• 1. 尘埃
# <%= ten_munchkins %>​attacks = 0
while attacks < 10:# <%= attackNearest %>enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()if enemy:hero.attack(enemy)# <%= explainIncrement %># <%= incrementHits %>attacks += 1# <%= retreat %>​
hero.moveXY(79, 33)
2. 复查
# <%= kill_ogres %>​
# <%= right_gold %>​# <%= count_ogres %>​
defeatedOgres = 0# <%= while_killed %>​
while defeatedOgres < 6:enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()if enemy:hero.attack(enemy)defeatedOgres += 1else:hero.say("<%= ogres %>")# <%= move_right %>​
hero.moveXY(49, 36)# <%= while_gold %>​
while hero.gold < 30:# <%= collect_coins %>item = hero.findNearestItem()if item:hero.moveXY(item.pos.x, item.pos.y)# <%= move_exit %>​
hero.moveXY(76, 32)
3. 山谷的风与牛
# <%= storm_coming %>​
# <%= collect_while %>​# <%= var_yak %>​
yak = hero.findNearestEnemy()# <%= while_yak %>​
while yak:item = hero.findNearestItem()if item:hero.moveXY(item.pos.x, item.pos.y)# <%= update_yak %># <%= reassign_yak %>yak = hero.findNearestEnemy()# <%= yak_hide %>​
# <%= hide %>​
hero.moveXY(38, 58)
4. 先有付出 才有回报
# <%= run_watch %>​# <%= while_health %>​
while hero.health > 200: # Δ <%= change %>hero.moveXY(48, 24)hero.moveXY(16, 24)
# <%= move_okar %>​
hero.moveXY(32, 40);
5. 沙漠战役
# <%= while_loops %>​ordersGiven = 0
while ordersGiven < 5:# <%= give_orders %>hero.moveXY(hero.pos.x, hero.pos.y - 10)# <%= orders %># <%= nearby %>hero.say("Attack!")# <%= increment %>ordersGiven += 1while True:enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()# <%= join_attack %>if enemy:hero.attack(enemy)
6. 钓鱼
# <%= intro %>​# <%= collect_coins %>​
while hero.gold < 25:coin = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems())if coin:hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y)# <%= build_decoy %>​
hero.buildXY("decoy", 71, 68)# <%= lure_ogres %>​
while hero.health == hero.maxHealth:hero.say("Ogres stink!")# <%= then_retreat %>​
hero.moveXY(22, 15)
7. Spinach Power
# Collect exactly 7 spinach potions.​
# Then you'll be strong enough to defeat the ogres.​potionCount = 0# Wrap the potion collection code inside a while loop.​
# Use a condition to check the potionCount​
while potionCount < 7:item = hero.findNearestItem()if item:hero.moveXY(item.pos.x, item.pos.y)potionCount += 1# When the while loop is finished,​
# Go and fight!​
while True:enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()if enemy:hero.attack(enemy)
8. 团队合作
# <%= hurry %>​# <%= find_items %>​
items = hero.findItems()# <%= get_zero %>​
# <%= index_remind %>​
gem0 = items[0]# <%= bruno_take %>​
hero.say("Bruno " + gem0)# <%= use_without %>​
hero.say("Matilda " + items[1])# <%= assign_var %>​
gem2 = items[2]# <%= take_it %>​
hero.moveXY(gem2.pos.x, gem2.pos.y)
9. Coordinated Defense
