
Description:Field userEntityMapper in com.xxx.xxx.service.UserService required a bean of type 'com.xxx.xxx.dao.UserEntityMapper' that could not be found.Action:Consider defining a bean of type 'com.xxx.xxx.dao.UserEntityMapper' in your configuration.

将@MapperScan(“com.mk.mapper”)改为@ComponentScan(basePackages = “com.mk.mapper”)解决了问题

springboot整合mybatis:Consider defining a bean of type 'com.mk.mapper.UserMapper'相关推荐

  1. springboot整合mybatis错误 Invalid bound statement (not found): com.yuan.mapper.UserMapper.getUserList

    出现的原因是 src文件下的mapper有mapper接口和映射文件,而target下的mapper文件却没有映射文件 =解决方案======== 1.把映射文件 放到resources 目录下 结构 ...

  2. [SpringBoot报错]Consider defining a bean of type ‘xxx‘ in your configuration, NoSuchBeanDefinitionExce

    报错详情: Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run your application wi ...

  3. 解决问题:Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.xxx.mapper.xxxMapper‘ in your configuration.

    错因: mapper层未被加载 创建一个springboot + mybatis的项目时,于是我发现在mapper层无法访问mysql数据库,也就是说springboot 无法加载到我们的mapper ...

  4. No qualifying bean of type ‘com.bruceliu.mapper.UserMapper‘

    报错信息: 解决办法: 这里只需要在mapper下的UserMapper中加入一个注解@Mapper即可(加入该注解用以生成对象)

  5. SpringBoot整合Mybatis遇到的问题,已解决

    ① 启动报错Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and - 根据报错日志分析是在springboot项 ...

  6. 解决Consider defining a bean of type 'XXX.Dao' in your configuration.问题

    这几天解决springboot项目,Consider defining a bean of type 'XXX.Dao' in your configuration.这个问题想吐...网上的方法都试完 ...

  7. A component required a bean of type ‘com.lw.mapper.StudentMapper‘ that could not be found.

    当我们用springboot整合mybatis时,发生以下错误 Description:A component required a bean of type 'com.lw.mapper.Stude ...

  8. springboot整合mybatis bean注入失败

    异常报文: Field adminDAO in com......service.impl.AdminServiceImpl required a bean of type 'com.....dao. ...

  9. SpringBoot:Consider defining a bean of type 'com.wzw.blog.mapper.UserMapper' in your configuration.

    今天使用SpringBoot整合Mybatis时遇到一个错误. *************************** APPLICATION FAILED TO START ************ ...


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