
Flex: where we are headed

by Andrew Shorten
作者: 安德鲁.硕盾

Created August 25, 2011

It has been about three months since we shipped Flex 4.5 SDK and a corresponding update to Flash Builder, in which we delivered exciting new capabilities to build and deploy applications for Google Android, Apple iOS and BlackBerry Tablet OS platforms. The feedback on the release has been fantastic – with customers blown away that they can leverage one tool, one framework and one codebase to deliver apps across leading mobile platforms, not to mention web and desktop as well.
三个月前我们发布了Flex 4.5 SDK与相应的Flash Builder更新,提供了很High的新功能:支持在谷歌Android、苹果iOS和黑莓平板平台上,开发部署Flash程序。市场反馈非常积极 – 客户交口称赞:一个工具,一个框架和一套代码,就可以跨多个流行的移动平台开发应用,而且还支持网页Flash和桌面AIR程序。

Since then the product team has been heads-down working on our future plans for Flex SDK and Flash Builder, and although we’re not quite ready to share all the details, we wanted to provide you with some insight into what we’re focusing on, and where we expect to make investments going forward.
发布之后,Adobe的Flash团队就开始紧锣密鼓的计划未来版本的Flex SDK和Flash Builder。尽管尚未敲定所有细节,我们还是希望向大家提前介绍一些未来的新功能,和Flex的发展方向。

Investing in Flex, Flash Builder, Flash Player and AIR
继续开发Flex,Flash Builder,FlashPlayer和AIR

Adobe is continuing to make significant investments in Flex, Flash Builder, Flash Player and AIR – we have hundreds of engineers who are actively working on exciting new tooling, framework and runtime features and enhancements to be included in upcoming releases.
Adobe将继续坚定不移的开发Flex,Flash Builder,Flash Player和AIR – 数百Adobe工程师正热火朝天的为下一版本Flash开发超赞的新工具,新框架和新的运行时功能,这场面我们Hold住了!

Our teams are currently working on a free update to Flex SDK and Flash Builder for release later this year that will further demonstrate our commitment to delivering a complete solution for building and deploying mobile applications to multiple platforms.

Beyond this update we’re already working to deliver our nextmajor releases.

Recognizing the role of Flex has changed

Since its inception, Flex has been highly leveraged as a leading solution for building “rich Internet applications”– potentially applicable wherever a rich, expressive and engaging user experience delivered via the browser was required. We’ve seen product configurators, e-commerce sites, games, e-learning experiences, banking services, business dashboards, photo editors, audio/video channels, productivity tools, line-of-business applications and more, all built with Flex.
Flex一直是开发RIA程序的先进解决方案 – 也适合需要多媒体,具有丰富表现力和吸引力的用户体验的网页应用。我们已看到大量实例:程序配置,电子商务网站,游戏,电子学习体验,银行服务,业务监控,照片编辑,音频/视频,辅助工具,业务运作支撑系统,……,全部使用Flex构建。

We’re at a point now where it is incumbent upon us to focus on where Flex provides unique value in the marketplace.

There are countless examples where, in the past, Flex was (rightly) selected as the only way to deliver a great user experience. Today, many of those could be built using HTML5-related technologies and delivered via the browser, and at Adobe, we will provide tooling to help designers and developers create those experiences – Edge and Muse are two such examples.
无数的例子已证明,过去几年中,Flex是提供出色的用户体验的一哥。今天,其中许多功能可以用HTML5开发,显示在浏览器中。Adobe将提供新工具来帮助设计人员和开发人员创建HTML5体验 – Adobe的新产品Edge和Muse就是其中之二。

That doesn’t mean however that HTML5 is the right choice for all use cases – the performance, framework maturity and robust tooling provided by Adobe are sighted as critical factors by enterprise customers as to why they continue to select Flex.
然而这并不意味HTML5在任何情况都是最佳选择 – Adobe的Flex所提供的高性能、成熟框架、强大的开发工具同样是企业客户技术选型的关键,很多企业继续选择Flex。

We firmly believe that Flex is already the best technology for building complex, high fidelity enterprise applications such as business dashboards, line of business tools, real time trading applications and desktop replacement applications, and see leading healthcare, financial services, telco, etc companies standardizing on it. We will continue to heavily invest in strengthening Flex for enterprise use, ensuring that you can deliver expressive, robust applications. As we share more details about our upcoming releases, you’ll see our commitment to tackle areas such as Spark component completion, accessibility, build system integration, performance analysis tooling and integration of a next-generation compiler, making Flex the #1 choice for building enterprise-grade RIAs.

