
The opportunity to leverage insights from data has never been greater.


Humans tend to generate a lot of data each day - from heart rates to favorite songs, fitness goals and movie preferences. You find data in each drawer of business.

人类每天往往会产生大量数据-从心跳到喜欢的歌曲,健身目标和电影喜好。 您可以在每个业务抽屉中找到数据。

Data is no longer restricted to just technological companies. Businesses as diverse as life insurance agencies, hotels, and product management companies are now using data to make better marketing strategies, improve customer experience, understand business trends or just collect insights on user data.

数据不再仅限于科技公司。 人寿保险机构,酒店和产品管理公司等各种企业现在都在使用数据来制定更好的营销策略,改善客户体验,了解业务趋势或仅收集有关用户数据的见解。

In the rapidly expanding world of today, it is essential that we analyze the generated data and provide insights for a better-decision making in the business.


Forbes says there are 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created each day and I know from some prior random read that only 0.5% of the data being generated is analysed! Now, that is one mind-boggling statistic.

福布斯说,每天创建2.5亿个字节的数据,我从先前的一些随机读取中知道,只有0.5%的生成数据得到了分析! 现在,这是一个令人难以置信的统计数字。

Some say:


Data is the Future


Fuel for the 21st Century

燃料21 世纪

Career of Tomorrow


Driving Force for Businesses


Data is the new frontier


All of these hold true!


In fact, everything today depends on data; from big multinationals to small businesses. The urge to study and understand trends in the business has never been so in demand.

实际上,今天的一切都取决于数据。 从大型跨国公司到小型企业。 研究和了解业务趋势的需求从未如此迫切。

Now is the time for Data!


With the abundance of data being generated today to be precise in zettabytes, the value of data and related skills primarily go up, creating better job opportunities and career options for data analysts. This makes NOW the perfect time to start a journey into the world of big data analytics

如今,随着生成的数据量(以zettabytes为单位)的精确性,数据和相关技能的价值开始上升,从而为数据分析师创造了更好的工作机会和职业选择。 现在,这是开始进入大数据分析世界的绝佳时机

数据分析 (Data Analytics)

So, what exactly is Data Analytics?


Data Analysis concentrates on making insightful conclusions from raw data. Many of the techniques and processes of data analytics have been automated into mechanical processes and algorithms that work over raw data for human consumption.

数据分析专注于从原始数据得出有见地的结论。 数据分析的许多技术和过程已被自动化为机械过程和算法,这些过程和算法对原始数据进行处理以供人类使用。

At its heart, analytics is all about solving problems.


I can write pages of definition on Data Analytics and there are many websites speaking the same. So, without further ado, let's quickly jump to read what makes Data Analysis a good-to-know skill in 2019!

我可以在Data Analytics上编写定义页面,并且有很多网站都使用相同的定义。 因此,事不宜迟,让我们快速阅读一下什么使Data Analysis在2019年成为了一个众所周知的技能!

学习数据分析的5个理由 (5 Reasons to Learn Data Analytics)

1.数据分析现在是顶级组织的优先事项 (1. Data analytics is now a priority for top organizations)

With increased business competitions, stiffening economics, and business-driven decision making, top organizations have now to turn to data analytics to identify new market opportunities, pockets for improved business, improvement in services and products, comparison to competitors for their business.


As things stand today, 77% of top organizations consider data analytics a very critical component of their business performance. Business Performance is measured by analytics. What this means is that data professionals in general have a huge influence on company policies, decisions and marketing strategies

如今,77%的顶级组织将数据分析视为其业务绩效的非常关键的组成部分。 业务绩效通过分析来衡量。 这意味着数据专业人员通常会对公司政策,决策和营销策略产生巨大影响

2.您将成为公司决策的核心 (2. You will be at the core of decision-making in the company)

One of the most sought after job expectations is the power to make decisions. Often, lack of decision-making power makes a job dissatisfying like just another cog in the great corporate wheel.

最高期望的工作期望之一就是做出决定的权力。 通常,缺乏决策权会使工作变得不尽如人意,就像伟大企业轮盘中的另一个齿轮一样。

However, as a data analytics professional, you are at the core of decision-making for your company. In fact, you will be an integral part of business decisions and future strategies, because you study trends, you provide meaningful insights on future scope of improvement, thus giving you an important role and purpose within the organization.

