Panda3D 初学者教程(一)



Lesson 1

Hello World

In which we learn how to make and run a Panda3D instance, and how to load and manipulate models.

At it’s most basic, running a Panda3D program is quite simple: create a “ShowBase” object, and tell it to run.

Specifically, it can be convenient to make our main “game-class” a sub-class of ShowBase: this unifies our game-class with the ShowBase that we’ll run, and even gives us a globally-accessible variable, named “base”, that points to our game.

from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBaseclass Game(ShowBase):def __init__(self):ShowBase.__init__(self)game = Game()

If you run the code above, a window should open titled “Panda”, and showing an empty grey view:

By default, Panda3D opens an 800x600 window, which can be somewhat small. So, let’s make it a little bigger.

There are a few ways of doing this, but one simple method is to “request window properties”. In short, we create a “WindowProperties” object, set the properties that we want in that object, and then pass it back to Panda, requesting that it apply them.

I’ve chosen a window-size of 1000x750; modify this to suit your screen and preference.

from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
from panda3d.core import WindowPropertiesclass Game(ShowBase):def __init__(self):ShowBase.__init__(self)properties = WindowProperties()properties.setSize(1000, 750) = Game()

Panda3D by default uses a particular mouse-based camera-control. We probably don’t want to use that, so we disable that control, allowing us to (later) control the camera ourselves:


Next, let’s consider adding some models to the scene…



from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBaseclass Game(ShowBase):def __init__(self):ShowBase.__init__(self)game = Game()



from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
from panda3d.core import WindowPropertiesclass Game(ShowBase):def __init__(self):ShowBase.__init__(self)properties = WindowProperties()properties.setSize(1000, 750) = Game()




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