Mobile – the next big thing for Flex

But we’re not just investing in the enterprise. The explosion of mobile devices has opened new doors for end users, enterprise organizations and developers, while at the same time introducing a new set of development challenges. As you’ve already seen with Flex 4.5, we are making big strides in providing developers with a single framework for building and deploying mobile applications to a range of different devices and platforms.
Adobe不只是支持企业程序。移动设备的迅猛发展已经为最终用户、企业组织和开发人员提供了新的机会,同时也伴随着新的技术挑战。正如你在Flex 4.5中看到的重大改进:我们为开发人员提供一个普适的单一移动开发框架,支持一系列不同的设备和平台。

We’re continuing to focus on runtime performance, native extensions, new components, declarative skinning, adding more platforms and improving tooling workflows, such that in our next major release timeframe we expect that the need to build a fully-native application will be reserved for a small number of use cases.

The growth of the mobile market and the challenge of building out applications that work on a range of different form-factors and platforms present us with a huge opportunity to expose Flex to an entirely new audience of developers, while continuing to be relevant for existing Flex developers who are extending their applications to mobile.

The perception of  “Flash”

All of this is no good of course if there are misperceptions or lack of awareness about what Flex (and more broadly Adobe) offers for Enterprise and Mobile application development. With all the FUD about Flash that has been in the marketplace over the past many months, we are highly focused on demonstrating just what Flex is capable of, both in the enterprise and for mobile app development.

On the enterprise side, we’re continuing to build meaningful relationships with large organizations as we introduce them to Adobe’s Customer Experience Management(CEM) solutions. Flex is a core part of our CEM technology offering and the dialog we’re having with customers allows us to intelligently position Flex, Flash Builder and our runtimes as a way for them to deliver exceptional customer interaction through rich Internet applications and easy-to-use interfaces on web, desktops, tablets and mobiles (including Apple iOS devices).
在企业方面,Adobe继续与大型组织合作。我们向他们介绍Adobe的客户体验管理(Customer Experience Management)解决方案。 Flex是我们CEM技术的核心,我们向客户介绍了Flex技术的市场定位。Flex, Flash Builder和Flash运行时可以帮助客户提供卓越的客户互动:RIA程序,简单易用的Web界面,桌面程序,平板电脑和移动设备(包括苹果iOS设备)。

For mobile, while we’re relatively new to the market we’ve already seen a great response to our offering – trial downloads of Flash Builder are higher than they’ve ever been before and we’ve already seen hundreds of mobile apps built and deployed to app stores, including several applications that top their category in the Apple App Store. As we roll out additional mobile development capabilities later this year, you can look forward to seeing stronger mobile-focused developer marketing from Adobe, including a series of case studies that highlight the success customers are having with Flex.
移动市场方面,虽然Adobe进入市场时间不长,已有对产品的大量积极反馈 – Flash Builder试用版下载数量再创历史新高。已有数百个Flash移动程序在应用商店出售,包括在苹果的应用商店里面的几个热门程序。在年底推出的新的Flex更新中,我们会看到Adobe在移动开发方面变得更加强大。包括一系列的Flex客户成功案例的介绍。

We’re excited to be working on the next-generation of Flex and look forward to getting continued feedback and input from both new and experienced Flex developers. Be sure to register for Adobe MAX, October 1-4 in Los Angeles, to learn more about our Flex roadmap.
开发下一代的Flex非常令人激动。Adobe一贯重视用户的反馈和建议,不管你是菜鸟还是老鸟。请关注Adobe MAX大会, 10月1-4日,美国洛杉矶,其间你可了解更多Adobe的Flex,有木有!

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