os: centos 7.4
db: oracle

tps全称为 Transactions Per Second,是数据库吞吐量的重要指标。


select *from v$metricgrouporder by group_id;GROUP_ID NAME                                                            INTERVAL_SIZE MAX_INTERVAL
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------0 Event Metrics                                                            6000        11 Event Class Metrics                                                      6000       602 System Metrics Long Duration                                             6000       603 System Metrics Short Duration                                            1500       124 Session Metrics Long Duration                                            6000       605 Session Metrics Short Duration                                           1500        16 Service Metrics                                                          6000       607 File Metrics Long Duration                                              60000        69 Tablespace Metrics Long Duration                                             6000        010 Service Metrics (Short)                                                      500       2411 I/O Stats by Function Metrics                                           6000       6012 Resource Manager Stats                                                  6000       6013 WCR metrics                                                                 6000       6014 WLM PC Metrics                                                           500       2414 rows selected.
select *from v$metricnamewhere 1=1and metric_unit='Transactions Per Second'
;GROUP_ID GROUP_NAME                               METRIC_ID  METRIC_NAME                 METRIC_UNIT
---------- --------------------------------------- ---------- -------------------------- ------------------------------2 System Metrics Long Duration               2003  User Transaction Per Sec   Transactions Per Second3 System Metrics Short Duration             2003  User Transaction Per Sec   Transactions Per Second


select *from gv$sysmetric t0where 1=1and t0.metric_id=2003and t0.metric_unit='Transactions Per Second'order by t0.begin_time desc,t0.inst_id
;select *from gv$sysmetric_history t0where 1=1and t0.metric_id=2003and t0.metric_unit='Transactions Per Second'order by t0.begin_time desc,t0.inst_id
;select *from gv$sysmetric_summary t0where 1=1and t0.metric_id=2003and t0.metric_unit='Transactions Per Second'order by t0.begin_time,t0.inst_id

V$SYSMETRIC displays the system metric values captured for the most current time interval for both the long duration (60-second) and short duration (15-second) system metrics.
V$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY displays all system metric values available in the database. Both long duration (60-second with 1 hour history) and short duration (15-second with one-interval only) metrics are displayed by this view.
V$SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY displays a summary of all system Metric values for the long-duration system metrics. The average, maximum value, minimum value, and the value of one standard deviation for the last hour are displayed for each metric item.


select to_char(t0.begin_time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') as begin_time_str,t0.snap_id,t0.instance_number,trunc(t0.value) as trunc_value,t0.*from dba_hist_sysmetric_history t0where 1=1and t0.begin_time between sysdate - 3and sysdateand t0.group_id=2and t0.metric_id=2003and t0.metric_unit='Transactions Per Second'order by t0.begin_time ,t0.snap_id, t0.instance_number
;select to_char(t0.begin_time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') as begin_time_str,t0.snap_id,t0.instance_number,trunc(t0.average) as trunc_average,t0.*from dba_hist_sysmetric_summary t0where 1=1and t0.begin_time between sysdate - 3and sysdateand t0.group_id=2and t0.metric_id=2003and t0.metric_unit='Transactions Per Second'order by t0.begin_time ,t0.snap_id, t0.instance_number

DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY externalizes all available history of the system metric values for the entire set of data kept in the database. This view contains snapshots of V$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY.

DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY displays a history of statistical summary of all metric values in the System Metrics Long Duration group. This view contains snapshots of V$SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY.



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