
If you want to write blog posts, you need a blog to hold those posts. Google’s Blogger is a free, simple blogging platform that’s packed with useful tools. Here’s how to get started.

如果要撰写博客文章,则需要一个博客来保留这些文章。 Google的Blogger是一个免费的简单博客平台,其中包含有用的工具。 这是入门方法。

If you’ve ever gone to a website that had “blogspot” in the URL, you’ve been to a blog that uses Google Blogger. It’s a very popular blogging platform because it’s free—you just need a free Google account, which you’ve already got if you have a Gmail address—and you don’t need to know any technical wizardry to set it up or publish your blog posts. It’s by no means the only blogging platform, and it’s not the only free option, but it is a very easy way to start blogging.

如果您曾经去过URL中带有“ blogspot”的网站,那么您曾经去过使用Google Blogger的博客。 这是一个非常受欢迎的博客平台,因为它是免费的-您只需要一个免费的Google帐户(如果您拥有Gmail地址,就已经拥有了该帐户),并且无需了解任何技术向导即可设置或发布博客帖子。 它绝不是唯一的博客平台,也不是唯一的免费选项,但这是开始博客的一种非常简单的方法。

建立您的网志 (Create Your Blog)

To begin, you’ll need to log into your Google account. For most people, this means logging into Gmail, but if you don’t already have a Gmail account, you can create one here.

首先,您需要登录自己的Google帐户。 对于大多数人来说,这意味着登录Gmail,但是如果您还没有Gmail帐户,则可以在此处创建一个。

Once you’re logged in, click the nine-dot grid in the top right to open the list of Google apps and then click the “Blogger” icon.

登录后,单击右上角的九点网格以打开Goog​​le应用列表,然后单击“ Blogger”图标。

On the page that opens, click the “Create Your Blog” button.


Choose a display name that people will see when they read your blog. This doesn’t have to be your real name or your email handle. You can change this later.

选择人们在阅读您的博客时看到的显示名称。 这不必是您的真实姓名或电子邮件地址。 您可以稍后更改。

Once you’ve entered a name, click “Continue to Blogger.”


You’re now ready to create your blog. Go ahead and click the “Create New Blog” button.

您现在可以创建自己的博客了。 继续并单击“创建新博客”按钮。

The “Create a New Blog” panel will open, where you need to choose a Title, Address, and Theme for your blog.


The Title will be the name that’s displayed on the blog, the Address is the URL that people will use to access your blog, and the Theme is the layout and color scheme for your blog. All of these can be changed later, so it’s not critical to get these perfect right away.

标题将是显示在博客上的名称,地址是人们将用来访问您的博客的URL,主题是博客的布局和配色方案。 所有这些都可以在以后更改,因此立即获得这些完美的并不是至关重要的。

The Address of your blog must be [something] When you start typing an address, a helpful dropdown shows you what the final address will be. You can click the suggestion to fill in the “” part automatically.

您博客的地址必须为[something]。 当您开始输入地址时,一个有用的下拉菜单会显示最终地址。 您可以单击建议以自动填写“”部分。

If someone has already used the Address you want, a message will be displayed letting you know that you need to choose something else.


Once you’ve chosen a Title, an available Address, and a Theme, click the “Create Blog!” button.

选择标题,可用地址和主题后,单击“创建博客!”。 按钮。

Google will ask if you want to search for a personalized domain name for your blog, but you don’t need to do this. Click “No Thanks” to proceed. (If you already have a domain you want to point your blog to, you can do this at any point in the future, but it’s not necessary.)

Google会询问您是否要为您的博客搜索个性化域名,但您不需要这样做。 点击“不,谢谢”继续。 (如果您已经拥有要指向博客的域,则可以在将来的任何时候进行此操作,但这不是必须的。)

Congratulations, you’ve created your blog! Now you’re ready to write your first blog post. To do this, click the “New Post” button.

恭喜,您已经创建了博客! 现在,您可以编写您的第一篇博客文章了。 为此,请单击“新帖子”按钮。

This opens up the editing screen. There’s lots you can do here, but the basics are to enter a title and some content.

这将打开编辑屏幕。 您可以在这里进行很多操作,但是基本操作是输入标题和一些内容。

Once you’re done writing your post, click “Publish” to make your post live. This will make it available for anyone on the internet to find.

写完文章后,请点击“发布”以发布您的文章。 这将使互联网上的任何人都可以找到它。

You’ll be taken back to the “Posts” section of your blog. Click “View Blog” to see your blog and your first post.

您将被带回到博客的“帖子”部分。 点击“查看博客”以查看您的博客和第一篇文章。

And there’s your first blog post, ready for the world to view.


It can take up to 24 hours for your blog and new posts to appear in search engines, so don’t despair if you Google your blog’s name and it doesn’t appear in the search results right away. It will turn up soon enough! In the meantime, you can promote your blog on Twitter, Facebook, and any other social media channel.

您的博客和新帖子最多可能需要24小时才能出现在搜索引擎中,因此,如果您使用Google博客的名称并且它不会立即出现在搜索结果中,请不要感到失望。 它将很快出现! 同时,您可以在Twitter,Facebook和任何其他社交媒体渠道上推广博客。

更改博客的标题,地址或主题 (Change the Title, Address, or Theme of Your Blog)

When you created your blog, you gave it a Title, an Address, and a Theme. These can all be changed. To modify the Title and Address, go to the “Settings” menu on your blog’s backend.

创建博客时,您给了它一个标题,一个地址和一个主题。 这些都可以更改。 要修改标题和地址,请转到博客后端的“设置”菜单。

Right at the top of the page are the options to change the Title and the Address.


Be careful about changing the address: Any links you’ve shared previously will no longer work because the URL will have changed. But if you haven’t published much (or anything) yet, this won’t be a problem.

更改地址时要小心:以前共享的任何链接将不再起作用,因为URL将会更改。 但是,如果您还没有发表太多(或任何内容),这将不是问题。

To change the Theme of your blog (the layout, color, and so on), click the “Theme” option in the left sidebar.


You have plenty of themes to choose from, and once you’ve picked one, which will provide the general layout and color scheme, click “Customize” to change things up to your heart’s content.


There’s plenty more to Blogger than these basics, so dig in to all the options if you want to. But if all you want is a simple platform to write and publish your thoughts, the basics are pretty much all you need. Happy blogging!

除了这些基本知识以外,Blogger还有很多其他功能,因此,如果需要,可以深入了解所有选项。 但是,如果您想要的只是一个简单的平台来编写和发布您的想法,那么基本就是您所需要的。 祝您博客愉快!



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