


1. 由于 IOCTL 时传递参数类型错误导致的初始化失败

原因:由于 Hal 层中定义的 IOCTL 参数使用了long类型,但是kernel中定义的是unsigned int,hal 的指令在 kernel 中进行强转时会发生 errno = 0x16 的报错。





conf配置文件(下图中两个)一般直接让供应商提供项目中实际使用的芯片对应的配置文件即可,不需要做改动(如果需要调整log打印level等可以对照里面的注释来修改),这两个文件放在 system/etc/ 下


如何从 log 打印信息中过滤查找自己需要的信息:

为了能够方便查找log信息,对问题进行定位,请务必记住一点,系统 log 日志请不要使用AS或者Eclipse来抓取!(IDE实时抓取的log缓冲区不足够支撑系统级log分析)





Search "Nxp" (109 hits in 1 file)e:\Users\linqihan\Desktop\nfc\ng\mobilelog\APLog_2010_0101_000256\main_log.boot (109 hits)Line 8640: 01-01 00:02:54.029246  1736  1736 D NfcAdaptation: bool CNfcConfig::readConfig(const char *, bool) Opened optional config /etc/libnfc-nxp.confLine 8642: 01-01 00:02:54.034890  1736  1736 D NfcAdaptation: bool CNfcConfig::readConfig(const char *, bool) Cannot open config file /data/nfc/libnfc-nxpTransit.confLine 8650: 01-01 00:02:54.037072  1736  1736 D         : bool CNxpNfcConfig::readConfig(const char *, bool) Opened base config /etc/libnfc-nxp.confLine 8650: 01-01 00:02:54.037072  1736  1736 D         : bool CNxpNfcConfig::readConfig(const char *, bool) Opened base config /etc/libnfc-nxp.confLine 8653: 01-01 00:02:54.040821  1736  1736 E         : bool CNxpNfcConfig::readConfig(const char *, bool) Cannot open config file /data/nfc/libnfc-nxpTransit.confLine 8653: 01-01 00:02:54.040821  1736  1736 E         : bool CNxpNfcConfig::readConfig(const char *, bool) Cannot open config file /data/nfc/libnfc-nxpTransit.confLine 8774: 01-01 00:02:54.207734  1736  1736 D RegisteredNxpServicesCache: Dynamic APDU Service file does not exist.Line 9147: 01-01 00:02:54.501366  1736  1869 D NxpNfcNciHal: nfc_open: enter; name=nciLine 9148: 01-01 00:02:54.501545  1736  1869 D NxpNfcNciHal: nfc_open: exit 0Line 9177: 01-01 00:02:54.506406  1736  1873 D         : bool nxp::CNfcConfig::readConfig(const char *, bool) Opened base config /etc/libnfc-nxp.confLine 9177: 01-01 00:02:54.506406  1736  1873 D         : bool nxp::CNfcConfig::readConfig(const char *, bool) Opened base config /etc/libnfc-nxp.confLine 9178: 01-01 00:02:54.510691  1736  1873 D         : bool nxp::CNfcConfig::readConfig(const char *, bool) Opened optional config /etc/libnfc-brcm.confLine 9180: 01-01 00:02:54.518630  1736  1873 E         : bool nxp::CNfcConfig::readConfig(const char *, bool) Cannot open config file /data/nfc/libnfc-nxpTransit.confLine 9180: 01-01 00:02:54.518630  1736  1873 E         : bool nxp::CNfcConfig::readConfig(const char *, bool) Cannot open config file /data/nfc/libnfc-nxpTransit.confLine 9181: 01-01 00:02:54.518933  1736  1873 D         : bool nxp::CNfcConfig::readConfig(const char *, bool) Opened base config /etc/libnfc-nxp.confLine 9181: 01-01 00:02:54.518933  1736  1873 D         : bool nxp::CNfcConfig::readConfig(const char *, bool) Opened base config /etc/libnfc-nxp.confLine 9182: 01-01 00:02:54.523187  1736  1873 D         : bool nxp::CNfcConfig::readConfig(const char *, bool) Opened optional config /etc/libnfc-brcm.confLine 9185: 01-01 00:02:54.530700  1736  1873 E         : bool nxp::CNfcConfig::readConfig(const char *, bool) Cannot open config file /data/nfc/libnfc-nxpTransit.confLine 9185: 01-01 00:02:54.530700  1736  1873 E         : bool nxp::CNfcConfig::readConfig(const char *, bool) Cannot open config file /data/nfc/libnfc-nxpTransit.confLine 9186: 01-01 00:02:54.530998  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found NXPLOG_TML_LOGLEVEL=(0x3)Line 9186: 01-01 00:02:54.530998  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found NXPLOG_TML_LOGLEVEL=(0x3)Line 9186: 01-01 00:02:54.530998  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found NXPLOG_TML_LOGLEVEL=(0x3)Line 9186: 01-01 00:02:54.530998  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found NXPLOG_TML_LOGLEVEL=(0x3)Line 9187: 01-01 00:02:54.531047  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found NXPLOG_FWDNLD_LOGLEVEL=(0x3)Line 9187: 01-01 00:02:54.531047  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found NXPLOG_FWDNLD_LOGLEVEL=(0x3)Line 9187: 01-01 00:02:54.531047  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found NXPLOG_FWDNLD_LOGLEVEL=(0x3)Line 9187: 01-01 00:02:54.531047  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found NXPLOG_FWDNLD_LOGLEVEL=(0x3)Line 9188: 01-01 00:02:54.531086  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found