
Instagram is changing. Gone is the simple filter app; in its place is one of the most popular social networks in the world. To support the needs of millions of users, Instagram has constantly innovated and added new features. In the latest update, you can now add multiple images to the same Instagram post. Let’s look at how.

Instagram正在改变。 简单的过滤器应用已经一去不复返了。 取而代之的是世界上最受欢迎的社交网络之一。 为了满足数百万用户的需求,Instagram不断创新并增加了新功能。 在最新更新中,您现在可以将多个图像添加到同一Instagram帖子中。 让我们看看如何。

Open Instagram and click the plus sign to add a new photo. Select the first photo you want to add and then tap Select Multiple.

打开Instagram,然后单击加号以添加新照片。 选择要添加的第一张照片,然后点击选择多张。

Select the photos and videos you want to add to the post—you can have a total of ten—in the order you want them to appear. At the moment, all the photos in the post have to have a square crop. You can re-position any non-square photos as you add them.

选择您要添加到帖子中的照片和视频(总共可以有十个),并按照它们显示的顺序排列。 目前,帖子中的所有照片都必须剪裁。 您可以在添加任何非正方形照片时重新放置它们。

Once you tap Next, you’ll be able to add filters to the pictures. You can either add the same filter to all the images, or tap on each individual photo to go in and add a specific filter to it.

点击“下一步”后,您将可以为图片添加过滤器。 您可以向所有图像添加相同的滤镜,也可以点击每张照片以添加特定的滤镜。

When you’re ready, tap Next again and you can add a caption, tag people, add a location, and choose what other social networks you want to share the images to. You can only add one caption for the whole group of images.

准备就绪后,再次点按“下一步”,您可以添加标题,标记人物,添加位置以及选择要将图像共享到的其他社交网络。 您只能为整个图像组添加一个标题。

When you’re finished, tap Share and all the images will be posted to your timeline. Below is what a post with multiple images looks like. The little dots down the bottom tell you that there’s more than one image in the post. Swipe to see the next photo.

完成后,点击共享,所有图像将被发布到您的时间轴。 以下是包含多张图片的帖子的外观。 底部的小点告诉您帖子中包含多个图片。 滑动即可查看下一张照片。

Instagram continues to grow up as a social network. Features like multiple image posts give people a lot more flexibility in how they use the app. If you want to share three or four related images that are better taken together, this is a much better way to do it instead of sharing four separate posts.

Instagram继续成长为社交网络。 诸如多个图像帖子之类的功能使人们在使用该应用程序时具有更大的灵活性。 如果您想共享三张或四张更好地结合在一起的相关图像,这是一种更好的方法,而不是共享四个单独的帖子。




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