
The hplip packages contains all the tools you need to set up the HP scanner. For scanning, you may use the sane and xsane tools. The tricky part to enable the scanner is carefully choose which driver to use from the hplip package. If you choose a non-suitable driver, only the printer will work and the scanner will not be found by Linux. In this post, I will introduce the steps to configure the scanner from an HP all-in-one printer.

hplip软件包包含设置HP扫描仪所需的所有工具 。 对于扫描,您可以用sanexsane工具。 启用扫描程序的棘手部分是从hplip软件包中仔细选择要使用的驱动程序。 如果选择了不合适的驱动程序,则Linux仅会运行打印机,而不会找到扫描仪。 在本文中,我将介绍从HP多合一打印机配置扫描仪的步骤。

First install the packages needed


# dnf install hplip xsane sane

Then run the hp-setup tool to configure the scanner and printer.


# hp-setup

It will ask for the root password.


In the Connection type, choose the “JetDirect” option.

在“连接”类型中,选择“ JetDirect”选项

It will scan the network and show you the printer it find out.


The add the printer.


By now, the scanner and printer should be ready to be used. For scanning images, I usually use xsane.

至此,扫描仪和打印机应该已经可以使用了。 为了扫描图像,我通常使用xsane

$ xsane

If everything is working well, you should be able to scan the images using the scanner now.


翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/how-to-configure-scanner-in-a-hp-all-in-one-printer-on-linux/



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