1. 错误信息

HTTP Status 500 - Request processing failed; nested exception is org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisSystemException: nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.reflection.ReflectionException: There is no getter for property named ‘qo’ in 'class cn.wolfcode.rbac.qo.UserQo’
type Exception report

message Request processing failed; nested exception is org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisSystemException: …


  • 请首先排除在 Qo 中真的没有写 get , set 方法的情况

2. 错误原因1

  • 在方法中忘记写, @Param(“qo”) 的注释

     int count(UserQo qo);

3. 解决办法

  • 加上注释就可以了
     int count(@Param("qo") UserQo qo);

4. 错误原因2

  • 在sql查询语句中应该使用 qo的地方忘记写了
<sql id="MySQL"><where><if test="qo.keyword!=null and qo.keyword!=''">and  username like conact('%',#{qo.keyword},'%')</if><if test="qo.appId!=null and qo.appId!=-1"><!--错误处-->and appId = #{appId}</if></where></sql>

5. 解决方法

  • 将缺少的地方写上即可

  <sql id="MySQL"><where><if test="qo.keyword!=null and qo.keyword!=''">and  username like conact('%',#{qo.keyword},'%')</if><if test="qo.appId!=null and qo.appId!=-1"><!--已填上-->and appId = #{qo.appId}</if></where></sql>

Exception:There is no getter for property named ‘qo‘ in ‘class cn.xxxxxx.rbac.qo.XxxxQo 的两种错误可能及解决方案相关推荐

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