# Protect the peasants from the ogres.​while True:# Get an array of enemies.enemies = hero.findEnemies()# If the array is not empty.if len(enemies) > 0:# Attack the first enemy from "enemies" array.hero.attack(enemies[0])# Return to the start position.hero.moveXY(40, 20)
10. Recruiting Queue
# Call peasants one after another.​# Neutral units are detected as enemies.​
neutrals = hero.findEnemies()
while True:if len(neutrals):# Say the first unit in the neutrals arrayhero.say(neutrals[0])else:hero.say("Nobody here")# Reassign the neutrals variable using findEnemies()neutrals = hero.findEnemies()
11. Second Gem
# One gem is safe, the others are bombs.​
# But you know the answer: always take the second.​while True:items = hero.findItems()# If the length of items is greater or equal to 2:if len(items) >= 2:# Move to the second item in itemshero.moveXY(items[1].pos.x, items[1].pos.y)# Else:else:# Move to the center mark.hero.moveXY(40, 34)
12. Sarven 救世主
# 一个数组(Array)就是物品的数列。​# 这个数组是一个朋友名字的数列。​
friendNames = ['Joan', 'Ronan', 'Nikita', 'Augustus']# 数组从零开始计数,不是1!​
friendIndex = 0# 循环该数组中的每一个名字​
# 使用 len()方法来得到列表的长度。​
while friendIndex < len(friendNames):# 使用方括号来获得数组中的名字。friendName = friendNames[friendIndex]# 告诉你的朋友回家。# 使用+来连接两个字符串。hero.say(friendName + ', go home!')# 增加索引来获取数组中的下一个名字friendIndex += 1# 回去建造栅栏让食人魔远离。​
hero.moveXY(22, 30)
hero.buildXY("fence", 30, 30)
13. Bank Raid
# <%= tasks %>​while True:enemies = hero.findEnemies()# <%= var_enemy %>enemyIndex = 0# <%= while_enemy_py %>while enemyIndex < len(enemies):# <%= get_enemy %>enemy = enemies[enemyIndex]hero.attack(enemy)# <%= increase_index_enemy %>enemyIndex += 1coins = hero.findItems()# <%= var_coin %>coinIndex = 0while coinIndex < len(coins):# <%= get_coin %>coin = coins[coinIndex]# <%= collect_it %>hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y)# <%= increase_index_coin %>coinIndex += 1
14. 游魂
# <%= tasks %>​while True:enemies = hero.findEnemies()enemyIndex = 0while enemyIndex < len(enemies):enemy = enemies[enemyIndex]# <%= hit_while %>while enemy.health > 0:hero.attack(enemy)enemyIndex += 1items = hero.findItems()itemIndex = 0# <%= iterate_items %>while itemIndex < len(items):item = items[itemIndex]# <%= while_dist %>        while hero.distanceTo(item) > 2:# <%= try_take %>hero.moveXY(item.pos.x, item.pos.y)# <%= increase_index_item %>itemIndex += 1
15. 潜伏
# <%= find_enemies %>​
# <%= attack_shamans %>​enemies = hero.findEnemies()
enemyIndex = 0# <%= wrap_while %>​
# <%= while_length %>​
while enemyIndex < len(enemies):enemy = enemies[enemyIndex]if enemy.type == 'shaman':while enemy.health > 0:hero.attack(enemy)# <%= increment %>enemyIndex += 1
16. 优待
# 首先,在所有的敌人中循环...​enemies = hero.findEnemies()
enemyIndex = 0
# ...但是仅攻击 'thrower' 类型的敌人。​
while enemyIndex < len(enemies):enemy = enemies[enemyIndex]if enemy and enemy.type == "thrower":hero.attack(enemy)enemyIndex += 1
# 然后再到所有的敌人中循环...​
enemies = hero.findEnemies()
enemyIndex = 0
