If you use Outlook and you’ve noticed it being excessively slow or just having errors, you should probably scan and repair your Personal Folders file for any problems. It’s sorta like checkdisk for your email.

如果您使用Outlook,但发现它运行太慢或出现错误,则可能应扫描并修复“个人文件夹”文件中的任何问题。 有点像检查磁盘的电子邮件。

Repairing Your PST File


To repair your PST file, you’ll have to open the Scanpst.exe utility that’s included by default with Outlook. The only problem is that there’s no shortcut to it, so you’ll have to find it in the Outlook folder.

要修复您的PST文件,您必须打开Outlook默认包含的Scanpst.exe实用程序。 唯一的问题是它没有快捷方式,因此您必须在Outlook文件夹中找到它。

Open up explorer and then browse down to the following folder for Outlook 2007:

打开资源管理器,然后向下浏览至Outlook 2007的以下文件夹:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12

C:\ Program Files \ Microsoft Office \ Office12

Or one of these folders for Outlook 2003 and earlier (thanks to Mike in the comments):

或者是Outlook 2003及更早版本的以下文件夹之一(感谢Mike在评论中):

C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Mapi\1033 C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\MSMAPI\1033

C:\ Program Files \ Common Files \ System \ Mapi \ 1033 C:\ Program Files \ Common Files \ System \ Mapi \ 1033

Once you open up the utility, you’ll have to find the location of your PST file by clicking the Browse button. If you don’t know the location, there are instructions for figuring out the location further down in this article.

打开该实用程序后,必须通过单击“浏览”按钮找到PST文件的位置。 如果您不知道位置,请在本文的下面找到说明。

Click on the Start button to start the scan…


It will take a while to scan the file, and you’ll get a report at the end telling you whether you have errors in the file.


Click on the Repair button, and after a while you’ll finally get the “Repair complete” message.


If you are curious what was actually repaired during the process, you’ll find a text file in the same directory as your PST file with the same name as the PST file.


Most of the information in the file is pretty cryptic… so I’m not sure reading it will help all that much.


Find Your Outlook PST File Locaton

查找您的Outlook PST文件位置

If you just have a single PST file created automatically by Outlook, there’s a standard location under your user profile directory. Open up an explorer window, and then paste in the following into the address bar:

如果您只有Outlook自动创建的一个PST文件,则用户配置文件目录下有一个标准位置。 打开资源管理器窗口,然后将以下内容粘贴到地址栏中:


%appdata%\ Microsoft \ Outlook

You should see your PST file in the list, usually called Outlook.pst at least in the later versions of Outlook. If you’ve created a new personal folders file, it might be in a different location.

您应该在列表中看到您的PST文件,至少在更高版本的Outlook中,它通常称为Outlook.pst。 如果您创建了一个新的个人文件夹文件,则该文件可能位于其他位置。

Find Location of Outlook PST in Non-Standard Location

在非标准位置中查找Outlook PST的位置

Sometimes your PST file will be in a different location, for a number of reasons.. for instance if you created a second PST you would have been prompted to save it somewhere.


If you can actually open Outlook, right-click on your personal folders location, and then choose Properties.


On the properties screen, click the Advanced button.


Now you’ll see the location of the file in the Filename field. As a bonus, you can also compact the folders from here (although you shouldn’t compact it until it’s repaired first)

现在,您将在“文件名”字段中看到文件的位置。 另外,您也可以从此处压缩文件夹(尽管在首次修复之前不应该压缩文件夹)

It’s well worth it to scan your PST file every so often so you don’t lose data. Of course… you should be backing up your files as well.

经常扫描您的PST文件非常值得,这样您就不会丢失数据。 当然……您也应该备份文件。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/fix-your-broken-outlook-personal-folders-pst-file/


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