
  • 1.猜数字
  • 2.石头剪刀布
  • 3.排大小
  • 4.时钟
  • 5.开机启动问候
  • 6.打印国际象棋
  • 7. 打印乘法表
  • 8. 彩色动态管道


#!/bin/bash# 脚本生成一个 100 以内的随机数,提示用户猜数字,根据用户的输入,提示用户猜对了,
# 猜小了或猜大了,直至用户猜对脚本结束。# RANDOM 为系统自带的系统变量,值为 0‐32767的随机数
# 使用取余算法将随机数变为 1‐100 的随机数
echo "$num"# 使用 read 提示用户猜数字
# 使用 if 判断用户猜数字的大小关系:‐eq(等于),‐ne(不等于),‐gt(大于),‐ge(大于等于),
# ‐lt(小于),‐le(小于等于)
while :
do read -p "计算机生成了一个 1‐100 的随机数,你猜: " caiif [ $cai -eq $num ]thenecho "恭喜,猜对了"exitelif [ $cai -gt $num ]thenecho "Oops,猜大了"elseecho "Oops,猜小了"fi


#!/bin/bashgame=(石头 剪刀 布)
computer=${game[$num]}echo "请根据下列提示选择您的出拳手势"
echo " 1. 石头"
echo " 2. 剪刀"
echo " 3. 布 "read -p "请选择 1-3 :" person
echo "      $(($person)) VS $((num+1))"
echo "你:${game[$person-1]} VS 电脑:$computer"
case $person in
1)if [ $num -eq 0 ]then echo "平局"elif [ $num -eq 1 ]thenecho "你赢"else echo "计算机赢"
2)if [ $num -eq 0 ]thenecho "计算机赢"elif [ $num -eq 1 ] thenecho "平局"else echo "你赢"
3)if [ $num -eq 0 ]then  echo "你赢"elif [ $num -eq 1 ]then echo "计算机赢"else echo "平局"
*)echo "必须输入1-3 的数字"


#!/bin/bash# 依次提示用户输入 3 个整数,脚本根据数字大小依次排序输出 3 个数字
read -p " 请输入一个整数: " num1
read -p " 请输入一个整数: " num2
read -p " 请输入一个整数:  " num3# 不管谁大谁小,最后都打印 echo "$num1,$num2,$num3"
# num1 中永远存最小的值,num2 中永远存中间值,num3 永远存最大值
# 如果输入的不是这样的顺序,则改变数的存储顺序,如:可以将 num1 和 num2 的值对调
# 如果 num1 大于 num2,就把 num1 和和 num2 的值对调,确保 num1 变量中存的是最小值
if [ $num1 -gt $num2 ];thentmp=$num1num1=$num2num2=$tmp
# 如果 num1 大于 num3,就把 num1 和 num3 对调,确保 num1 变量中存的是最小值
if [ $num1 -gt $num3 ];thentmp=$num1num1=$num3num3=$tmp
# 如果 num2 大于 num3,就把 num2 和 num3 对调,确保 num2 变量中存的是最小值
if [ $num2 -gt $num3 ];thentmp=$num2num2=$num3num3=$tmp
echo "排序后数据(从小到大)为:$num1,$num2,$num3"


#!/bin/bash# 使用死循环实时显示时间 while :
doecho "当前时间是:$(date +"%Y‐%m‐%d %H:%M:%S")"sleep 1


tips:将该脚本放到 /etc/profile.d/ 路径下用于开机问候

# 根据计算机当前时间,返回问候语,可以将该脚本设置为开机启动 # 00‐12 点为早晨,12‐18 点为下午,18‐24 点为晚上
# 使用 date 命令获取时间后,if 判断时间的区间,确定问候语内容
json=`curl -s http://www.weather.com.cn/data/sk/101010100.html`
#echo $json
city=`echo $json | sed 's/.*city":"//g'| sed 's/","cityid.*$//g'`
temp=`echo $json | sed 's/.*temp":"//g'| sed 's/","WD.*$//g'`
wd=`echo $json | sed 's/.*WD":"//g'| sed 's/","WS.*$//g'`
ws=`echo $json | sed 's/.*WS":"//g'| sed 's/","SD.*$//g'`
tm=$(date +%H)
if [ $tm -le 12 ];thenmsg="Good Morning $USER"
elif [ $tm -gt 12 -a $tm -le 18 ];thenmsg="Good Afternoon $USER"
elsemsg="Good Night $USER"
echo "当前时间是:$(date +"%Y‐%m‐%d %H:%M:%S")"
echo -e "\033[34m$msg\033[0m"
echo 'you are now at '$city','$temp'℃,'$ws$wd'.'


