题目:Fans are necessary in ____hot country.
题目:Which river is ____shortest, the Nile, the Amazon, or the Mississippi?
题目:This great team crossed the ocean on____raft.
题目:Why is America called____United States?
题目:We sailed up ____Pacific.
题目:Can you row me ____the lake?
题目:Mary lives in London which is on____Thames.
题目:There isn’t ____water in the bottle.
题目:George left the house and was soon ____sight.
题目:The story was____interesting that I told it to my friends.
题目:It was his____to report to his boss.
题目:They saved the girl____the fire.
题目:He told me about his ____as a salesman.
题目:I’ve a lot of ____to do during the holiday.
题目:He ____when the door opened and the manager came in.
题目:____day, a woman came to his house.
题目:The thief is____arrest now.
题目:I made the model better____you did.
题目:I have sent you as much money as ____.
题目:The temptation____is strong for him.
A、to sleep

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