


    $(document).ready(function () {editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({//ajax: {//    create: {//        url: "/Home/AddData",//        type: "Post",//        dataType: "json",//        data: function (data) {//            var Person = {};//            var id;//            mydata = data.data;//            for (var key in mydata)//            {//                console.log("check create row id:" + key);//                id = key;//            }//            if (key == "0")//新增模式//            {//                console.log("entry create mode:");//                Person.Name = mydata[0].Name;//                Person.Position = mydata[0].Position;//                Person.Office = mydata[0].Office;//                Person.Age = mydata[0].Age;//                Person.Salary = mydata[0].Salary;//                Person.Gender = mydata[0].Gender;//                Person.Level = mydata[0].Level;//                Person.Date = mydata[0].Date;//            }//            else {//复制模式//                console.log("entry duplicate mode:");//                Person.Name = mydata[id].Name;//                Person.Position = mydata[id].Position;//                Person.Office = mydata[id].Office;//                Person.Age = mydata[id].Age;//                Person.Salary = mydata[id].Salary;//                Person.Gender = mydata[id].Gender;//                Person.Level = mydata[id].Level;//                Person.Date = mydata[id].Date;//            }//            return Person;//        },//        success: function (json) {//            var DT_RowId = GetRandomRowID();//            console.log('new row id:' + DT_RowId);//前台打印DT_RowId//            json.data[0].DT_RowId = DT_RowId;//对新增的数据生成随机字符串作为主键//        },//    },//    edit: {//        type: 'Post',//        url: '/Home/UpdataData',//        dataType: 'json',//        data: function (data) {//            var returndata = { data: [] };//            var DT_RowId;//            var datas = data.data;//            for (var key in datas)//            {//                console.log('editor row id:'+ key);//前台打印DT_RowId//                DT_RowId = key;//获取DT_RowId//                var mydata = datas[DT_RowId];//                var data = {};//                data.DT_RowId = DT_RowId;//                data.Name = mydata.Name;//                data.Position = mydata.Position;//                data.Office = mydata.Office;//                data.Age = mydata.Age;//                data.Salary = mydata.Salary;//                data.Gender = mydata.Gender;//                data.Level = mydata.Level;//                data.Date = mydata.Date;//                returndata.data.push(data);//            }//            return returndata;//        },//        success: function (json) {//            //var returnData = {};//            //returnData.data = json.data;//            //return returnData;//        },//    },//    remove: {//        url: '/Home/DeleteData',//        type: 'Post',//        dataType: "json",//        data: function (data) {//            var returndata = {data:[]};//            var DT_RowId;//            var datas = data.data;//            for (var key in datas) {//                console.log('remove row id:' + key);//前台打印DT_RowId//                DT_RowId = key;//获取DT_RowId//                var mydata = datas[DT_RowId];//                var data = {};//                data.DT_RowId = DT_RowId;//                data.Name = mydata.Name;//                data.Position = mydata.Position;//                data.Office = mydata.Office;//                data.Age = mydata.Age;//                data.Salary = mydata.Salary;//                data.Gender = mydata.Gender;//                data.Level = mydata.Level;//                data.Date = mydata.Date;//                returndata.data.push(data);//            }//            //var returndata = JSON.stringify(Persons)//            return returndata;//        },//        success: function (json) {//            //return json;//        },//    }//},table: "#example",//idSrc: 'Name',fields: [{ label: "Name", name: "Name" },{ label: "Position", name: "Position", multiEditable: false },//multiEditable:无法进行批量编辑{ label: "Office", name: "Office" },{ label: "Age", name: "Age" },{ label: "Salary", name: "Salary" },{label: "Gender", name: "Gender", type: "radio",options: [{ label: "男", value: "1" },{ label: "女", value: "0" },],def:"1"},{label: "Level", name: "Level", type: "select",options: [{ label: "1(highest)", value: "1" },{ label: "2", value: "2" },{ label: "3", value: "3" },{ label: "4", value: "4" },{ label: "5(lowest)", value: "5" },],def:"1"                   },{label: "Date", name: "Date", type: "datetime",def: function () { return new Date(); },fieldInfo: '请选择时间',keyInput: false, //禁止用户手动输入}],i18n: {create: {button: "新建",title: "新增数据",submit: "保存"},edit: {button: "编辑",title: "修改数据",submit: "保存修改"},remove: {button: "删除",title: "删除数据",submit: "删除",confirm: {_: "确定删除这 %d 几行数据?",1: "确定删除这一行数据?"