NXPLOG_NCIX_LOGLEVEL=(0x3)Line 9188: 01-01 00:02:54.531086  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found NXPLOG_NCIX_LOGLEVEL=(0x3)Line 9188: 01-01 00:02:54.531086  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found NXPLOG_NCIX_LOGLEVEL=(0x3)Line 9188: 01-01 00:02:54.531086  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found NXPLOG_NCIX_LOGLEVEL=(0x3)Line 9189: 01-01 00:02:54.531122  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found NXPLOG_NCIR_LOGLEVEL=(0x3)Line 9189: 01-01 00:02:54.531122  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found NXPLOG_NCIR_LOGLEVEL=(0x3)Line 9189: 01-01 00:02:54.531122  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found NXPLOG_NCIR_LOGLEVEL=(0x3)Line 9189: 01-01 00:02:54.531122  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found NXPLOG_NCIR_LOGLEVEL=(0x3)Line 9190: 01-01 00:02:54.531172  1736  1873 D         : phNxpLog_InitializeLogLevel: global =1, Fwdnld =3, extns =3,                 hal =3, tml =3, ncir =3,                 ncix =3Line 9191: 01-01 00:02:54.531931  1736  1873 D NxpHal  : Entering phNxpNciHal_init_monitorLine 9191: 01-01 00:02:54.531931  1736  1873 D NxpHal  : Entering phNxpNciHal_init_monitorLine 9192: 01-01 00:02:54.532015  1736  1873 D NxpHal  : Returning with SUCCESSLine 9193: 01-01 00:02:54.532094  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found NXP_NFC_DEV_NODE=/dev/pn544Line 9193: 01-01 00:02:54.532094  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found NXP_NFC_DEV_NODE=/dev/pn544Line 9193: 01-01 00:02:54.532094  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found NXP_NFC_DEV_NODE=/dev/pn544Line 9193: 01-01 00:02:54.532094  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found NXP_NFC_DEV_NODE=/dev/pn544Line 9194: 01-01 00:02:54.532147  1736  1873 D NxpTml  : Opening port=/dev/pn544Line 9195: 01-01 00:02:54.532307  1736  1873 D NxpTml  : phTmlNfc_i2c_reset(), VEN level 0Line 9196: 01-01 00:02:54.532377  1736  1873 E NxpTml  : phTmlNfc_i2c_reset :failed errno = 0x16Line 9198: 01-01 00:02:54.542660  1736  1873 D NxpTml  : phTmlNfc_i2c_reset(), VEN level 1Line 9200: 01-01 00:02:54.543030  1736  1873 E NxpTml  : phTmlNfc_i2c_reset :failed errno = 0x16Line 9201: 01-01 00:02:54.544699  1736  1888 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Tml Reader Thread Started................Line 9202: 01-01 00:02:54.544967  1736  1888 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Read requested.....Line 9203: 01-01 00:02:54.545013  1736  1888 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Invoking I2C Read.....Line 9209: 01-01 00:02:54.550076  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Tml Writer Thread Started................Line 9210: 01-01 00:02:54.550196  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Tml Writer Thread Running................Line 9211: 01-01 00:02:54.550880  1736  1891 D NxpHal  : thread startedLine 9219: 01-01 00:02:54.554407  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found MIFARE_READER_ENABLE=(0x1)Line 9219: 01-01 00:02:54.554407  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found MIFARE_READER_ENABLE=(0x1)Line 9219: 01-01 00:02:54.554407  1736  1873 D NxpExtns: const nxp::CNfcParam *nxp::CNfcConfig::find(const char *) const found MIFARE_READER_ENABLE=(0x1)Line 9220: 01-01 00:02:54.554623  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Write requested.....Line 9221: 01-01 00:02:54.554689  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Invoking I2C Write.....Line 9227: 01-01 00:02:54.582980  1736  1889 E NxpTml  : _i2c_write() errno : 5Line 9228: 01-01 00:02:54.583098  1736  1889 E NxpTml  : PN54X - Error in I2C Write.....Line 9229: 01-01 00:02:54.583132  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Posting Fresh Write message.....Line 9230: 01-01 00:02:54.583259  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Tml Writer Thread Running................Line 9232: 01-01 00:02:54.583758  1736  1891 E NxpHal  : write error status = 0x1ffLine 9233: 01-01 00:02:54.583990  1736  1873 E NxpHal  : write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - RetryLine 9236: 01-01 00:02:54.589262  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Write requested.....Line 9237: 01-01 00:02:54.589323  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Invoking