
Equivalence of Functional dependencies states that, if the relations of different Functional dependencies sets are given, then we have to find out whether one Functional dependency set is a subset of other given set or both the sets are equal.


To find out whether one Functional dependency set is a subset of other given set or both the sets are equal.


Suppose R1 and R2 are two Functional dependencies sets for a relation R.


  1. If all Functional dependencies of R1 can be derived from Functional dependencies present in R2, we can say that R2 is a subset of R1 (R2 ⊃ R1).

    如果可以从R2中存在的功能依赖性中得出R1的所有功能依赖性,则可以说R2R1的子集(R2 = R1)

  2. If all Functional dependencies of R2 can be derived from Functional dependencies present in R1, we can say that R1 is a subset of R2 (R1 ⊃ R2).


  3. If 1 and 2 both are satisfied, then R1 = R2.

    如果12都满足,则R1 = R2

情况1)确定是否为R2⊃R1 (Case 1) Determining Whether R2 ⊃ R1 or not)

Steps are followed to determine whether R2 is a subset of R1 (R2 ⊃ R1) or not,


Step 1)


  • Take into consideration, the functional dependencies of set R1.


  • For every functional dependency P→ Q, find by using the functional dependencies of set R1, the closure of P.


Step 2)


  • Take into consideration, the functional dependencies of set R2.


  • For every functional dependency P→ Q, find by using the functional dependencies of set R2, the closure of P.


Step 3)


  • Compare the results of Step 1 and Step 2.


  • If the functional dependency of set R2 has determined all those attributes that were determined by the functional dependencies of set R1, then it means R2 ⊃ R1.

    如果集合R2的功能依赖性确定了所有由集合R1的功能依赖性确定的属性,则意味着R2 = R1。

  • Thus, we conclude R2 is a subset of R1 (R2 ⊃ R1) otherwise not.

    因此,我们得出结论:R2是R1的子集(R2 = R1),否则不是。

情况2)确定是否R1⊃R2 (Case 2) Determining Whether R1 ⊃ R2 or not)

Steps are followed to determine whether R1 is a subset of R2 (R1 ⊃ R2),


Step 1)


  • Take into consideration the functional dependencies of set R2.


  • For every functional dependency P → Q, find by using the functional dependencies of set R2, the closure of P.


Step 2)


  • Take into consideration the functional dependencies of set R1.


  • For every functional dependency P → Q, find by using the functional dependencies of set R1, the closure of P.


Step 3)


  • Compare the results of Step 1 and Step 2.


  • If the functional dependency of set R1 has determined all those attributes that were determined by the functional dependencies of set R2, then it means R1 ⊃ R2.

    如果集合R1的功能依赖性确定了所有由集合R2的功能依赖性确定的属性,则意味着R1 R R2。

  • Thus, we conclude that R1 is a subset of R2 (R1 ⊃ R2) otherwise not.


情况3)确定R1和R2是否彼此满足 (Case 3) Determining Whether Both R1 and R2 satisfy each other or not)

  • If R2 is a subset of R1 and R1 is a subset of R2, then both R1 and R2 satisfied each other.


  • Thus, if both the above cases satisfied, we conclude that R1 = R2.

    因此,如果以上两种情况都满足,我们可以得出R1 = R2。

基于功能依赖项等效性的示例 (Example based on Equivalence of Functional Dependencies)

Q) A relation R (P, Q, U, S, and T) is having two functional dependencies sets R1 and R2, which is shown as


    Set R1:         Set R2:
P → C           P → QU
PQ → U          S → PT
S → T



Case 1) Determining Whether R2 ⊃ R1 or not


Step 1)


  • (P)+ = {P, Q, U} // closure of left side of P → QU using set R1.

    (P)+ = {P,Q,U} //使用集合R1关闭P→QU的左侧。

  • (S)+ = {P, Q, U, S, T} // closure of left side of S → PT using set R1.

    (S)+ = {P,Q,U,S,T} //使用集合R1关闭S→PT的左侧。

Step 2)


  • (P)+ = {P, Q, U} // closure of left side of P → QU using set R2.

    (P)+ = {P,Q,U} //使用集合R2关闭P→QU的左侧。

  • (S)+ = {P, Q, U, S, T} // closure of left side of S → PT using set R2.

    (S)+ = {P,Q,U,S,T} //使用集合R2关闭S→PT的左侧。

Step 3)


Comparing the results of Step 1 and Step 2, we find,


  • Functional dependencies of set R2 can determine all the attributes which have been determined by the functional dependencies of set R1.


  • Thus, we conclude R2 is a subset of R1 i.e. R2 ⊃ R1.

    因此,我们得出结论,R2是R1的子集,即R2 = R1。

Case 2) Determining Whether R1 ⊃ R2 or not


Step 1)


  • (P)+ = {P, Q, U} // closure of left side of P→ Q using set R2.

    (P) + = {P,Q,U} //使用集合R2关闭P→Q的左侧。

  • (PQ)+ = {P, Q, U} // closure of left side of PQ → U using set R2.

    (PQ) + = {P,Q,U} //使用集合R2关闭PQ→U的左侧。

  • (S)+ = {P, Q, U, S, T} // closure of left side of S → PU and S → T using set R2.

    (S) + = {P,Q,U,S,T} //使用集合R2关闭S→PU和S→T的左侧。

Step 2)


  • (P)+ = {P, Q, U} // closure of left side of P→ Q using set R1.

    (P) + = {P,Q,U} //使用集合R1关闭P→Q的左侧。

  • (PQ)+ = {P, Q, U} // closure of left side of PQ → U using set R1.

    (PQ) + = {P,Q,U} //使用集合R1关闭PQ→U的左侧。

  • (S)+ = {P, Q, U, S, T} // closure of left side of S → PU and S → T using set R1.

    (S) + = {P,Q,U,S,T} //使用集合R1关闭S→PU和S→T的左侧。

Step 3)


Comparing the results of Step 1 and Step 2, we find,


  • Functional dependencies of set R1 can determine all the attributes which have been determined by the functional dependencies of set R2.


  • Thus, we conclude R1 is a subset of R2 i.e. R1 ⊃ R2.


Case 3) Determining Whether Both R1 and R2 satisfy each other or not


  • From Step 1, we conclude R2 ⊃ R1.

    从步骤1,我们得出R2 2 R1。

  • From Step 2, we conclude R1 ⊃ R2.

    从步骤2,我们得出R1 1 R2。

  • Thus, we conclude that both R1 and R2 satisfied each other i.e. R1 = R2.

    因此,我们得出结论,R1和R2都彼此满足,即R1 = R2。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dbms/equivalence-of-functional-dependencies.aspx


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