
Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 6166

Private strand flush not complete


当系统要重新利用某个日志文件的时候,系统需要将该日志文件所包括的buffer cache 中的dirty block

写到相应的数据文件。由于对于一个数据库操作而言,它可能产生的redo 量仅仅是几十字节,但是对于buffer cache中确是一个block

(一般为8k)。所以,对于一个仅仅是几百M的日志文件,它所保护的buffer cache 可能是几个G

一旦发生"Thread 1 cannot allocate new log",表明系统的checkpoint 没有来得及完成,也就是说 buffer

cache 中的dirty data还没有完全写到数据文件,就已经有大量的日志需要写入到系统。而系统只能通知应用:checkpoint

还没有完成,你只能等待。这个时候,系统就基本处于hang 状态了 When the database waits on checkpoints,redo

generation is stopped until the log switch is done

如果,我们在这个时候查看系统信息,就会发现:v$log中的日志状态大多处于active 状态; v$session_wait 中会有很多log file

switch 事件的发生

解决办法: a. 添加更多的日志文件  b. 加大checkpoint 触发的频度  c. 减小redo log 的size d. 提高DBWR的效率

e. 为了更好的了解系统的运行,可以设置

log_checkpoint_interval = 0

log_checkpoint_timeout = 0








/ 512bytes,根据我们的online redo file的大小来指定我们数据块的个数.



LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL specifies the frequency of

checkpoints(用来指定检查点发生的频率) in terms of the number of redo log file blocks that

can exist between an incremental checkpoint and the last block written to the

redo log. This number refers to physical operating system blocks, not database


Regardless of this value, a checkpoint always occurs when switching

from one online redo log file to another. Therefore, if the value exceeds the

actual redo log file size, checkpoints occur only when switching logs.

Checkpoint frequency is one of the factors that influence the time

required for the database to recover from an unexpected







specifies (in seconds) the amount of time that has passed since the incremental

checkpoint at the position where the last write to the redo log (sometimes

called the tail of the log) occurred. This parameter also signifies that no

buffer will remain dirty (in the cache) for more than integer


Specifying a value of 0 for the timeout disables time-based

checkpoints. Hence, setting the value to 0 is not recommended unless


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