
select * from t_Owners where watermeter = '30408'--查询业主名称包含“刘”的业主记录
select * from T_OWNERS where name like '%刘%'--查询业主名称包含‘刘’的且门牌号包含‘5’的业主记录
select * from T_OWNERS where name like '%刘%' and housenumber like '%5%'--查询业主名称包含“刘”的或者门牌号包含“5”的业主记录
select * from T_OWNERS where name like '%刘%' or housenumber like '%5%'--查询业主名称包含“刘”的或者门牌号包含 5 的业主记录,并且地址编号为 3 的记录
select * from T_OWNERS
where (name like '%刘%' or housenumber like '%5%')
and address=3

查询台账记录中用水字数大于等于 10000,并且小于等于 20000 的记录
--我们可以用>= 和<=来实现

select * from T_ACCOUNT
where usernum >= 10000 and usernum <= 20000  --用between。。。and实现
select * from T_ACCOUNT where usernum between 10000 and 20000--查询 T_PRICETABLE 表中 MAXNUM 为空的记录
select * from t_Pricetable where maxnum is null--查询 T_PRICETABLE 表中 MAXNUM 不为空的记录
select * from T_pricetable where maxnum is not null/*去掉重复记录*/
--查询业主表中的地址 ID,不重复显示
select distinct address from T_owners
--对 T_ACCOUNT 表按使用量进行升序排序  默认是升序
select * from T_account order by usernum
--对 T_ACCOUNT 表按使用量进行降序排序
select * from T_account order by usernum desc
select rowid , t.* from T_ACCOUNT t
select rownum ,t.* from T_ACCOUNT t
--求和  统计 2012 年所有用户的用水量总和
select sum(usernum) from T_ACCOUNT where year = 2012
--求平均  统计 2012 年所有用水量(字数)的平均值
select avg(usernum) from T_ACCOUNT where year = '2012'
--求最大值 统计 2012 年最高用水量(字数)
select max(usernum) from T_AcCOUNT where year = '2012'
--求最小值  统计 2012 年最低用水量(字数)
select min(usernum) from T_ACCOUNT where year = '2012'
--统计记录个数   统计业主类型 ID 为 1 的业主数量
select count(*) from T_OWNERS where ownertypeid = 1
--分组聚合  按区域分组统计水费合计数
select areaid,sum(money) from T_ACCOUNT group by areaid
--分组后条件查询having  查询水费合计大于 16900 的区域及水费合计
select areaid ,sum(money) from T_ACCOUNT group by areaid having sum(money) > 16900
select ow.id,ow.name,ot.name from T_Owners ow
inner join t_Ownertype ot
on ow.ownertypeid = ot.id
select ow.id,ow.name,ot.name from T_Owners ow ,t_Ownertype ot
where ow.ownertypeid = ot.id
select o.id,o.name,ad.name,ot.name from T_OWNERS o ,T_OWNERTYPE ot , T_ADDRESS ad
where o.ownertypeid = ot.id and o.address = ad.id
select o.id,o.name,ad.name,a.name,ot.name
where o.ownertypeid = ot.id and o.address = ad.id and
ad.areaid = a.id
select o.id,o.name,ad.name,a.name,op.name,ot.name
where o.ownertypeid=ot.id and o.address=ad.id and ad.areaid=a.id and ad.operatorid=op.id
--SQL 1999标准的语法:
select ot.id,ot.name,ac.year,ac.mouth,ac.money
from T_OWNERS ot left join T_ACCOUNT ac
on ot.id=ac.ownerid
select ot.id,ot.name,ac.year,ac.mouth,ac.money
from T_OWNERS ot ,T_ACCOUNT ac
where ot.id=ac.ownerid(+)
--SQL 1999标准的语法:
select ot.id,ot.name,ac.year,ac.mouth,ac.money
from T_OWNERS ot right join T_ACCOUNT ac
on ot.id=ac.ownerid
select ot.id,ot.name,ac.year,ac.mouth,ac.money
from T_OWNERS ot , T_ACCOUNT ac
where ot.id(+)=ac.ownerid
--where 子句中的子查询
---单行子查询     查询 2012 年 1 月用水量大于平均值的台账记录
select avg(usernum) from T_Account where year=2012 and mouth = 1
select * from T_ACCOUNT where year=2012 and mouth = 1
and usernum > (select avg(usernum) from T_Account where year=2012 and mouth = 1 )
--多行子查询   in 查询地址编号为 1 、3、4 的业主记录
select * from t_Owners where address in (1,3,4)
select * from t_Owners
where address in (select id from t_Address where name like '%花园%')
select * from t_Owners
where address not in (select id from t_Address where name like '%花园%')
--from子句中的子查询  为多行查询
select * from
(select  o.id 业主编号,o.name 业主名称,ot.name 业主类型
from t_Owners o,t_ownertype ot
where o.ownertypeid = ot.id
where 业主类型='居民'
--select 子句的子查询必须为单行子查询
--列出业主信息,包括 ID,名称,所属地址。
select id,name,(select name from T_ADDRESS where id = address) addressname from t_Owners
--列出业主信息,包括 ID,名称,所属地址,所属区域
select id , name,(select name from T_ADDRESS where id = address) addressname,
(select (select name from T_AREA where id = areaid) from T_ADDRESS where id = address) areaid
--分页查询台账表 T_ACCOUNT,每页 10 条记录
select rownum ,t.* from T_ACCOUNT t where rownum <= 10
--显示大于10 小于20 条记录  需要使用子查询实现 因为rownum只能使用小于或小于等于
select * from
(select rownum r,t.* from T_ACCOUNT t where rownum <= 20)
where r >= 10
---分页查询台账表 T_ACCOUNT,每页 10 条记录,按使用字数降序排序
select * from(
