



import numpy as np
def DiffFGLabels(inLabel,gtLabel):maxInLabel = np.int(np.max(inLabel))minInLabel = np.int(np.min(inLabel))maxGtLabel = np.int(np.max(gtLabel))minGtLabel = np.int(np.min(gtLabel))return  (maxInLabel-minInLabel) - (maxGtLabel-minGtLabel) def BestDice(inLabel,gtLabel):score = 0maxInLabel = np.max(inLabel) minInLabel = np.min(inLabel) maxGtLabel = np.max(gtLabel) minGtLabel = np.min(gtLabel) if(maxInLabel==minInLabel):return scorefor i in range(minInLabel+1,maxInLabel+1):sMax = 0; for j in range(minGtLabel+1,maxGtLabel+1): s = Dice(inLabel, gtLabel, i, j) if(sMax < s):sMax = sscore = score + sMax; score = score/(maxInLabel-minInLabel)return scoredef FGBGDice(inLabel,gtLabel):minInLabel = np.min(inLabel) minGtLabel = np.min(gtLabel) one = np.ones(inLabel.shape)    inFgLabel = (inLabel != minInLabel*one)*onegtFgLabel = (gtLabel != minGtLabel*one)*onereturn Dice(inFgLabel,gtFgLabel,1,1)def Dice(inLabel, gtLabel, i, j):one = np.ones(inLabel.shape)inMask = (inLabel==i*one) gtMask = (gtLabel==j*one) inSize = np.sum(inMask*one) gtSize = np.sum(gtMask*one) overlap= np.sum(inMask*gtMask*one) if ((inSize + gtSize)>1e-8):out = 2*overlap/(inSize + gtSize) else:out = 0return outdef AbsDiffFGLabels(inLabel,gtLabel):return np.abs( DiffFGLabels(inLabel,gtLabel) )def SymmetricBestDice(inLabel,gtLabel):bd1 = BestDice(inLabel,gtLabel)bd2 = BestDice(gtLabel,inLabel)if bd1 < bd2:return bd1else:return bd2



