1 热修复原理




然后接下来要做的就是如何让虚拟机加载我们修改过后的dex jar包中的类呢? 这里需要了解Android的类加载机制。

2 Android 类加载机制

在Android中 有 2种类加载器:

libcore\dalvik\src\main\java\dalvik\system\DexClassLoader.java/*** Provides a simple {@link ClassLoader} implementation that operates on a list* of files and directories in the local file system, but does not attempt to* load classes from the network. Android uses this class for its system class* loader and for its application class loader(s).*/
public class **PathClassLoader** extends BaseDexClassLoader {......
}/*** A class loader that loads classes from {@code .jar} and {@code .apk} files* containing a {@code classes.dex} entry. This can be used to execute code not* installed as part of an application.** <p>This class loader requires an application-private, writable directory to* cache optimized classes. Use {@code Context.getCodeCacheDir()} to create* such a directory: <pre>   {@code*   File dexOutputDir = context.getCodeCacheDir();* }</pre>** <p><strong>Do not cache optimized classes on external storage.</strong>* External storage does not provide access controls necessary to protect your* application from code injection attacks.*/
public class **DexClassLoader** extends BaseDexClassLoader {......

可以看到都继承了BaseDexClassLoader 这个基类,这里先不去管它。我们来看注释。

简单的说 如果Android要加载一个类 就会调用ClassLoader的findClass方法 在dex中查找这个类 找到后加载到内存
举个例子,比如说要修复的类名字叫做A 我们要做的就是 将这个类修改完成过后 打包成dex的jar 然后想办法让类加载去查找我们打包的jar中的A类 而不是先前的A类 这样 加载类的时候使用的就是我们修复过后的代码,而忽略掉原本的有问题的代码。



/*** Base class for common functionality between various dex-based* {@link ClassLoader} implementations.*/
public class BaseDexClassLoader extends ClassLoader {private final DexPathList pathList;/*** Constructs an instance.** @param dexPath the list of jar/apk files containing classes and* resources, delimited by {@code File.pathSeparator}, which* defaults to {@code ":"} on Android* @param optimizedDirectory directory where optimized dex files* should be written; may be {@code null}* @param libraryPath the list of directories containing native* libraries, delimited by {@code File.pathSeparator}; may be* {@code null}* @param parent the parent class loader*/public BaseDexClassLoader(String dexPath, File optimizedDirectory,String libraryPath, ClassLoader parent) {super(parent);this.pathList = new DexPathList(this, dexPath, libraryPath, optimizedDirectory);}@Overrideprotected Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {List<Throwable> suppressedExceptions = new ArrayList<Throwable>();Class c = pathList.findClass(name, suppressedExceptions);if (c == null) {ClassNotFoundException cnfe = new ClassNotFoundException("Didn't find class \"" + name + "\" on path: " + pathList);for (Throwable t : suppressedExceptions) {cnfe.addSuppressed(t);}throw cnfe;}return c;}@Overrideprotected URL findResource(String name) {return pathList.findResource(name);}@Overrideprotected Enumeration<URL> findResources(String name) {return pathList.findResources(name);}@Overridepublic String findLibrary(String name) {return pathList.findLibrary(name);}/*** Returns package information for the given package.* Unfortunately, instances of this class don't really have this* information, and as a non-secure {@code ClassLoader}, it isn't* even required to, according to the spec. Yet, we want to* provide it, in order to make all those hopeful callers of* {@code myClass.getPackage().getName()} happy. Thus we construct* a {@code Package} object the first time it is being requested* and fill most of the fields with dummy values. The {@code* Package} object is then put into the {@code ClassLoader}'s* package cache, so we see the same one next time. We don't* create {@code Package} objects for {@code null} arguments or* for the default package.** <p>There is a limited chance that we end up with multiple* {@code Package} objects representing the same package: It can* happen when when a package is scattered across different JAR* files which were loaded by different {@code ClassLoader}* instances. This is rather unlikely, and given that this whole* thing is more or less a workaround, probably not worth the* effort to address.** @param name the name of the class* @return the package information for the class, or {@code null}* if there is no package information available for it*/@Overrideprotected synchronized Package getPackage(String name) {if (name != null && !name.isEmpty()) {Package pack = super.getPackage(name);if (pack == null) {pack = definePackage(name, "Unknown", "0.0", "Unknown","Unknown", "0.0", "Unknown", null);}return pack;}return null;}/*** @hide*/public String getLdLibraryPath() {StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();for (File directory : pathList.getNativeLibraryDirectories()) {if (result.length() > 0) {result.append(':');}result.append(directory);}return result.toString();}@Override public String toString() {return getClass().getName() + "[" + pathList + "]";}

