写英语邮件时会提醒对方查看附件,平常一般用 “Please, find the attached file”,也可以加一些解释 “Please, find the attached file you requested yesterday.”

Please, find the attached file for better understanding.
Please, find the attached file as per your request.
Please, find the attached file you asked for.
Please, find the attached file relevant to the case.
Please find the attached file for your review
Please find the attached file for your request
Please find the attached file you requested
Please find attached the file you have requested
Please find the attached file for your reference
Please find attached file for your kind reference
Please find the attached file for your approval
Please find the attached file and let me know
Please find the attached file for my resume
Please see the attached file for my resume (informal)
Please see the attached file for details (informal)
Please see the attached file for your perusal (informal)
Please refer to the attached file for your perusal
Please refer to the attached file for your kind perusal
Please find the attached quotation for your perusal
Please find the attached invoice for your payment
Please find the attached file in this email
Please find the attached file herewith
Please find the attached document for your review
Please find the attached document for your records
Please find the attached documents for your signature
The attached diagram shows . . .
The attached spreadsheet contains . . .
When you review the attached proposal, you will notice . . .
As promised, I have attached a revised . . .
Please let me know if the attached draft . . .
Here is . . .
Enclosed are . . .
Attached is . . .
We have enclosed . . .
I have attached . . .
The attached proposal includes . . .
The enclosed document shows . . .
Please see attached…
Please review the attached diagram . . .
The attached spreadsheet covers . . .
Please use the enclosed envelope to . . .



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