python 使用c模块

by Adam Goldschmidt

亚当·戈德施密特(Adam Goldschmidt)

您可能没有使用(但应该使用)的很棒的Python模块 (Awesome Python modules you probably aren’t using (but should be))

Python is a beautiful language, and it contains many built-in modules that aim to help us write better, prettier code.


目的 (Objective)

Throughout this article, we will use some lesser-known modules and methods that I think can improve the way we code - both in visibility and in efficiency.


命名元组 (NamedTuple)

I believe that some of you already know the more popular namedtuple from the collections module (if you don't - check it out), but since Python 3.6, a new class is available in the typing module: NamedTuple. Both are designed to help you quickly create readable immutable objects.

我相信有些人已经从collections模块中了解到了更流行的namedtuple (如果您不这样做的话,请检查一下 ),但是自Python 3.6起, typing模块中提供了一个新类: NamedTuple 。 两者都旨在帮助您快速创建可读的不可变对象。

NamedTuple is actually a typed version of namedtuple, and in my opinion, is much more readable:

NamedTuple实际上是一个类型版本namedtuple ,在我看来,是更可读:

Here’s the namedtuple alternative:


array.array (array.array)

Efficient arrays of numeric values. Arrays are sequence types and behave very much like lists, except that the type of objects stored in them is constrained. — Python docs

高效的数值数组。 数组是序列类型,其行为与列表非常相似,不同之处在于数组中存储的对象类型受到约束。 — Python文档

When using the array module, we need to instantiate it with a typecode, which is the type all of its elements will use. Let's compare time efficiency with a normal list, writing many integers to a file (using pickle module for a regular list):

使用array模块时,我们需要使用类型码实例化它,这是其所有元素将使用的类型。 让我们将时间效率与普通列表进行比较,向文件中写入许多整数(对常规列表使用pickle模块):

14 times faster. That’s a lot. Of course it also depends on the pickle module, but still - the array is way more compact than the list. So if you are using simple numeric values, you should consider using the array module.

14倍 。 好多啊。 当然,它也取决于pickle模块,但是仍然-数组比列表更紧凑。 因此,如果使用简单的数值,则应考虑使用array模块。

itertools.combinations (itertools.combinations)

itertools is an impressive module. It has so many different time-saving methods, all of them are listed here. There's even a GitHub repository containing more itertools!

itertools是一个令人印象深刻的模块。 它有很多不同的省时方法,所有这些都在这里列出。 甚至还有一个包含更多itertools的GitHub存储库!

I got to use the combinations method this week and I thought I'd share it. This method takes an iterable and an integer as arguments, and creates a generator consisting of all possible combinations of the iterable with a maximum length of the integer given, without duplication:

我本周必须使用combinations方法,我想我会分享的。 此方法将一个iterable和一个整数作为参数,并创建一个生成器,该生成器由iterable的所有可能组合以及给定整数的最大长度组成,且不重复:

dict.fromkeys (dict.fromkeys)

A quick and beautiful way of creating a dict with default values:


最后但并非最不重要的dis模块 (Last but not least - the dis module)

The dis module supports the analysis of CPython bytecode by disassembling it.

dis模块通过反汇编来支持CPython 字节码的分析。

As you may or may not know, Python compiles source code to a set of instructions called “bytecode”. The dis module helps us handle these instructions, and it's a great debugging tool.

您可能知道也可能不知道,Python将源代码编译为一组称为“字节码”的指令。 dis模块可帮助我们处理这些指令,它是一个出色的调试工具。

Here’s an example from the Fluent Python book:

这是Fluent Python书中的一个示例:

We got an error — but the operation still succeeded. How come? Well, if we look at the bytecode (I added comments near the important parts):

我们遇到了错误-但操作仍然成功。 怎么会? 好吧,如果我们看一下字节码(我在重要部分附近添加了注释):

你走之前… (Before you go…)

Thanks for reading! For more Python related articles and other cool stuff, you can follow me on Medium or GitHub (I star some awesome repos!).

谢谢阅读! 有关更多与Python相关的文章和其他有趣的内容,您可以在Medium或GitHub上关注我(我给一些超赞的存储库加注!)。

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如果您喜欢这篇文章,请按住拍手按钮? 帮助别人找到它。 握的时间越长,拍手就越多!

And do not hesitate to share more Python hidden gems in the comments below.



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