

#ifndef MSTC_H
#define MSTC_H//! 与beckhoff交互信息结构体
//! 与beckhoff端结构体定义一致
* 文件名:mSTc.h
* 编制日期:2018.11.13
* 作者:Kare
* 功能:
*   bk_ctlStatus 定义与BECKHOFF控制器通信的结构体,与在BECKHOFF PLC内的结构体一致
********************************************************************************************/#include "mMacro.h"
#include <vector>using namespace std;
//! 按照单字节对齐,需要与PLC端定义一致。不需要优化。
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1) //! beckhoff结构体 NCTOPLC_AXLESTRUCT
struct Nc2Plc
{BK_DWORD nStateDWord; //Status double word BK_DWORD nErrorCode; // Axis error code BK_DWORD nAxisState; // Axis moving status BK_DWORD nAxisModeCon; // Axis mode confirmation (feedback from NC) BK_DWORD nCalibrationState; // State of axis calibration (homing) BK_DWORD nCoupleState; // Axis coupling state BK_DWORD nSvbEntries; // SVB entries/orders (SVB = Set preparation task) BK_DWORD nSafEntries; // SAF entries/orders (SAF = Set execution task BK_DWORD nAxisId    ; // Axis ID BK_DWORD nOpModeDWord; // Current operation mode BK_DWORD nReserved2_HIDDEN; // reserved BK_LREAL fPosIst; // Actual position (absolut value from NC) BK_LREAL fModuloPosIst; // Actual position as modulo value (e.g. in degrees) BK_DINT nModuloTurns;   // Actual modulo turns BK_LREAL fVeloIst; // Actual velocity (optional) BK_LREAL fPosDiff; // Position difference (lag distance) BK_LREAL fPosSoll; // Setpoint position BK_LREAL fVeloSoll; // Setpoint velocity BK_LREAL fAccSoll; // Setpoint acceleration, OLD: "fReserve1_HIDDEN" BK_LREAL fReserve2_HIDDEN; // reserved BK_LREAL fReserve3_HIDDEN; // reserved BK_LREAL fReserve4_HIDDEN; // reserved };//! NCTOPLC_AXLESTRUCT nStateDWord变量
{/* NCTOPLC_AXLESTRUCTByte Bit  Def. range Variable Name Description 0 0/1 Operational Axis is ready for operation 1 0/1 Homed Axis has been referenced/ homed ("Axis calibrated") 2 0/1 NotMoving Axis is logically stationary ("Axis not moving") 3 0/1 InPositionArea Axis is in position window (physical feedback) 4 0/1 InTargetPosition Axis is at target position (PEH) (physical feedback) 5 0/1 Protected Axis is in a protected operating mode (e.g. as a slave axis, or under axis interpolation) 6 0/1 ErrorPrewarning NEW: Axis signals an error pre warning (from TC 2.11) 7 0/1 HasBeenStopped Axis has been stopped or is presently executing a stop 8 0/1 HasJob Axis has instructions, is carrying instructions out 9 0/1 PositiveDirection Axis moving to logically larger values 10 0/1 NegativeDirection Axis moving to logically smaller values 11 0/1 HomingBusy Axis referenced ("Axis being calibrated") 12 0/1 ConstantVelocity Axis has reached its constant velocity or rotary speed 13 0/1 Compensating Section compensation passive[0]/active[1] (s. "MC_MoveSuperImposed") 14 0/1 ExtSetPointGenEnabled External setpoint generator enabled 15 0/1   Operating mode not yet executed (Busy). Not implemented yet! 16 0/1 ExternalLatchValid External latch value or sensing switch has become valid 17 0/1 NewTargetPos Axis has a new target position or a new velocity 18 0/1  Axis is not at target position or cannot reach the target position (e.g. stop). Not implemented yet! 19 0/1 ContinuousMotion Axis has target position (±) endless 20 0/1 ControlLoopClosed Axis is ready for operation and axis control loop is closed (e.g. position control) 21 0/1 CamTableQueued CAM table is queued for  "Online Change" and waiting for activation 22 0/1 CamDataQueued CAM data (only MF) are queued for  "Online Change" and waiting for activation 23 0/1 CamScalingPending CAM scaling are queued for  "Online Change" and waiting for activation 24 0/1 CmdBuffered NEW: Following command is queued in then command buffer (s. Buffer Mode)(from TwinCAT V2.10 Build 1311) 25 0/1 PTPmode NEW: Axis in PTP mode (no slave, no NCI axis) (from TC 2.10 Build 1326) 26 0/1 SoftLimitMinExceeded NEW: Position software limit switch minimum is exceeded (from TC 2.10 Build 1327) 27 0/1 SoftLimitMaxExceeded NEW: Position software limit switch maximum is exceeded (from TC 2.10 Build 1327) 28 0/1 DriveDeviceError NEW: Hardware drive device error (no warning), interpretation only possible when drive is data exchanging, e.g. EtherCAT "OP"-state (from TC 2.10 Build 1326) 29 0/1 MotionCommandsLocked NEW: Axis is locked for motion commands (TcMc2) 30 0/1 IoDataInvalid NEW: IO data invalid (e.g. 