# ...干掉仍然活着的每个​
while enemyIndex < len(enemies):enemy = enemies[enemyIndex]if enemy:hero.attack(enemy)enemyIndex += 1
17. Sarven 牧羊人
# 使用 while 循环来对付食人魔。​while True:enemies = hero.findEnemies()enemyIndex = 0# 将攻击逻辑放到 while 循环里来攻击所有的敌人。# 3 enemies.lengthwhile enemyIndex < len(enemies):enemy = enemies[enemyIndex]# "!=" 意思是 "不等于"if enemy.type != "sand-yak":# 当敌人的健康值大于0,攻击它!while enemy.health > 0:hero.attack(enemy)enemyIndex += 1# 在两波敌人之间,移动回中央。hero.moveXY(40, 32)
18. 捡闪亮东西的人
# 很快的获取最多的金币​while True:coins = hero.findItems()coinIndex = 0# 把这个封装进循环里枚举所有的硬币while coinIndex < len(coins):coin = coins[coinIndex]# 金币价值3点。if coin.value == 3:# 只捡金币。hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y)coinIndex += 1
19. 掠夺者
# 打几下泡泡人捡走掉出的币​while True:coin = hero.findNearestItem()# 当存在金币时:while coin:# 移动到金币处。hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y)# ‘coin’应该是最近的那枚 捡到手以后要另找一枚最近的coin = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems())enemy = hero.findNearest(hero.findEnemies())if enemy:# 如果敌人还会动while enemy.health > 0:# 就打它hero.attack(enemy)
20. 沙蛇
# 这片区域布满了火焰陷阱。幸好我们之前派出了侦察员,他沿路在地上留下了宝石作为暗号,我们只需要顺着最近的宝石走就能躲过这些陷阱。​# 沙漠峡谷似乎会干扰你使用眼镜的findNearest技能!​
# 你需要自己找到离你最近的宝石。​while True:coins = hero.findItems()coinIndex = 0nearest = NonenearestDistance = 9999# 搜索所有的宝石,找到离你最近的那一颗。while coinIndex < len(coins):coin = coins[coinIndex]coinIndex += 1distance = hero.distanceTo(coin)# 如果宝石与你的距离小于“最近距离(nearestDistance)”if distance < nearestDistance:# 设置该宝石为离你最近的宝石nearest = coin# 设置该距离为“最近距离(nearestDistance)”nearestDistance = distance# 如果找到离你最近的宝石,移动英雄岛宝石的位置。你需要使用moveXY,不需要你抄近路,也不会踩到陷阱。if nearest:hero.moveXY(nearest.pos.x, nearest.pos.y)
21. 奇数沙尘暴
# 这个数组包含朋友和食人魔。​
# 偶数元素是食人魔,奇数元素是伙伴。​
everybody = ['Yetu', 'Tabitha', 'Rasha', 'Max', 'Yazul',  'Todd']
enemyIndex = 0while enemyIndex < len(everybody):# 使用方括号把食人魔的名字从数组中获取出来enemy = everybody[enemyIndex]# 使用变量传入食人魔的名字,攻击它们。hero.attack(enemy)# 每次递增2,来跳过朋友。enemyIndex += 2# 在击败食人魔之后,向绿洲移动。​
hero.moveXY(36, 53)
22. 疯狂的 Maxer
# 优先杀掉最远的敌人。​while True:farthest = NonemaxDistance = 0enemyIndex = 0enemies = hero.findEnemies()# 查看全部敌人,找出最远的那个。while enemyIndex < len(enemies):target = enemies[enemyIndex]enemyIndex += 1# 是不是存在远得看不到的敌人?distance = hero.distanceTo(target)if distance > maxDistance:maxDistance = distancefarthest = targetif farthest:# 干掉最远的敌人!# 如果敌人血量大于0就保持攻击。while farthest.health > 0:hero.attack(farthest)
23. Brittle Morale
# <%= one_shot %>​# <%= function_max_health %>​
def findStrongestEnemy(enemies):strongest = NonestrongestHealth = 0enemyIndex = 0# <%= iterate %>while enemyIndex < len(enemies):# <%= enemy %>enemy = enemies[enemyIndex]# <%= ifhealth %>if enemy.health > strongestHealth:# <%= strong %># <%= strongHealth %>strongest = enemystrongestHealth = enemy.health# <%= increment %>enemyIndex += 1return strongestenemies = hero.findEnemies()
leader = findStrongestEnemy(enemies)
if leader:hero.say(leader)
24. 疯狂Maxer反击