I2C Write.....Line 9240: 01-01 00:02:54.611933  1736  1889 E NxpTml  : _i2c_write() errno : 5Line 9241: 01-01 00:02:54.612045  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Posting Fresh Write message.....Line 9242: 01-01 00:02:54.612103  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Tml Writer Thread Running................Line 9243: 01-01 00:02:54.612285  1736  1891 E NxpHal  : write error status = 0x1ffLine 9244: 01-01 00:02:54.612501  1736  1873 E NxpHal  : write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - RetryLine 9251: 01-01 00:02:54.618355  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Write requested.....Line 9252: 01-01 00:02:54.618508  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Invoking I2C Write.....Line 9255: 01-01 00:02:54.641686  1736  1889 E NxpTml  : _i2c_write() errno : 5Line 9256: 01-01 00:02:54.641750  1736  1889 E NxpTml  : PN54X - Error in I2C Write.....Line 9257: 01-01 00:02:54.641782  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Posting Fresh Write message.....Line 9258: 01-01 00:02:54.641843  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Tml Writer Thread Running................Line 9259: 01-01 00:02:54.641947  1736  1891 E NxpHal  : write error status = 0x1ffLine 9260: 01-01 00:02:54.642087  1736  1873 E NxpHal  : write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - RetryLine 9261: 01-01 00:02:54.647441  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Write requested.....Line 9262: 01-01 00:02:54.647552  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Invoking I2C Write.....Line 9273: 01-01 00:02:54.672112  1736  1889 E NxpTml  : _i2c_write() errno : 5Line 9274: 01-01 00:02:54.672232  1736  1889 E NxpTml  : PN54X - Error in I2C Write.....Line 9275: 01-01 00:02:54.672287  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Posting Fresh Write message.....Line 9276: 01-01 00:02:54.672368  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Tml Writer Thread Running................Line 9277: 01-01 00:02:54.672432  1736  1891 E NxpHal  : write error status = 0x1ffLine 9278: 01-01 00:02:54.672664  1736  1873 E NxpHal  : write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - RetryLine 9282: 01-01 00:02:54.678179  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Write requested.....Line 9283: 01-01 00:02:54.678306  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Invoking I2C Write.....Line 9286: 01-01 00:02:54.701862  1736  1889 E NxpTml  : _i2c_write() errno : 5Line 9287: 01-01 00:02:54.701954  1736  1889 E NxpTml  : PN54X - Error in I2C Write.....Line 9288: 01-01 00:02:54.701998  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Posting Fresh Write message.....Line 9289: 01-01 00:02:54.702081  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Tml Writer Thread Running................Line 9290: 01-01 00:02:54.702262  1736  1891 E NxpHal  : write error status = 0x1ffLine 9292: 01-01 00:02:54.702693  1736  1873 E NxpHal  : write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - RetryLine 9293: 01-01 00:02:54.707987  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Write requested.....Line 9294: 01-01 00:02:54.708059  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Invoking I2C Write.....Line 9304: 01-01 00:02:54.731630  1736  1889 E NxpTml  : _i2c_write() errno : 5Line 9305: 01-01 00:02:54.731699  1736  1889 E NxpTml  : PN54X - Error in I2C Write.....Line 9306: 01-01 00:02:54.731728  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Posting Fresh Write message.....Line 9307: 01-01 00:02:54.731780  1736  1889 D NxpTml  : PN54X - Tml Writer Thread Running................Line 9308: 01-01 00:02:54.731869  1736  1891 E NxpHal  : write error status = 0x1ffLine 9309: 01-01 00:02:54.731998  1736  1873 E NxpHal  : write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode (max count = 0x6)Line 9310: 01-01 00:02:54.732094  1736  1873 D NxpTml  : phTmlNfc_i2c_reset(), VEN level 0Line 9311: 01-01 00:02:54.732193  1736  1873 E NxpTml  : phTmlNfc_i2c_reset :failed errno = 0x16Line 9317: 01-01 00:02:54.742358  1736  1873 D NxpTml  : phTmlNfc_i2c_reset(), VEN level 1Line 9319: 01-01 00:02:54.742471  1736  1873 E NxpTml  : phTmlNfc_i2c_reset :failed errno = 0x16Line 9367: 01-01 00:02:54.842910  1736  1873 D NxpHal  : PN54X Reset - SUCCESS

