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const result$ = events.get(CartAddEntrySuccessEvent).pipe(// When the above event is captured, wait for the cart to be stable// (because OCC reloads the cart after any cart operation)...switchMap((event) =>cartService.isStable().pipe(filter(Boolean), mapTo(event))),// Merge the state snapshot of the cart with the data from the event:withLatestFrom(cartService.getActive()),map(([event, cart]) => ({ ...event, cart })));result$.subscribe((data) => console.log('Jerry', data));



The Boolean global reference points to the constructor function which returns a boolean value from the first argument.

The constructor can be used to create a boolean wrapper object, but it is not the same as the primitive true value.

console.log(new Boolean("truthy")); // prints an object.console.log(new Boolean("truthy").valueOf() === true); // prints trueconsole.log((new Boolean("truthy")) === true); // prints falseconsole.log(Boolean("truthy") === true); // prints true

Rxjs 里 filter(Boolean) 的用法相关推荐

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