Ubuntu下域名服务器bind9 安装与配置

//更新 ubuntu :sudo apt update
//sudo apt-get install bind9 bind9utils bind9-doc dnsutils

//sudo apt-get install bind9-doc
//测试 bind9 是否安装:named -v

//1.4修改防火墙规则允许 bind (53)端口开放sudo ufw allow 53

//sudo nano /etc/bind/named.conf.options

options {
directory “/var/cache/bind”;//目录
auth-nxdomain no; # 按照 RFC1035
// listen-on-v6 { any; };
listen-on port 53 { localhost;; };//设置53为监听端口
allow-query { localhost;; };
forwarders {; };
recursion yes;//轮询

//sudo nano /etc/named.conf.local

zone “example.yours” {
type master;
file “/etc/bind/forward.linuxtechi.local”;

zone “0.168.192.in-addr.arpa” {
type master;
file “/etc/bind/reverse.linuxtechi.local”;

//sudo cp /etc/bind/db.local /etc/bind/forward.example.yours
//sudo nano forward.example.yours

$TTL 604800

@ IN SOA primary.linuxtechi.local. root.primary.linuxtechi.local. (
6 ; Serial
604820 ; Refresh
86600 ; Retry
2419600 ; Expire
604600 ) ; Negative Cache TTL

;Name Server Information
@ IN NS primary.example.yours.

;IP address of Your Domain Name Server(DNS)
primary IN A

;Mail Server MX (Mail exchanger) Record
example.yours. IN MX 10 mail.example.yours.

;A Record for Host names
www IN A
mail IN A

;CNAME Record
ftp IN CNAME www.example.yours.

sudo cp /etc/bind/db.127 /etc/bind/reverse.example.yours
sudo nano /etc/bind/reverse.example.yours

$TTL 604800
@ IN SOA example.yours.root. example.yours. (
21 ; Serial
604820 ; Refresh
864500 ; Retry
2419270 ; Expire
604880 ) ; Negative Cache TTL

;Your Name Server Info
@ IN NS primary.example.yours.
primary IN A

;Reverse Lookup for Your DNS Server
40 IN PTR primary.example.yours.

;PTR Record IP address to HostName
50 IN PTR www.example.yours.
60 IN PTR mail.example.yours.

//sudo systemctl restart bind9
//sudo systemctl enable bind9

sudo named-checkconf /etc/bind/named.conf.local
/sudo named-checkzone example.yours /etc/bind/forward.example.yours
sudo named-checkzone example.yours /etc/bind/reverse.example.yours

sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf

//6.使用 dig 命令测试 DNS
//正向检查 dig primary.example.yours
//反向检查 dig -x xx.xx.xx.xx

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