So valuable is water resource that weshould protect it.

So expensive is the fee of internationaltour that many people can not afford it.

There is no denying that…

It is an undeniable fact that…

There is no denying that South Americancountries made great contribution to the development of human beings’civilization.

It is an undeniable fact that theinformation technology industry has provided a substantial source of income formany countries.

The main (major, primary) cause / reason of…liein …

The main cause of (species extinction)actually lies in the urbanization.

The primary reason of racial discriminationactually lies in the human nature.

A has (have) an impact (effect / influence)on B

A has (have) beneficial / positive /favorable effect (impact / influence) on B

Exercises has great beneficial impact ondepression.

A has (have) harmful / negative /detrimental impact (effect / influence) on B

Gambling has a negative impact on oursociety.

It is universally acknowledged that…

Where there is a will, there is a way.

It is universally acknowledged that wherethere is a will, there is a way.

Human beings will never fail to achievegreater success in science and technology.

An advantage of eating an apple a day isthat it can help you to keep fit.

An advantage of using the solar energy isthat it will not create (produce) any pollution.

Terrorism poses a great threat to the peaceof the world.

The sand storm poses a great threat to ourexistence.

The problem of … is becoming increasinglysevere ( grave / serious)

The problem of forest disappearance isbecoming increasingly severe.

A is an indispensable part of B

Mobile phone has been an indispensable partof our life, and it has been exerting profound influence on the way we work andplay.

I will never forget this lecture.

I discussed with Bush then got thisconclusion.

I should make ceaseless efforts.

I investigated and found now more and morepeople would like to stay at home and surf the Internet.

This lecture will be firmly rooted in mymind.

Discussion led Bush and me to theconclusion.

Ceaseless efforts on the part of me are certainlyrequired.

According to my investigation, anincreasing number of people prefer to stay at home and surf the Internet.

We almost forget the 9.11 tragedy.

The 9.11 tragedy had almost been faded inour memory.

Many people are complaining China’sextensive shortage of energy.

China’sextensive shortage of energy is the source of great complaint.

We are getting more and more workloads inthis rapid-paced world.

The rapid-paced world has always beenimposing increasing workloads on us.

People often discuss the possibility thatrenewable resources will replace the fossil fuels.

Discussions spring up as to the possibilitythat renewable resources will replace the fossil fuels.

For the majority of people who have alreadyretired, reading has become the source of happiness in their life.

For people who want to adopt a healthy andmeaningful life style, it is important to find time to learn certain newknowledge.

With the development of urbanization, manyvillages are becoming increasingly crowded.

With the rapid growth of population, theamount of materials used has increased at an alarming rate.

Without one hundred percent hard work,achieving success is impossible.

Without historic buildings, a lot of citieswould lose their culture image or even their identity.

Just as water is indispensable to fish, sois you to my life.

Just as water is indispensable to fish, sois steal(钢铁) to thedevelopment of car industry.

Except differences on political problems, China and theU.S.A share many interests in common in the foreign trade area.

The differences between the Chinese youthand Japanese youth lie in their cultures and personalities.

The greatest difference between a man whosucceeds and one who does not lies in the way each treats opportunities.

否定 rarely,scarcely, seldom, hardly, few

A horror movie will not frighten me anymore.

Rarely will a horror movie frighten me anymore.

Seldom will a chemical factory beestablished without polluting the living space of our city’s inhabitants.

On no account / at no time / in no place

On no account should we admire thosepoliticians blindly.

At no time has our country been moreprosperous than at present.

Playing online games is one of the mostpopular entertainments shared by people of different ages, including children,teenagers, adults or even the old generation.

Advertising refers to presentinginformation relating to a product or service by a variety of media, includingtelevision, radio, newspapers, magazines and so forth.

Overworking is linked to lots of adversehealth effects, including headaches anxiety, profound fatigue and many otheroccupational diseases.

It is generally believed that movies canreflect people’s way of life in a country, including dresses, languages, andmanners.

To car users, listening to the radio whiledriving is an effective mean of gaining the latest information, such as news,weather forecast, stock market and so forth.

The net result of excessive energy use isthat environment problems will become more serious, such as acid rain, thegreenhouse effect, and soil erosion.

It cannot be denied that most of theproblems affecting the natural world such as ozone depletion, deforestations,and species extinction, are by-products of economic growth.

Fashions may vary significantly within asociety according to age, social class, occupation and location.

I am convinced that the government shouldbring forward legislations to outlaw the discrimination of race, gender, ageand disability.

Young people can adapt to a new countrymore easily because they have less fixed ideas, beliefs and personalities.

Self-esteem, self-confidence andself-discipline are all elements that required for one to succeed throughoutlife.

Ethnic tension, cultural diversity andreligious differences are those issues that a multi-ethnic society has toaddress.

The International Red Cross is anorganization.

The International Red Cross is anorganization whose purpose is to help the sick and the needy.

Nanjing is a capital city, which is an attractive place, in which severalimportant kings in Chinese history built their palaces.

TV, one of the most pervasive moderntechnologies, which has entered people’s lives several decades ago, has greatimpact on both our life-style and our thought.

A recent newspaper report which is based ona survey conducted annually among college freshmen states that today’s studentsare “more materialistic and less altruistic” than at any other time.

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