# 小一点的食人魔会造成更多的伤害!​
# 优先攻击血少的敌人​
while True:weakest = NoneleastHealth = 99999enemyIndex = 0enemies = hero.findEnemies()# 循环检查所有敌人。while enemyIndex < len(enemies):enemy = enemies[enemyIndex]enemyIndex += 1# 如果当前对象的血量更少if enemy.health < leastHealth:# 标为最弱的,更新 leastHealth 变量weakest = enemyleastHealth = enemy.healthif weakest:# 攻击最弱的食人魔。hero.attack(weakest)
25. Wishing Well
# <%= gold_amount %>​less = "Nimis"
more = "Non satis"
requiredGold = 104# <%= func_sum %>​
def sumCoinValues(coins):coinIndex = 0totalValue = 0# <%= loop_through %>while coinIndex < len(coins):totalValue += coins[coinIndex].valuecoinIndex += 1return totalValuedef collectAllCoins():item = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems())while item:hero.moveXY(item.pos.x, item.pos.y)item = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems())while True:items = hero.findItems()# <%= total_gold %>goldAmount = sumCoinValues(items)# <%= if_gold_here %>if goldAmount != 0:# <%= not_enough %># <%= say_not_enough %>if goldAmount < requiredGold:hero.say(more)# <%= too_much %># <%= say_too_much %>if goldAmount > requiredGold:hero.say(less)# <%= just_right %># <%= collect_gold %>if goldAmount == requiredGold:collectAllCoins()
26. 峭壁追逐
# 抓住 Pender Spellbane 去了解她的秘密。​while True:# Pender是这里唯一的朋友,所以她总是在最近的位置。pender = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends())if pender:# moveXY()将移动到 Pender 在的位置,# 但是她会向远离你的位置移动。#hero.moveXY(pender.pos.x, pender.pos.y)# move()只一次移动一步。# 所以你可以用它来追踪你的目标。hero.move(pender.pos)
27. 激流回旋
# 使用对象枚举来走安全的路,并收集宝石。​
# 在本关你不能够使用 moveXY()方法!使用 move()来移动​
gems = hero.findItems()while hero.pos.x < 20:# move()移动物体通过 x 和 y 的属性,不仅仅是数字。hero.move({'x': 20, 'y': 35})while hero.pos.x < 25:# 一个宝石的位置是一个对象,有 x 和 y 属性。gem0 = gems[0]hero.move(gem0.pos)# 当你的 x 小于30的时候,​
# 使用物体移动到30,35位置​
while hero.pos.x < 30:hero.move({'x': 30, 'y': 35})# 当你的 x 小于35的时候​
# 移动到宝石[1]的位置​
while hero.pos.x < 35:gem1 = gems[1]hero.move(gem1.pos)# 拿到最后一对宝石!​
while hero.pos.x < 40:hero.move({'x': 40, 'y':35})while hero.pos.x < 45:gem2 = gems[2]hero.move(gem2.pos)while hero.pos.x < 50:hero.move({'x': 50, 'y':35})while hero.pos.x < 55:gem3 = gems[3]hero.move(gem3.pos)
28. 食人魔山谷挖宝
# 一大群食人魔来之前你只有20秒时间!​
# 尽可能去捡金币,然后你撤退到你栅栏后面的基地里!​
while hero.time < 20:# 收集金币coin = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems())hero.move(coin.pos)while hero.pos.x > 16:# 撤退到栅栏后面hero.move({"x": 15, "y": 38})# 建立栅栏挡住食人魔​
hero.buildXY("fence", 20, 37)
29. 安息之云指挥官
# 召唤一些士兵,然后引导他们去你的基地。​# 每个士兵消耗20金币。​
while hero.gold > hero.costOf("soldier"):hero.summon("soldier")soldiers = hero.findFriends()
soldierIndex = 0
# 添加一个while 循环来命令所有的士兵。​
while soldierIndex < len(soldiers):soldier = soldiers[soldierIndex]hero.command(soldier, "move", {"x": 50, "y": 40})soldierIndex += 1# 去加入你的朋友!​
target = {"x": 48, "y": 40}
while hero.distanceTo(target):hero.move(target)
30. 佣兵山
