数据库表命名 单数复数

I'll cut right to the chase: the word "data" is plural. It's the plural form of Latin word "datum." Many data. One datum.

我将紧追其后:“数据”一词是复数形式。 它是拉丁文“基准”的复数形式。 许多数据。 一个基准。

Datum means "a given" or "something that should be taken into consideration."


Nobody really uses the word "datum." Instead people say "data point" to represent a single unit of data.

没有人真正使用“基准”一词。 取而代之的是人们说“数据点”代表一个数据单元。

So yes – when developers and data scientists say: "the data suggest these two phenomena are correlated" instead of "suggests" – they are in-fact using the word "data" correct.

所以是的–开发人员和数据科学家说:“数据表明这两种现象是相关的”,而不是“ 表明 ” –实际上,使用“数据”一词是正确的。

This is not a matter of being cheeky. There is a single objective reality we all live in. And in that reality, the word "data" is plural.

这不是厚脸皮的问题。 我们所有人都生活在一个单一的客观现实中。在这个现实中,“数据”一词是复数形式。

但是人们说“数据 ”而不是“数据 ”是可以的 (But it's OK for people to say "the data is" instead of "the data are")

It really is.


Life is too short for this kind of nitpicking.


I often hear people who work with data use the wrong subject-verb agreement for the word data. I don't correct them. Because I don't want them to dismiss me as pedantic. Or to take this as some form of deeply-felt criticism.

我经常听到使用数据的人对数据一词使用错误的主语-动词一致性。 我不纠正他们。 因为我不想让他们把我当作学究。 或者将其视为某种形式的深刻批评。

And I recommend you don't correct people on this, either.


You can keep sailing through life, saying "data are" while all your colleagues continue to say "data is." You can feel a smug satisfaction that – deep down inside – you are right and they are wrong.

您可以继续生活,说“数据就是”,而所有同事都继续说“数据就是”。 您会感到自鸣得意的满意–内心深处–您是对的,他们是错的。

Who knows. Maybe one day your boss will approach you one-on-one after a team meeting. They'll say:

谁知道。 也许有一天,您的老板会在团队会议后一对一地与您联系。 他们会说:

"You know – I always thought it was strange that you said "the data are" when everyone else I know says "the data is."

“您知道–当我认识的其他人都说“数据 ”时,我总是以为您说“数据 ”很奇怪。

"You know – I always thought it was strange that you said "the data are" when everyone else I know says "the data is."

“您知道–当我认识的其他人都说“数据就是 ”时,我总是以为您说“数据就是 ”很奇怪。

But I looked it up. And you were right. You've been right all along, and it was us who were wrong.

但是我查了一下。 你说的没错。 您一直以来都是对的,而正是我们错了。

But I looked it up. And you were right. You've been right all along, and it was us who were wrong.

但是我查了一下。 你说的没错。 您一直以来都是对的,而正是我们错了。

And yet you didn't correct us.


And yet you didn't correct us.


OK – maybe not that last part.


But it feels good to say it correctly, doesn't it?


Eventually all the people who keep saying it wrong will look the word "data" up in the dictionary. They too will come to see the light.

最终,所有一直说错的人都会在字典中查找“数据”一词。 他们也将来看光。

This isn't some crazy hard irregular verb we're talking about. (Just try correctly conjugating the phrase "to lie down" for past and past participle, and you'll see what I mean.)

这不是我们正在谈论的一些疯狂的硬不规则动词。 (只需正确地为过去和过去分词加上词组“躺下”一词,您就会明白我的意思。)

This isn't like knowing when to say "who" and when to say "whom."


Remembering that the word "data" is plural is something you can get the hang of pretty quickly.


Remember, there 3 things that can instantly make anyone sound smarter:


  • Black frame glasses黑框眼镜
  • A white lab coat一件白色的实验室外套
  • Saying "data are" instead of "data is"说“数据是”而不是“数据是”

There you go. I hope you've learned something useful today.

妳去 希望您今天学到了一些有用的东西。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/data-is-or-data-are-singular-or-plural/

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