这样过滤完之后就只剩100多条了,从log上面看的流程是先通过读取配置文件得到对应的控制节点(/dev/pn544)和log打印等级,然后通过 ioctl 指令向芯片发送了下电上电的初始化指令(log里这一块返回了error 0x16),后续往节点写入的 ioctl 指令也没有正常执行(返回了error 5)。

sourcecode里通过 git grep 可以看到这个函数的定义是在 external/libnfc-nci/halimpl/pn54x/tml/phTmlNfc_i2c.h,而实现则是在 external/libnfc-nci/halimpl/pn54x/tml/phTmlNfc_i2c.c中。

** Function         phTmlNfc_i2c_reset
** Description      Reset PN54X device, using VEN pin
** Parameters       pDevHandle     - valid device handle
**                  level          - reset level
** Returns           0   - reset operation success
**                  -1   - reset operation failure
int phTmlNfc_i2c_reset(void *pDevHandle, long level)
{int ret = -1;NXPLOG_TML_D("phTmlNfc_i2c_reset(), VEN level %ld", level);if (NULL == pDevHandle){return -1;}ret = ioctl((intptr_t)pDevHandle, PN544_SET_PWR, level);if(ret < 0){NXPLOG_TML_E("%s :failed errno = 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, errno);if(level == 2 && errno == EBUSY){notifyFwrequest = TRUE;}else{notifyFwrequest = FALSE;}}if(level == 2 && ret == 0){bFwDnldFlag = TRUE;}else{bFwDnldFlag = FALSE;}return ret;

函数的功能也比较简单,就是发送一个 ioctl 的命令去与 kernel 进行通信,如果返回了通信报错就进行错误处理。

P61_SET_SPI_PWR 这个指令的定义在 phTmlNfc_i2c.h 中,具体定义如下:

/** PN544 power control via ioctl* PN544_SET_PWR(0): power off* PN544_SET_PWR(1): power on* PN544_SET_PWR(2): reset and power on with firmware download enabled*/
#define PN544_SET_PWR    _IOW(PN544_MAGIC, 0x01, long)

这个指令的用途是用于给模块上/下电的,hal 层中的定义是 long 类型。

再看一下 kernel 中定义的数据类型:

/** PN544 power control via ioctl* PN544_SET_PWR(0): power off* PN544_SET_PWR(1): power on* PN544_SET_PWR(2): reset and power on with firmware download enabled*/
#define PN544_SET_PWR    _IOW(PN544_MAGIC, 0x01, unsigned int)
//#define PN544_SET_PWR    0x4004E901

到这里就找到问题原因了,hal 层的指令在发送到 kernel 时由于发生了强转的报错所以报出了 errno = 16的报错。


1. 从 hal 中将 long 修改为 unsigned int

2. 或者 kernel 中将 unsigned int 修改为 long

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  20. ecshop活动页_ECShop:专题活动


  1. CleanMyMacX软件怎么样?实际使用效果功能讲解
  2. gawk 命令(转载:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6238358c01012h1f.html)
  3. 2021年安全员-C证(江西省)考试题库及安全员-C证(江西省)考试技巧
  4. 【UE4 005】自定义人物角色(Charactor) 替换小白人
  5. gensimAPI学习——word2vec
  6. 【实际开发14】- 进阶 A
  7. Diskgenius恢复硬盘误删文件及数据
  8. CAD梦想画图中的“绘图工具——点”
  9. Pubwin 2007有奖“找茬”计划
  10. 口语语汇单词篇(10)