'WcState' or 'CdlState') 31 0/1 Error Axis is in a fault state */bool Operational; // Axis is ready for operation bool Homed; // Axis has been referenced/ homed ("Axis calibrated") bool NotMoving; // Axis is logically stationary ("Axis not moving") bool InPositionArea; // Axis is in position window (physical feedback) bool InTargetPosition; // Axis is at target position (PEH) (physical feedback) bool Protected; // Axis is in a protected operating mode (e.g. as a slave axis, or under axis interpolation) bool ErrorPrewarning; // NEW: Axis signals an error pre warning (from TC 2.11) bool HasBeenStopped; // Axis has been stopped or is presently executing a stop bool HasJob; // Axis has instructions, is carrying instructions out bool PositiveDirection; // Axis moving to logically larger values bool NegativeDirection; // Axis moving to logically smaller values bool HomingBusy; // Axis referenced ("Axis being calibrated") bool ConstantVelocity; // Axis has reached its constant velocity or rotary speed bool Compensating; // Section compensation passive[0]/active[1] (s. "MC_MoveSuperImposed") bool ExtSetPointGenEnabled; // External setpoint generator enabled // Operating mode not yet executed (Busy). Not implemented yet! bool ExternalLatchValid; // External latch value or sensing switch has become valid bool NewTargetPos; // Axis has a new target position or a new velocity //  18 0/1  Axis is not at target position or cannot reach the target position (e.g. stop). Not implemented yet! bool ContinuousMotion; // Axis has target position (±) endless bool ControlLoopClosed; // Axis is ready for operation and axis control loop is closed (e.g. position control) bool CamTableQueued; // CAM table is queued for  "Online Change" and waiting for activation bool CamDataQueued; // CAM data (only MF) are queued for  "Online Change" and waiting for activation bool CamScalingPending; // CAM scaling are queued for  "Online Change" and waiting for activation bool CmdBuffered; // NEW: Following command is queued in then command buffer (s. Buffer Mode)//(from TwinCAT V2.10 Build 1311) bool PTPmode; // NEW: Axis in PTP mode (no slave, no NCI axis) (from TC 2.10 Build 1326) bool SoftLimitMinExceeded; // NEW: Position software limit switch minimum is exceeded (from TC 2.10 Build 1327) bool SoftLimitMaxExceeded; // NEW: Position software limit switch maximum is exceeded (from TC 2.10 Build 1327) bool DriveDeviceError; // NEW: Hardware drive device error (no warning), interpretation only possible when drive is data exchanging, e.g. EtherCAT "OP"-state (from TC 2.10 Build 1326) bool MotionCommandsLocked; // NEW: Axis is locked for motion commands (TcMc2) bool IoDataInvalid; // NEW: IO data invalid (e.g. 'WcState' or 'CdlState') bool Error; // Axis is in a fault state };#pragma pack(pop) //恢复默认对齐
//#pragma pack() #endif


#define BK_LREAL double //8 bytes
#define BK_USINT unsigned char //1 byte
#define BK_UINT unsigned short int //2 byte
#define BK_INT short int //2byte
#define BK_BOOL unsigned char //1 bit
#define BK_UDINT unsigned  int//4 bytes
#define BK_DINT int //4 bytes
#define BK_DWORD unsigned int //4 bytes//处理函数,将BK_DWORD转换为对应的结构体
NCTOPLC_AXLESTRUCT_nStateDWord mg_uint2NCTOPLC_AXLESTRUCT_nStateDWord( unsigned int fml_val )
{NCTOPLC_AXLESTRUCT_nStateDWord nState;int siz = sizeof(NCTOPLC_AXLESTRUCT_nStateDWord);
//  memcpy(&nState, &fml_val, sizeof(nState));nState.Operational = (fml_val & (0x01)) != 0;nState.Homed = (fml_val & (0x01<<1)) != 0;nState.NotMoving = (fml_val & (0x01<<2)) != 0;nState.InTargetPosition = (fml_val & (0x01<<4)) != 0;nState.HasJob = (fml_val & (0x01<<8)) != 0;nState.Error = (fml_val & (0x01>>31)) != 0;return nState;


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