}},error: {system: "服务器或网络发生错误,请联系系统管理员或稍后再试..."},datetime: {previous: '上一页',next: '下一页',months: ['一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月', '六月', '七月', '八月', '九月', '十月', '十一月', '十二月'],weekdays: ['星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六', '星期天']}}});table = $('#example').DataTable({ajax: {url: "/Home/GetData",type: "Get",dataType: "json",data: {},dataSrc: function (json) {$.each(json, function (k, v) {v.DT_RowId = GetRandomRowID();//在前端对服务端返回的数据生成随机字符串作为主键});return json;},error: function () {alert("服务器未正常响应,请重试");},},dom: 'Bfrtip',select: {style: 'os',selector: 'td:first-child'},buttons: [{extend: "create",editor: editor,formButtons: ["新增",{ text: "取消", action: function () { this.close();}}]},//{//    extend: "edit",//原编辑功能代码//    editor: editor,//    formButtons: [//        "修改",//        { text: "取消", action: function () { this.close(); }}//    ]//},{extend: 'selected',text: '编辑',action: function () {var indexes = table.rows({ selected: true }).indexes();editor.edit(indexes, {title: '编辑',buttons: indexes.length === 1 ?backNext :'保存'});}},{extend: "remove",editor: editor,formButtons: ["删除",{ text: "取消", action: function () { this.close();}}]},{extend: "selected",text: '复制',action: function (e, dt, node, config) {// Start in edit mode, and then change to createeditor.edit(table.rows({ selected: true }).indexes(), {title: '复制原数据',buttons: '新增复制'}).mode('create');}},],columns: [{data: null,defaultContent: '',orderable: false,className: 'select-checkbox',},{ title: "Name", data: "Name"},{ title: "Position", data: "Position",className:"canEditor"},{ title: "Office", data: "Office",className:"canEditor"},{ title: "Age", data: "Age",className: "canEditor" },{ title: "Salary", data: "Salary", className: "canEditor" },{title: "Gender", data: "Gender", className: "canEditor",render: function (val, type, row) {return val == "1" ? "男" : "女";}},{ title: "Level", data: "Level", className: "canEditor dt-body-center" },{ title: "Date", data: "Date", className: "canEditor",}],language: {processing: "正在获取数据,请稍后...",search: "搜索",lengthMenu: "显示 _MENU_ 条",info: "当前显示的第是 _START_ 到 _END_ 行数据,共 _TOTAL_ 行数据",infoEmpty: "记录数为0",infoFiltered: "((全部记录数 _MAX_ 条))",infoPostFix: "",loadingRecords: "系统处理中,请稍等...",zeroRecords: "没有您要搜索的内容",emptyTable: "没有数据",paginate: {first: "第一页",previous: "上一页",next: "下一页",last: "最后一页"},aria: {sortAscending: "以升序排列此列",sortDescending: "以降序排列此列"}}});editor.on('preSubmit', function (e, o, action) {if (action !== 'remove') {var firstName = this.field('Name');// Only validate user input values - different values indicate that// the end user has not entered a valueif (!firstName.isMultiValue()) {if (!firstName.val()) {firstName.error('Name不能为空');}if (firstName.val().length >= 20) {firstName.error('Name不能超过20个字母!');}}// ... additional validation rules// If any error was reported, cancel the submission so it can be correctedif (this.inError()) {return false;}}});// Buttons array definition to create previous, save and next buttons in// an Editor formvar backNext = [{text: "&lt;",action: function (e) {// On submit, find the currently selected row and select the previous onethis.submit(function () {var indexes = table.rows({ search: 'applied' }).indexes();var currentIndex = table.row({ selected: true }).index();var currentPosition = indexes.indexOf(currentIndex);if (currentPosition > 0) {table.row(currentIndex).deselect();table.row(indexes[currentPosition - 1]).select();}// Trigger editing through the buttontable.button(1).trigger();}, null, null, false);}},'保存',{text: "&gt;",action: function (e) {// On submit, find the currently selected row and select the next onethis.submit(function () {var indexes = table.rows({ search: 'applied' }).indexes();var currentIndex = table.row({ selected: true }).index();var currentPosition = indexes.indexOf(currentIndex);if (currentPosition < indexes.length - 1) {table.row(currentIndex).deselect();table.row(indexes[currentPosition + 1]).select();}// Trigger editing through the buttontable.button(1).trigger();}, null, null, false);}}];});


var id = table.row(editCurrentRow).id();//获取DT_RowId的值,editCurrentRow为行号

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