# 收集金币招募士兵,指挥他们攻击敌人。​while True:# 走到最近的金币处。# 使用 move 取代 moveXY,以便于你可以不断发出命令。coin = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems())if coin:hero.move(coin.pos)# 如果钱够了就招募士兵。if hero.gold > hero.costOf("soldier"):hero.summon("soldier")enemy = hero.findNearest(hero.findEnemies())if enemy:# 遍历你所有的士兵,命令他们攻击。soldiers = hero.findFriends()soldierIndex = 0while soldierIndex < len(soldiers):soldier = soldiers[soldierIndex]soldierIndex += 1# 使用 attack 命令让你的士兵们攻击。hero.command(soldier, "attack", enemy)
31. 木材守卫
while True:# 收集金子coin = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems())if coin:hero.move(coin.pos)# 如果你有足够的金币,召唤一个士兵。if hero.gold >= hero.costOf("soldier"):hero.summon("soldier")# 使用 for 循环来命令每个士兵。# for 循环有两个部分『for X in Y』# Y 是被循环的数组结构#  Y 中的每个元素都会执行,X 会被设置称当前循环的个体for friend in hero.findFriends():if friend.type == "soldier":enemy = friend.findNearestEnemy()# 如果这有一个敌人,命令她攻击。# 否则的话,移动她到地图的右边。if enemy:hero.command(friend, "attack", enemy)else:rightPos = {"x": 83, "y": 45}hero.command(friend, "move", rightPos)
32. 动物园管理员
# 放一个士兵在每一个 X 的位置​
points = []
points[0] = {"x": 33, "y": 42}
points[1] = {"x": 47, "y": 42}
points[2] = {"x": 33, "y": 26}
points[3] = {"x": 47, "y": 26}# 1.收集80金币。​
while hero.gold < 80:coin = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems())if coin:hero.move(coin.pos)# 2.建造4个士兵。​
for i in range(4):hero.summon("soldier")# 3.派你的士兵到特定的位置上。​
while True:friends = hero.findFriends()for j in range(len(friends)):point = points[j]friend = friends[j]enemy = friend.findNearestEnemy()if enemy and enemy.team == "ogres" and friend.distanceTo(enemy) < 5:# 命令友方攻击。hero.command(friend, "attack", enemy)else:# 命令的朋友移动到特定点上。hero.command(friend, "move", point)
33. 战略祭品
# 收集80金币​
while hero.gold < 80:coin = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems())if coin:hero.move(coin.pos)# 建造4个士兵用来做诱饵​
for i in range(4):hero.summon("soldier")# 派你的士兵到指定位置。​
points = []
points[0] = { "x": 13, "y": 73 }
points[1] = { "x": 51, "y": 73 }
points[2] = { "x": 51, "y": 53 }
points[3] = { "x": 90, "y": 52 }
friends = hero.findFriends()# 使用范围来在数组中循环​
# 让friends去指定地点,命令他们移动​
for j in range(len(friends)):point = points[j]friend = friends[j]hero.command(friend, "move", point)
34. 狩猎派对
# 命令你的部队向东移动,攻击任何看到的食人魔。​
# 使用 for 循环和 findFriends方法。​
# 你能在你的士兵上使用findNearestEnemy()来获取他们的而不是你的最近的敌人。​
while True:friends = hero.findFriends()for friend in friends:enemy = friend.findNearestEnemy()if enemy:hero.command(friend, "attack", enemy)else:moveTo = {"x": friend.pos.x + 0.35, "y": friend.pos.y}hero.command(friend, "move", moveTo)
35. 借刀
# 你的英雄不需要在本关参与战斗。​
# 命令你的弓箭手集中在火攻敌人。​
while True:toughest = NonemostHealth = 0enemies = hero.findEnemies()for enemy in enemies:if enemy.health > mostHealth:toughest = enemymostHealth = enemy.healthif toughest:friends = hero.findFriends()for friend in friends:hero.command(friend, "attack", toughest)
36. Summation Summit


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