
Error: L6971E: system_stm32f0xx.o(.data) type RW incompatible with main.o(.ARM.__AT_0x20000000) type ZI in er RW_IRAM1.



#if   (defined ( __CC_ARM ))__IO uint32_t VectorTable[48] __attribute__((at(0x20000000)));
#elif (defined (__ICCARM__))
#pragma location = 0x20000000__no_init __IO uint32_t VectorTable[48];
#elif defined   (  __GNUC__  )__IO uint32_t VectorTable[48] __attribute__((section(".RAMVectorTable")));
#elif defined ( __TASKING__ )__IO uint32_t VectorTable[48] __at(0x20000000);





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