



function rawData = readRaw(fileName, bitsNum, row, col)
% readRaw.m    get rawData from HiRawImage
%   Input:
%       fileName    the path of HiRawImage
%       bitsNum      the number of bits of raw image
%       row         the row of the raw image
%       col         the column of the raw image
%   Output:
%       rawData     the matrix of raw image data
%   Instructions:
%       author:     wtzhu
%       e-mail:     wtzhu_13@163.com
% Last Modified by wtzhu v1.0 2021-06-29
% Note: % get fileID
fin = fopen(fileName, 'r');
% format precision
switch bitsNumcase 8disp('bits: 8');format = sprintf('uint8=>uint8');case 10disp('bits: 10');format = sprintf('uint16=>uint16');case 12disp('bits: 12');format = sprintf('uint16=>uint16');case 16disp('bits: 16');format = sprintf('uint16=>uint16');
I = fread(fin, row*col, format);
% plot(I, '.');
z = reshape(I, row, col);
z = z';
rawData = z;
% imshow(z);


function correctP = judgeDefectPixel(aroundP, currentP, Th)
% judgeDefectPixel.m    correct the curren pixel
%   Input:
%       aroundP     the pixel around the current pixel
%       currentP    the value of current pixel
%       Th          the threshold of the defect pixel
%   Output:
%       correctP    the corrected value of the pixel
%   Instructions:
%       author:     wtzhu
%       e-mail:     wtzhu_13@163.com
% Last Modified by wtzhu v1.0 2021-07-16
% Note: % get the median value of the around listmedianV = median(aroundP);% get the difference between the around pixel and the current pixeldiff = aroundP - ones(1, numel(aroundP)) * currentP;% if all difference bigger than 0 or all smaller than 0 and all abs of the diff are bigger than Th, that pixel is% a defect pixel and replace it with the median;if (nnz(diff > 0) ==  numel(aroundP)) || (nnz(diff < 0) ==  numel(aroundP))if length(find((abs(diff)>Th)==1)) == numel(aroundP)correctP = medianV;elsecorrectP = currentP;endelsecorrectP = currentP;end


function imgExpand = expandRaw(img, expandNum)
if mod(expandNum, 2) ~= 0disp('expandNum must be an even number!')return
[height, width] = size(img);
imgExpand = zeros(height+expandNum*2, width+expandNum*2);
imgExpand(expandNum+1:height+expandNum, expandNum+1:width+expandNum) = img(:,:);
imgExpand(1:expandNum, expandNum+1:width+expandNum) = img(1:expandNum,:);
imgExpand(height+expandNum+1:height+expandNum*2, expandNum+1:width+expandNum) = img(height-expandNum+1:height,:);
imgExpand(:,1:expandNum) = imgExpand(:, expandNum+1:2*expandNum);
imgExpand(:,width+expandNum+1:width+2*expandNum) = imgExpand(:, width+1:width+expandNum);


clc;clear;close all;
% --------global velue---------
expandNum = 2;
Th = 30;% --------raw parameters-------
filePath = 'images/HisiRAW_4208x3120_8bits_RGGB.raw';
bayerFormat = 'RGGB';
bayerBits = 8;
row = 4208;
col = 3120;
% -----------------------------rawData = readRaw(filePath, bayerBits, row, col);
[height, width, channel] = size(rawData);img_expand = expandRaw(rawData, expandNum);disImg = zeros(height, width);
for i = expandNum+1 : 2 : height+expandNumfor j = expandNum+1 : 2 : width+expandNum% R% get the pixel around the current R pixelaround_R_pixel = [img_expand(i-2, j-2) img_expand(i-2, j) img_expand(i-2, j+2) img_expand(i, j-2) img_expand(i, j+2) img_expand(i+2, j-2) img_expand(i+2, j) img_expand(i+2, j+2)];disImg(i-expandNum, j-expandNum) = judgeDefectPixel(around_R_pixel, img_expand(i, j), Th);% Gr% get the pixel around the current Gr pixelaround_Gr_pixel = [img_expand(i-1, j) img_expand(i-2, j+1) img_expand(i-1, j+2)  img_expand(i, j-1) img_expand(i, j+3) img_expand(i+1, j) img_expand(i+2, j+1) img_expand(i+1, j+2)];disImg(i-expandNum, j-expandNum+1) = judgeDefectPixel(around_Gr_pixel, img_expand(i, j+1), Th);% B% get the pixel around the current B pixelaround_B_pixel = [img_expand(i-1, j-1) img_expand(i-1, j+1) img_expand(i-1, j+3) img_expand(i+1, j-1) img_expand(i+1, j+3) img_expand(i+3, j-1) img_expand(i+3, j+1) img_expand(i+3, j+3)];disImg(i-expandNum+1, j-expandNum+1) = judgeDefectPixel(around_B_pixel, img_expand(i+1, j+1), Th);% Gb% get the pixel around the current Gb pixelaround_Gb_pixel = [img_expand(i, j-1) img_expand(i-1, j) img_expand(i, j+1) img_expand(i+1, j-2) img_expand(i+1, j+2) img_expand(i+2, j-1) img_expand(i+3, j) img_expand(i+2, j+1)];disImg(i-expandNum+1, j-expandNum) = judgeDefectPixel(around_Gb_pixel, img_expand(i+1, j), Th);end
disp(['cost time��',num2str(toc)])

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