Python 3.4.1 发布了,改进记录:

Core and Builtins

Issue #21418: Fix a crash in the builtin function super() when called without argument and without current frame (ex: embedded Python).

Issue #21425: Fix flushing of standard streams in the interactive interpreter.

Issue #21435: In rare cases, when running finalizers on objects in cyclic trash a bad pointer dereference could occur due to a subtle flaw in internal iteration logic.


Issue #10744: Fix PEP 3118 format strings on ctypes objects with a nontrivial shape.

Issue #20998: Fixed re.fullmatch() of repeated single character pattern with ignore case. Original patch by Matthew Barnett.

Issue #21075: fileinput.FileInput now reads bytes from standard stream if binary mode is specified. Patch by Sam Kimbrel.

Issue #21396: Fix TextIOWrapper(..., write_through=True) to not force a flush() on the underlying binary stream. Patch by akira.

Issue #21470: Do a better job seeding the random number generator by using enough bytes to span the full state space of the Mersenne Twister.

Issue #21398: Fix an unicode error in the pydoc pager when the documentation contains characters not encodable to the stdout encoding.


Issue #17756: Fix test_code test when run from the installed location.

Issue #17752: Fix distutils tests when run from the installed location.


Issue #18104: Add idlelib/idle_test/ with a few sample tests to begin consolidating and improving human-validated tests of Idle. Change other files as needed to work with htest. Running the module as __main__ runs all tests.

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