from __future__ import division
from libcpp cimport bool as bool_t
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cimport cythonctypedef bint TYPE_BOOL
ctypedef unsigned long long TYPE_U_INT64
ctypedef unsigned int TYPE_U_INT32
ctypedef unsigned short TYPE_U_INT16
ctypedef unsigned char TYPE_U_INT8
ctypedef long long TYPE_INT64
ctypedef int TYPE_INT32
ctypedef short TYPE_INT16
ctypedef signed char TYPE_INT8
ctypedef float TYPE_FLOAT
ctypedef double TYPE_DOUBLE@cython.boundscheck(False) # turn off bounds-checking for entire function
@cython.wraparound(False)  # turn off negative index wrapping for entire function
def DiffFGLabels(np.ndarray[TYPE_U_INT16, ndim=2] inLabel, np.ndarray[TYPE_U_INT16, ndim=2] gtLabel):cdef int maxInLabel = np.int(np.max(inLabel)) cdef int minInLabel = np.int(np.min(inLabel)) cdef int maxGtLabel = np.int(np.max(gtLabel)) cdef int minGtLabel = np.int(np.min(gtLabel)) cdef double out = (maxInLabel-minInLabel) - (maxGtLabel-minGtLabel)return out@cython.boundscheck(False)
def BestDice(np.ndarray[TYPE_U_INT16, ndim=2] inLabel, np.ndarray[TYPE_U_INT16, ndim=2] gtLabel):cdef int i, jcdef double sMax = 0.0cdef double s = 0.0cdef double score = 0.0 cdef int maxInLabel = np.max(inLabel) cdef int minInLabel = np.min(inLabel) cdef int maxGtLabel = np.max(gtLabel) cdef int minGtLabel = np.min(gtLabel) if(maxInLabel == minInLabel): return scorefor i in range(minInLabel+1, maxInLabel+1):sMax = 0;for j in range(minGtLabel+1, maxGtLabel+1):s = Dice(inLabel, gtLabel, i, j) if(sMax < s):sMax = sscore = score + sMax;score = score / (maxInLabel-minInLabel)return score@cython.boundscheck(False)
def FGBGDice(np.ndarray[TYPE_U_INT16, ndim=2] inLabel, np.ndarray[TYPE_U_INT16, ndim=2] gtLabel):cdef int minInLabel = np.min(inLabel) cdef int minGtLabel = np.min(gtLabel) cdef np.ndarray[TYPE_U_INT16, ndim=2] one = np.ones_like(inLabel)cdef np.ndarray[TYPE_U_INT16, ndim=2] inFgLabel = (inLabel != minInLabel*one)*onecdef np.ndarray[TYPE_U_INT16, ndim=2] gtFgLabel = (gtLabel != minGtLabel*one)*onecdef double out = Dice(inFgLabel,gtFgLabel,1,1) return out@cython.boundscheck(False)
def Dice(np.ndarray[TYPE_U_INT16, ndim=2] inLabel, np.ndarray[TYPE_U_INT16, ndim=2] gtLabel, int i, int j):cdef double out = 0.0cdef np.ndarray[TYPE_U_INT16, ndim=2] one = np.ones_like(inLabel)cdef int inSize = np.sum((inLabel==i*one)*one) cdef int gtSize = np.sum((gtLabel==j*one)*one) cdef int overlap= np.sum((inLabel==i*one)*(gtLabel==j*one)*one) if ((inSize + gtSize)>1e-8):out = 2*overlap/(inSize + gtSize) else:out = 0return out@cython.boundscheck(False)
def AbsDiffFGLabels(np.ndarray[TYPE_U_INT16, ndim=2] inLabel, np.ndarray[TYPE_U_INT16, ndim=2] gtLabel):cdef double out = np.abs(DiffFGLabels(inLabel, gtLabel))return out@cython.boundscheck(False)
def SymmetricBestDice(np.ndarray[TYPE_U_INT16, ndim=2] inLabel, np.ndarray[TYPE_U_INT16, ndim=2] gtLabel):cdef double bd1 = BestDice(inLabel,gtLabel)cdef double bd2 = BestDice(gtLabel,inLabel)if bd1 < bd2:return bd1else:return bd2



import distutils.core
import Cython.Build
import numpy as np
distutils.core.setup(ext_modules = Cython.Build.cythonize("evaluate.pyx"),include_dirs = [np.get_include()])


python setup.py build_ext --inplace

编译成功后,就可以正常的 import 里面的函数了



  1. 在导入包的时候,有一句最重要的是:cimport numpy as np,表明使用的是cython接口的numpy。(当然也有import numpy as np,编译器会根据情况使用numpy还是c-numpy);还有一句是:from libcpp cimport bool as bool_t,这是为了使用C语言中的bool类型(这个例子里面没有用到bool类型,可以不用管)
  2. 为数据类型起一个新名字:ctypedef。这个不是必须,但这里为了可读性,我列举了一些numpy中常用的数据类型对应的C语言中的数据类型
numpy C
np.uint8 unsigned char
np.uint16 unsigned short
np.uint32 unsigned int
np.uint64 unsigned long long
np.int8 signed char
np.int16 short
np.int32 int
np.int64 long long
np.float32 double
  1. 每个函数前面都有:@cython.boundscheck(False) 和 @cython.wraparound(False),这是为了加速而关闭边界检查,这样做就需要提前保证代码的准确性,建议在python下验证代码的准确性
  2. 每个函数的输入变量都定义了数据类型,比如这里全是:np.ndarray[TYPE_U_INT16, ndim=2],这表明输入的一个二维的uint16的numpy数组,如果输入类型不是这样,那就会报错
  3. cdef int/double:定义整型/双精度浮点型变量。在使用每个变量须先对它进行定义,如果没有编译器就会花时间来判断,就会耗时


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