If you’re considering leaving your read-it-later application of choice for greener pastures, you don’t have to start from scratch. Here’s how to move everything from Pocket to Instapaper, or vice versa, without missing a beat.

如果您正在考虑将稍后阅读的应用程序选择用于更绿色的牧场,则不必从头开始。 这是在不丢失节奏的情况下将所有内容从Pocket移至Instapaper或反之亦然的方法。

Why move? Maybe you want to try out a new feature set. Maybe you bought a new ebook reader that has really slick integration with a different service (like Pocket has with Kobo ebook readers, for example). Or maybe you saw the recent announcement that Instapaper premium is now free and you want to take it for a spin.

为什么要移动? 也许您想尝试一个新功能集。 也许您购买了新的电子书阅读器,该电子书阅读器与其他服务的集成非常流畅(例如, Pocket拥有Kobo电子书阅读器 )。 或者,也许您看到了最近宣布的Instapaper高级版现在免费,并且您想试用一下。

At any rate, it’s trivially easy to do if you know where to look in the respective settings menus and options of the services (an area, if you’re a bookmarklet ‘n ebook reader kind of user, you probably don’t spend a lot of time in).

无论如何,如果您知道在服务的各个设置菜单和选项中查找的位置,这很容易做到(一个区域, 如果您是小书签用户 ,您可能不会花很多时间在很多时间)。

如何备份您的口袋文章并将其导入Instapaper (How to Back Up Your Pocket Articles and Import Them to Instapaper)

If you’d like to take Instapaper for a spin, you’ll want to export your Pocket content and bring it with you. To do so visit getpocket.com, log in, and then visit the options menu by clicking on your username and “Options”.

如果您想旋转Instapaper,则需要导出Pocket内容并随身携带。 为此,请访问getpocket.com ,登录,然后通过单击您的用户名和“选项”来访问选项菜单。

Within the resulting Options menu, select “Export” from either the left hand navigation menu or the central column.


In the Export menu click on the link “Export HTML file”. The file will be saved to your computer. There is no limit on the number of articles you can export—you entire catalog of saved Pocket articles will be packaged and downloaded to your computer.

在导出菜单中,单击链接“导出HTML文件”。 该文件将保存到您的计算机。 您可以导出的文章数量没有限制-您保存的Pocket文章的整个目录都将打包并下载到您的计算机中。

File in hand, it’s time to head over to Instapaper. Log into your account and then navigate to the settings menu.

备有文件,现在该前往Instapaper。 登录您的帐户,然后导航到设置菜单。

Scroll down in the Settings menu until you see the “Import” section. Click on “Import from Pocket”.

在“设置”菜单中向下滚动,直到看到“导入”部分。 单击“从Pocket导入”。

You’ll be presented with a file browser, browse to the location of the .HTML file and select it. Click “OK”. Afterwards the import process will start and you’ll be returned to the main Instapaper page with the following message:

您将看到一个文件浏览器,浏览到.HTML文件的位置并选择它。 点击“确定”。 之后,导入过程将开始,您将返回Instapaper主页,显示以下消息:

How many minutes your articles will be available in is dependent on the size of the import pool. If you’re importing years worth of saved articles, expect it to take a few minutes to parse through the file and import them.

您的文章可以显示多少分钟取决于导入池的大小。 如果您要导入价值数年的已保存文章,则期望它花费几分钟来解析文件并进行导入。

Once the import process is over, you can now enjoy all your articles on Instapaper and continue to grow your reading list. While you’re still playing around with your account, now would be a great time to read over the Instapaper help file to familiarize yourself with the different features, how to save articles to the service, and so on.

导入过程结束后,您现在可以在Instapaper上欣赏所有文章,并继续增加阅读清单。 当您仍在使用自己的帐户时,现在是阅读Instapaper帮助文件以熟悉各种功能,如何将文章保存到服务等的好时机。

如何备份Instapaper文章并将其导入口袋 (How to Back Up Your Instapaper Articles and Import Them to Pocket)

In order to jump ship to Pocket, you first need to take a stop at your Instapaper account to grab your content. Unlike Pocket, however, there’s one small hitch in the export process. At the time of this writing, the export process is limited to your last 2,000 saved articles. While this limitation is likely only problematic for a small percentage of users, it’s something to aware of.

为了跳到Pocket,您首先需要在Instapaper帐户中停止以获取您的内容。 但是,与Pocket不同,在导出过程中存在一个小障碍。 在撰写本文时,导出过程仅限于您最近保存的2,000篇文章 。 尽管此限制可能仅对一小部分用户造成问题,但需要注意这一点。

To get start visit instapaper.com, login, click on your username in the upper right corner, and select Settigns (or, you can just jump right to your user settings here).

要开始访问instapaper.com ,请登录,单击右上角的用户名,然后选择Settigns(或者,您可以在此处直接跳到用户设置)。

Inside the settings menu, scroll down to the bottom and look for the “Export” category. Click on the “Download .HTML file” link.

在设置菜单内,向下滚动至底部,然后找到“导出”类别。 点击“下载.HTML文件”链接。

The file will save as “instapaper-export.html”. With the file safely downloaded to your computer, head over to your getpocket.com and log into your (or create a new) account. Once you’re logged into the service, rather than navigate through the Options menu to import your Instapaper files, you need to visit this link directly.

该文件将另存为“ instapaper-export.html”。 将文件安全下载到计算机后,转到您的getpocket.com并登录(或创建一个新的)帐户。 登录服务后,无需直接在“选项”菜单中导航以导入Instapaper文件,而是需要直接访问此链接 。

There, in the import menu, click “Choose File” and browse to the location of the .HTML file you just saved to your computer. Once the file is selected, click “Import”.

在那里,在导入菜单中,单击“选择文件”,然后浏览到刚刚保存到计算机中的.HTML文件的位置。 选择文件后,单击“导入”。

After the import process finishes, you’ll be presented with the following feedback:


Two things of note here. First, we have to hand it to Pocket here. From a user friendliness standpoint, they really nailed it with import splash page. Second, you’ll see a note about how your Instapaper likes weren’t imported because they aren’t a part of the export file you grabbed from Instapaper and you need to content them. We found no information in Instapaper’s help files on the matter, so it really does seem that if you really need those liked articles you’ll need to directly contact Instapaper tech support to get it sorted out.

这里需要注意两件事。 首先,我们必须将其交给此处的Pocket。 从用户友好性的角度来看,他们确实将其与导入初始页面钉在一起。 其次,您会看到有关未导入Instapaper的注释,因为它们不是您从Instapaper抓取的导出文件的一部分,因此您需要使它们满意。 我们没有在Instapaper的帮助文件中找到有关此事的信息,因此,如果确实需要那些喜欢的文章,那么您似乎需要直接与Instapaper技术支持联系以进行整理。

Other than that small caveat though, you can immediately jump right into reading your old articles and storing new ones in Pocket.


Thanks to the magic of standardized file types and the good data citizenship behavior of both Pocket and Instapaper, it’s a snap to switch between the two services provided you have a few minutes of time to dedicate to the effort.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/279144/how-to-import-articles-between-pocket-and-instapaper/


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