但是,作为数据分析专家,您是公司决策的核心。 实际上,您将成为业务决策和未来战略不可或缺的一部分,因为您研究趋势,就未来的改进范围提供了有意义的见解,从而在组织中发挥了重要的作用和宗旨。

3.您将有各种职务选择 (3. You will have various job titles to choose from)

A data analytics professional has a broad range of job titles and fields from which to choose. Since big data is used almost everywhere today, you can choose to be a:

数据分析专业人员可以选择广泛的职位和领域。 由于当今几乎在所有地方都使用大数据,因此您可以选择成为:

Metrics and Analytics Specialist


Data Analyst


Big Data Engineer


Operation Analyst


Sales Analyst


Financial Analyst


Marketing Analyst


Data Analytics Consultant


I personally love Financial Analysis! :P

我个人喜欢财务分析! :P

4.高薪和更多工作机会 (4. Good Pay and More Job Opportunities)

Data is the real generous king. More demand and less supply mean that data professionals are valuable.

数据才是真正的慷慨之王。 需求增加而供应减少意味着数据专业人员很有价值。

I cannot stress enough on the amount of opportunities that open with data and its analysis. Companies now concentrate on comprehensively incorporating data analysis in the business cycle. Just as a business cannot create a remarkable brand experience without social media, business performance evaluation is incomplete without data analysis.

我对数据及其分析所带来的大量机会没有足够的压力。 公司现在专注于在业务周期中全面纳入数据分析。 正如没有社交媒体就无法创造卓越的品牌体验一样,没有数据分析也无法完成业务绩效评估。

5.众多行业开放 (5. Large number of industries open)

Well, it is pretty clear that data analysts are not confined to a couple of industry segments - their contribution spans the entire industry verticals.


The transition to Data Analysis is smooth. There is no specific domain; data analysts work for everyone. McDonalds to IBM to Walmart to Estee Lauder. So you can work in any domain of your choice. It could be in an industry verticals like finance, manufacturing, information technology, communications, logistics, retail, automobile, and the whole nine yards. This is the reason choosing the right data analytics training can make all the difference.

到数据分析的过渡很顺利。 没有特定的域; 数据分析师为每个人工作。 麦当劳到IBM,沃尔玛到Estee Lauder。 因此,您可以在自己选择的任何领域工作。 它可能处于垂直行业,例如金融,制造,信息技术,通信,物流,零售,汽车以及整个九码。 这就是选择正确的数据分析培训可以发挥所有作用的原因。

"Being able to look at various pieces of data and draw a conclusion is probably the most valuable skill for any employee to have, and surprisingly it's something that's too often missing from otherwise technically advanced employees."


尾注 (Ending Notes)

The role of a data analyst is one wherein you make a major difference to the organization you work for. It is about taking pride in the fact that you help the business make correct decisions, achieve its true goals, fulfill the mission and vision.

数据分析师的角色是,您可以为所工作的组织带来重大影响。 它以您可以帮助企业做出正确的决定,实现其真实目标,实现使命和愿景这一事实为荣。

Data is the holy grail of today’s world. Data has the power to help any company find its true calling, so it is the job of a data analyst to decipher the data to such an extent that rest of the organization’s departments will directly benefit from this true gift of yours.

数据是当今世界的圣杯。 数据有能力帮助任何公司找到其真正的使命,因此数据分析师的职责是解密数据,以使组织的其他部门可以直接从您的这份天赋中受益。

认识你的作者 (Know your author)

Rashi is a graduate student and a Data Analyst, User Experience Analyst and Consultant, a Tech Speaker, and a Blogger! She aspires to form an organization connecting the Women in Business with an ocean of resources to be fearless and passionate about the work and the world. Feel free to drop her a message here!

Rashi是一名研究生,是一名数据分析师,用户体验分析师和顾问,一名技术发言人和一名Blogger! 她希望组建一个组织,将从事商业活动的妇女与丰富的资源联系在一起,以对工作和世界保持无畏和热情。 随时在这里给她留言!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/why-should-you-learn-data-analysis/



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