select rownum r ,t.* from (select * from T_ACCOUNT order by usernum desc) t where rownum <= 20
) where r > 10
--求字符串长度 LENGTH
select length('abcd') from dual
--求字符串的子串 SUBSTR
select substr('ABCDEF',2,3) from dual
select substr('ABCDEF',-4,4) from dual
--字符串拼接 CONCAT
select concat('AbcDEF','asd') from dual
select 'ABCD'||'ef' from dual
--四舍五入函数 ROUND
select round('100.234') from dual
select round('100.458',2) from dual
--截取函数 TRUNC
select trunc('100.234') from dual
select trunc('100.234',2) from dual
--取模 MOD
select mod(10,4) from dual
select sysdate from dual
--加月函数 ADD_MONTHS :在当前日期基础上加指定的月
select add_months(sysdate,2) from dual
--求所在月最后一天 LAST_DAY
select last_day(sysdate) from dual
--日期截取 TRUNC
select trunc(sysdate) from dual
select trunc(sysdate,'yyyy') from dual--当前年第一天
select trunc(sysdate ,'mm') from dual--当前月第一天
select trunc(sysdate,'dd') from dual--当前日期
--数字转字符串 TO_CHAR
select to_char(1024) from dual
--日期转字符串 TO_CHAR
select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd' ) from dual
select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss') from dual
--字符串转日期 TO_DATE
select to_date('2017-11-03','yyyy-mm-dd') from dual
--字符串转数字 TO_NUMBER
select to_number('201710') from dual
--空值处理函数 NVL
select nvl(12,0) from dual
--显示价格表中业主类型 ID 为 1 的价格记录,如果上限值为 NULL,则显示 9999999
select nvl(maxnum,9999999),price,minnum from t_Pricetable t where ownertypeid = 1
--空值处理函数 NVL2  NVL2 (检测的值,如果不为 null 的值,如果为 null 的值);
--显示价格表中业主类型 ID 为 1 的价格记录,如果上限值为 NULL,显示“不限”.
select nvl2(maxnum,to_char(maxnum),'不限'),price ,minnum from T_PRICETABLE where ownertypeid = 1
--条件取值 decode   显示下列信息(不要关联查询业主类型表,直接判断 1 2 3 的值)
select name ,decode(ownertypeid,1,'居民',2,'行政事业单位',3,'商业') as 类型 from t_Owners
select name ,(case ownertypeid
when 1 then '居民'
when 2 then '行政事业单位'
when 3 then '商业'
else '其他'
from t_Owners
select name ,(case
when ownertypeid =1 then '居民'
when ownertypeid = 2 then '行政事业单位'
when ownertypeid = 3 then '商业'
from t_Owners
--行列转换  按月份统计 2012 年各个地区的水费
select (select name from T_area where id = areaid) 区域,
sum(case when month = '01' then money else 0 end )一月,
sum(case when month = '02' then money else 0 end )二月,
sum(case when month = '03' then money else 0 end )三月,
sum(case when month = '04' then money else 0 end )四月,
sum(case when month = '05' then money else 0 end )五月,
sum(case when month = '06' then money else 0 end )六月,
sum(case when month = '07' then money else 0 end )七月,
sum(case when month = '08' then money else 0 end )八月,
sum(case when month = '09' then money else 0 end )九月,
sum(case when month = '10' then money else 0 end )十月,
sum(case when month = '11' then money else 0 end )十一月,
sum(case when month = '12' then money else 0 end )十二月
from t_account t where year = 2012 group by areaid
select (select name from T_AREA where id = areaid),
sum(case when month >= '01' and month <= '03' then money else 0 end)第一季度,
sum(case when month >= '04' and month <= '06' then money else 0 end)第二季度,
sum(case when month >= '07' and month <= '09' then money else 0 end)第三季度,
sum(case when month >= '10' and month <= '12' then money else 0 end)第四季度
from T_account where year = '2012' group by areaid
-----------分析函数  rank
--对 T_ACCOUNT 表的 usenum 字段进行排序,相同的值排名相同,排名跳跃
select rank() over(order by usernum desc), usernum from t_Account
--DENSE_RANK 相同的值排名相同,排名连续
---对 T_ACCOUNT 表的 usenum 字段进行排序,相同的值排名相同,排名连续
select dense_rank() over(order by usernum desc),usernum from T_ACCOUNT
---ROW_NUMBER 返回连续的排名,无论值是否相等
--对 T_ACCOUNT 表的 usenum 字段进行排序,返回连续的排名,无论值是否相等
select row_number() over(order by usernum desc),usernum from T_ACCOUNT
---row_number 实现分页查询
select * from(
select row_number() over(order by usernum desc) r,usernum from T_ACCOUNT
where r >= 10 and r <= 20
---UNION ALL 不去掉重复记录
select * from T_OWners where id > 4
union all
select * from T_OWners where id < 8
--UNION 去掉重复记录
select * from T_OWners where id > 4
select * from T_OWners where id < 8
select * from T_OWners where id > 4
select * from T_OWners where id < 8
select * from T_OWners where id > 4
select * from T_OWners where id < 8



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