
【听力题】Listen to the interview with Ajay, someone from India. Are the following statements true or false? (6.0分)

【听力题】Listen to the talk about the changing of the guard ceremony in London. Then fill in the details in the process. (8.0分)

【听力题】Listen to the conversation. Then answer the following questions briefly. (6.0分)

【听力题】Listen to the discussion about the present Andy intends to give his mother on her birthday. Then answer the following questions briefly. (8.0分)

【简答题】绘制一副拟做建筑的底图,包括主要房间,楼梯,通道,出入口,障碍物,标出尺寸。 拍照上传至本作用回答项,记课程平时作业成绩。


【听力题】Listen to the following interview with Yu Hong from China. Then complete the following statements about Yu Hong. (7.0分)

【听力题】Listen to the conversation. Then complete the following chart about the activities each of them likes and dislikes. (9.0分)

【听力题】Listen to another conversation about food. Then answer the following questions briefly. (5.0分)

【听力题】Dicatation. (1.0分)

【听力题】Listen to the following conversation about food. Are the following statements true or false? (3.0分)

【听力题】Listen to an introduction to Westminster Abbey and write down the entire speech. (1.0分)

【听力题】Listen to the conversation. Then choose the best answer to complete each of the following statements. (4.0分)

【听力题】Listen to the conversation between Jenn and Hiro about applying for a job. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following statements. (3.0分)


【听力题】Listen to the following conversation. Then choose the best answer. (3.0分)



【听力题】Listen to the conversation once again and this time try to learn more details. Then fill in the blanks in the following statements. (5.0分)

【听力题】Listen to the conversation and then answer th efollowing questions briefly. (4.0分)

【听力题】Dictation (1.0分)


【听力题】05.mp3 Listen to the conversation between Andy and Charlotte. Then choose the best answer to complete each of the following statements. (7.0分)

【听力题】Listen to the discussion on vacation. Then complete the following chart about the places that these young people visited and the activities they enjoyed. (10.0分)

【听力题】Listen to the conversation between Luigi and Amy. Then answer the following questions briefly. (4.0分)

【听力题】Listen to the conversation. Then answer the following questions briefly. (13.0分)

【听力题】Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true or false. (5.0分)

【简答题】• 为什么要进行消防安全教育和培训? • 需要培训什么内容? • 如何进行消防安全教育和培训?


【听力题】Listen to the conversation about living in London. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following statements. (28.0分)



【听力题】There's another conversation about snack. Listen to the conversation and then choose the best answer to complete each of the following statements. (4.0分)

【听力题】Listen to the following conversation. Write T or F in front of each statement. (4.0分)

【听力题】Dictation (2.0分)

【听力题】Listne to the following conversation about money. Then answer the following questions briefly. (32.0分)


【听力题】Listen to the conversation again and fill in th emissing information. (15.0分)

【听力题】04.mp3 Listen to the conversation between Josh and Amy. Then anser the following questions briefly. (9.0分)

【听力题】Passage dictation. (1.0分)


【听力题】Listen to the conversation between Luigi and Josh about the school project. Then answer the following questions briefly. (3.0分)

【听力题】Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer. (10.0分)

【听力题】Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true or false. (5.0分)

【听力题】03.mp3 Listen to the conversation about dessert. Are the following statements true or false? (3.0分)

【听力题】Listen to the brief introduction about the City of London. Then complete the following description of the City of London. (6.0分)

【听力题】Listen to the Fun Facts game that the young men are playing. Then answer the following questions briefly. (2.0分)


【听力题】06.mp3 Dictation: Listen to it as many times as necessary and write down the entire speech. (1.0分)


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    单精度浮点数用4字节(32bit)表示浮点数 采用IEEE754标准的计算机浮点数,在内部是用二进制表示的 如:7.22用32位二进制是表示不下的. 所以就不精确了. mysql中float数据类型的 ...

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  6. mysql数据类型内存_mysql 存储金额类型,用什么数据类型比较可靠,一般企业数据用什么数据类型?...

    展开全部 对于游戏币等代币,一般存储为int类型是可行的.问题在于62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333433626438越界,int类型长度为11位. 在存储 ...

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    一.数字类型 所谓的"数字类",就是指 DECIMAL 和 NUMERIC,它们是同一种类型.它严格的说不是一种数字类型,因为他们实际上是将数字以字符串形式保存的:他的值的每一位( ...

  9. mysql int 拼接_MySQL 修改int类型为bigint SQL语句拼接

    SELECT CONCAT( "alter table ", TABLE_SCHEMA, ".", TABLE_NAME, " modify &quo ...


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