# 打印国际象棋棋盘
# 设置两个变量,i 和 j,一个代表行,一个代表列,国际象棋为 8*8 棋盘
# i=1 是代表准备打印第一行棋盘,第 1 行棋盘有灰色和蓝色间隔输出,总共为 8 列
# i=1,j=1 代表第 1 行的第 1 列;i=2,j=3 代表第 2 行的第 3 列
# 棋盘的规律是 i+j 如果是偶数,就打印蓝色色块,如果是奇数就打印灰色色块
# 使用 echo ‐ne 打印色块,并且打印完成色块后不自动换行,在同一行继续输出其他色块
for i in {1..8}
dofor j in {1..8}dosum=$[i+j]if [  $[sum%2] -eq 0 ];thenecho -ne "\033[46m  \033[0m"elseecho -ne "\033[47m  \033[0m"fidoneecho

7. 打印乘法表

#!/bin/bashfor i in `seq 9`do for j in `seq $i`doecho -n "$i*$j=$[i*j] "doneechodone

8. 彩色动态管道

# The author of the original script is unknown to me. The first entry I can
# find was posted at 2010-03-21 09:50:09 on Arch Linux Forums (doesn't mean the
# poster is the author at all):
#   Post your handy self made command line utilities (Page 37) / Programming & Scripting / Arch Linux Forums
# I, Yu-Jie Lin, made a few changes and additions:
#   -p, -t, -R, and -C
#   Screenshot: http://flic.kr/p/dRnLVj
#   Screencast: http://youtu.be/5XnGSFg_gTk
# And push the commits to Gist:
#   https://gist.github.com/4689307
# I, Devin Samarin, made a few changes and additions:
#   -r can be 0 to mean "no limit".
#   Reset cursor visibility after done.
#   Cleanup for those people who want to quit with ^C
#   Pushed the changes to https://gist.github.com/4725048
#   hole1: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/livibetter/4689307/raw/949e43fe2962c2c97c8b1d974ff93dd053d9bd37/pipes.sh
#   hole2: Fun On The Terminal Part 2p=1
f=75 s=13 r=2000 t=0
w=$(tput cols) h=$(tput lines)
# ab -> idx = a*4 + b
# 0: up, 1: right, 2: down, 3: left
# 00 means going up   , then going up   -> ┃
# 12 means going right, then going down -> ┓
sets=("┃┏ ┓┛━┓  ┗┃┛┗ ┏━""│╭ ╮╯─╮  ╰│╯╰ ╭─""│┌ ┐┘─┐  └│┘└ ┌─""║╔ ╗╝═╗  ╚║╝╚ ╔═"
while getopts "p:t:f:s:r:RCh" arg; do
case $arg inp) ((p=(OPTARG>0)?OPTARG:p));;t) ((OPTARG>=0 && OPTARG<${#sets[@]})) && v="${sets[OPTARG]}";;f) ((f=(OPTARG>19 && OPTARG<101)?OPTARG:f));;s) ((s=(OPTARG>4 && OPTARG<16 )?OPTARG:s));;r) ((r=(OPTARG>=0)?OPTARG:r));;R) RNDSTART=1;;C) NOCOLOR=1;;h) echo -e "Usage: $(basename $0) [OPTION]..."echo -e "Animated pipes terminal screensaver.\n"echo -e " -p [1-]\tnumber of pipes (D=1)."echo -e " -t [0-$((${#sets[@]} - 1))]\ttype of pipes (D=0)."echo -e " -f [20-100]\tframerate (D=75)."echo -e " -s [5-15]\tprobability of a straight fitting (D=13)."echo -e " -r LIMIT\treset after x characters, 0 if no limit (D=2000)."echo -e " -R \t\trandom starting point."echo -e " -C \t\tno color."echo -e " -h\t\thelp (this screen).\n"exit 0;;esac
donecleanup() {tput rmcuptput cnormexit 0
trap cleanup SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERMfor (( i=1; i<=p; i++ )); doc[i]=$((i%8)) n[i]=0 l[i]=0((x[i]=RNDSTART==1?RANDOM*w/32768:w/2))((y[i]=RNDSTART==1?RANDOM*h/32768:h/2))
donetput smcup
tput reset
tput civis
while ! read -t0.0$((1000/f)) -n1; dofor (( i=1; i<=p; i++ )); do# New position:((${l[i]}%2)) && ((x[i]+=-${l[i]}+2,1)) || ((y[i]+=${l[i]}-1))# Loop on edges (change color on loop):((${x[i]}>w||${x[i]}<0||${y[i]}>h||${y[i]}<0)) && ((c[i]=RANDOM%8))((x[i]=(x[i]+w)%w))((y[i]=(y[i]+h)%h))# New random direction:((n[i]=RANDOM%s-1))((n[i]=(${n[i]}>1||${n[i]}==0)?${l[i]}:${l[i]}+${n[i]}))((n[i]=(${n[i]}<0)?3:${n[i]}%4))# Print:tput cup ${y[i]} ${x[i]}[[ $NOCOLOR == 0 ]] && echo -ne "\033[1;3${c[i]}m"echo -n "${v:l[i]*4+n[i]:1}"l[i]=${n[i]}done((r>0 && t*p>=r)) && tput reset && tput civis && t=0 || ((t++))



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