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</nav><div data-spy="scroll" data-target="#navbar-example2" data-offset="0" style="position:relative;height: 15rem;overflow:auto;"><h4 id="fat">@fat</h4><p>Ad leggings keytar, brunch id art party dolor labore. Pitchfork yr enim lo-fi before they sold out qui. Tumblr farm-to-table bicycle rights whatever. Anim keffiyeh carles cardigan. Velit seitan mcsweeney's photo booth 3 wolf moon irure. Cosby sweater lomo jean shorts, williamsburg hoodie minim qui you probably haven't heard of them et cardigan trust fund culpa biodiesel wes anderson aesthetic. Nihil tattooed accusamus, cred irony biodiesel keffiyeh artisan ullamco consequat.</p><h4 id="mdo">@mdo</h4><p>Veniam marfa mustache skateboard, adipisicing fugiat velit pitchfork beard. Freegan beard aliqua cupidatat mcsweeney's vero. Cupidatat four loko nisi, ea helvetica nulla carles. Tattooed cosby sweater food truck, mcsweeney's quis non freegan vinyl. Lo-fi wes anderson +1 sartorial. Carles non aesthetic exercitation quis gentrify. Brooklyn adipisicing craft beer vice keytar deserunt.</p><h4 id="one">one</h4><p>Occaecat commodo aliqua delectus. Fap craft beer deserunt skateboard ea. Lomo bicycle rights adipisicing banh mi, velit ea sunt next level locavore single-origin coffee in magna veniam. High life id vinyl, echo park consequat quis aliquip banh mi pitchfork. Vero VHS est adipisicing. Consectetur nisi DIY minim messenger bag. Cred ex in, sustainable delectus consectetur fanny pack iphone.</p><h4 id="two">two</h4><p>In incididunt echo park, officia deserunt mcsweeney's proident master cleanse thundercats sapiente veniam. Excepteur VHS elit, proident shoreditch +1 biodiesel laborum craft beer. Single-origin coffee wayfarers irure four loko, cupidatat terry richardson master cleanse. Assumenda you probably haven't heard of them art party fanny pack, tattooed nulla cardigan tempor ad. Proident wolf nesciunt sartorial keffiyeh eu banh mi sustainable. Elit wolf voluptate, lo-fi ea portland before they sold out four loko. Locavore enim nostrud mlkshk brooklyn nesciunt.</p><h4 id="three">three</h4><p>Ad leggings keytar, brunch id art party dolor labore. Pitchfork yr enim lo-fi before they sold out qui. Tumblr farm-to-table bicycle rights whatever. Anim keffiyeh carles cardigan. Velit seitan mcsweeney's photo booth 3 wolf moon irure. Cosby sweater lomo jean shorts, williamsburg hoodie minim qui you probably haven't heard of them et cardigan trust fund culpa biodiesel wes anderson aesthetic. Nihil tattooed accusamus, cred irony biodiesel keffiyeh artisan ullamco consequat.</p><p>Keytar twee blog, culpa messenger bag marfa whatever delectus food truck. Sapiente synth id assumenda. Locavore sed helvetica cliche irony, thundercats you probably haven't heard of them consequat hoodie gluten-free lo-fi fap aliquip. Labore elit placeat before they sold out, terry richardson proident brunch nesciunt quis cosby sweater pariatur keffiyeh ut helvetica artisan. Cardigan craft beer seitan readymade velit. VHS chambray laboris tempor veniam. Anim mollit minim commodo ullamco thundercats.</p>


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@mdo 的上一行建立一个空的标签,#id换成@mdo的方法。这样是不是就可以了呢?





滚动监听现在需要用到Bootstrap nav 组件 以适当地高亮激活的链接。





body {position: relative;
<body data-spy="scroll" data-target="#navbar-example">...<div id="navbar-example"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">...</ul></div>...


在你的CSS中添加了position: relative;之后,利用JavaScript调用滚动监听:

$('body').scrollspy({ target: '#navbar-example' })






$('[data-spy="scroll"]').each(function () {var $spy = $(this).scrollspy('refresh')



名称 类型 默认值 description
offset number 10 从顶部滚下来多少像素开始计算位置


事件类型 描述
activate.bs.scrollspy 当一个新项被滚动监听激活时,会触发该事件。
$('#myScrollspy').on('activate.bs.scrollspy', function () {// do something…


4.18、Bootstrap V4自学之路-----内容---滚动监听相关推荐

  1. 4.22、Bootstrap V4自学之路-----内容---轮播

    为什么80%的码农都做不了架构师?>>>    示例 <div id="carousel-example-generic" class="caro ...

  2. 4.19、Bootstrap V4自学之路-----内容---提示冒泡

    为什么80%的码农都做不了架构师?>>>    我一直没有调试出来,包裹引入tether.min.js仍然无法出发效果. mark着,回头再看.先熟悉文档. 概述 在使用提示冒泡插件 ...

  3. 4.4、Bootstrap V4自学之路------组件---表单

    为什么80%的码农都做不了架构师?>>>    表单控件 下面是一个Bootstrap支持的表控件以及自定义类的完整列表.额外的文档对每个组都是可用的. 类 作用 支持的变量 .fo ...

  4. 1.3、Bootstrap V4自学之路------起步---浏览器支持

    为什么80%的码农都做不了架构师?>>>    支持的浏览器 Bootstrap 支持所有的主流浏览器和平台的最新的.稳定的版本. 在 Windows 中, **我们支持 Inter ...

  5. 4.7、Bootstrap V4自学之路------组件---广告屏

    为什么80%的码农都做不了架构师?>>>    示例 单独的一个空的标签 <div class="jumbotron"><!-- 背景色是灰色的 ...

  6. bootstrap中轮播图、模态框、提示框/弹出框、滚动监听、弹性布局、响应式flex、多媒体对象

    轮播图: bootstrap封装了轮播图的功能,其具体如下: 类名 描述 .carousel 创建一个轮播图块的容器,实质是做布局用:且此容器应该有一个di属性,其属性值提供给下面左右按钮href锚点 ...

  7. Bootstrap 滚动监听

    滚动监听 Bootstrap滚动监听插件Scrollspy能够根据滚动的位置,自动更新导航条中相应的导航项. 滚动监听插件需要 bootstrap-scrollspy.js 文件支持,在使用该插件之前 ...

  8. Bootstrap学习(七)modal模态框、data属性、过渡事件、滚动监听事件

    模态框 模态框(Modal)是覆盖在父窗体上的子窗体.通常,目的是显示来自一个单独的源的内容,可以在不离开父窗体的情况下有一些互动.子窗体可提供信息.交互等. <div class=" ...

  9. Bootstrap(滚动监听)

    <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="UTF-8" ...


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