: file descriptor 2: <stderr>
FIU: file descriptor 26: <reserved for Purify internal use>
FIU: file descriptor 27: <reserved for Purify internal use>
****  Purify instrumented ./pplusdemo (pid 30669)  ****
Purify: Searching for all memory leaks...
Memory leaked: 0 bytes (0%); potentially leaked: 0 bytes (0%)
Purify Heap Analysis (combining suppressed and unsuppressed blocks)Blocks        BytesLeaked          0            0Potentially Leaked          0            0In-Use          0            0----------------------------------------Total Allocated          0            0
****  Purify instrumented ./pplusdemo (pid 30669)  ***** Program exited with status code 0.* 7 access errors, 7 total occurrences.* 0 bytes leaked.* 0 bytes potentially leaked.* Basic memory usage (including Purify overhead):290012 code152928 data/bss6816 heap (peak use)7800 stack

我们对照程序可以发现Purify查出了程序中所有的错误。对于每个错误,她不但给出了源代码的位置还指出这些内存最初分配的源代码位置。这对于查找问题提供了很大帮助。对于程序12行的解释,Purify将其认为是不匹配的内存释放(FMM: Freeing mismatched memory),因为她认为这样的释放方式不符合严格的规定。


2.3 Purify的一些特性


  • 观察点(Watchpoint):通过在程序或者调试器中调用Purify 提供的观察点函数,Purify可以报告有关被观察对象的读写或其他操作。
  • 与Rational其他产品的集成:在Puify的用户界面中可以方便地进入ClearCase和ClearQuest。Purify还可以和PureCoverage同时使用,对程序进行分析。
  • Purify的定制:无论是Purify报告中的消息,还是界面中的元素,都可以进行一定程度的定制。另外通过修改配置文件和调用Purify API,用户还可以自动记录运行日志,发送电子邮件等。
  • Purify提供的API:为了更好地把Purify融合到自动化测试的体系中,Purify提供了一系列的公开函数。用户完全可以通过脚本的方式自动运行,记录,和分析Purify。



当使用C/C++进行开发时,采用良好的一致的编程规范是防止内存问题第一道也是最重要的措施。在此前提下,IBM Rational Purify作为一种运行时分析软件可以很好地帮助您发现忽略的内存问题,或成为软件自动测试中的一个重要组成部分。



[DEV205] Essentials of Rational PurifyPlus
[Purify] IBM Rational PurifyPlus for Linux and UNIX Documentation





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