可以看到,如果查找到了就直接返回,没有查找到就抛出一个ClassNotFoundException的异常。由于findClass调用了pathList.findClass(name, suppressedExceptions);我们直接看DexPathList 的findClass方法

final class DexPathList {private static final String DEX_SUFFIX = ".dex";....../*** List of dex/resource (class path) elements.* Should be called pathElements, but the Facebook app uses reflection* to modify 'dexElements' (http://b/7726934).*/private final Element[] dexElements;....../*** Finds the named class in one of the dex files pointed at by* this instance. This will find the one in the earliest listed* path element. If the class is found but has not yet been* defined, then this method will define it in the defining* context that this instance was constructed with.** @param name of class to find* @param suppressed exceptions encountered whilst finding the class* @return the named class or {@code null} if the class is not* found in any of the dex files*/public Class findClass(String name, List<Throwable> suppressed) {for (Element element : dexElements) {DexFile dex = element.dexFile;if (dex != null) {Class clazz = dex.loadClassBinaryName(name, definingContext, suppressed);if (clazz != null) {return clazz;}}}if (dexElementsSuppressedExceptions != null) {suppressed.addAll(Arrays.asList(dexElementsSuppressedExceptions));}return null;}

可以看到查找类是在dexElements数组中依次遍历查找的。一个classloader可以包含多个dex,其中这个集合中的对象就是所有的dex文件,查找是从头开始遍历所有的dex 如果在dex中找到所需要的类,那么就直接返回。
在这个dex中查找相应名字的类,之后 defineClass把字节码交给虚拟机就完成了类的加载。


3 热修复三大方案

  • 1 Qzone方案
    通俗的说 也就是我们要改变的是dexElements中的内容,在其中添加一个dex 而且放在靠前的位置,而dexElements是 PathClassLoader类中的一个成员变量。

存在CLASS_ISPREVERIFIED问题:如果你在一个A类中引用了B类,而后来我们发现了B类中有错误,需要热补丁修复,这时候需要把B类单独打包在一个jar中,假设为patch.jar 而A类在原本的jar中,假设为classes.jar ,这时候就可能出现问题,出现问题的原因是A类所在的jar和B类所在的jar不一致,因为B类是我们后来打包进去的jar,所以不一致,但这个问题是可以解决的,在什么情况才会出现这个问题呢?

1. 验证clazz->directMethods方法,directMethods包含了以下方法:1. static方法2. private方法3. 构造函数
2. clazz->virtualMethods1. 虚函数=override方法?

如果在上述方法中直接引用到的类都和当前类在同一个dex中的话,那么这个类就会被打上CLASS_ISPREVERIFIED标记,打上这个标记的在加载类时如果发现不在同一个dex中 就会报错, 那么要解决这个问题,也就是让类中调用一下一个其他的dex中的类就可以了。

Qzone给出的解决方法是 使用javassist框架 动态在 原本的A类的构造函数中 增加一行代码,该行代码需要做的就是调用一个其他dex中的类,这个dex最好是单独的,这样A类就不会被打上CLASS_ISPREVERIFIED标记。这样就可以解决这个问题了。


  • 2 阿里的AndFix




  • 3 微信的Tinker

微信团队对现有的方案优缺点进行了深入的分析和总结,由于AndFix的局限性和兼容性差原因放弃了这种方案,而对QZone方案通过研究Instant Run的冷插拔与buck的exopackage带来的灵感进行了升级。QZone方案只是插入了Elements(补丁dex),而Tinker则是替换了整个Element数组(所有dex)。替换是通过patch和apk原始的dex进行合并,重启后加载合并后的新dex,这样基本上可以认为没有对dexopt和Classloader加载dex文件的过程进行干预,所以QZone方案的两个问题也就不复存在。



Tinker github 地址
Android 热修复 Tinker接入及源码浅析



4 Tinker的接入实战

Tinker 接入指南

1 gradle引入依赖


buildscript {dependencies {classpath ('com.tencent.tinker:tinker-patch-gradle-plugin:1.7.7')}


dependencies {//可选,用于生成application类 provided('com.tencent.tinker:tinker-android-anno:1.7.7')//tinker的核心库compile('com.tencent.tinker:tinker-android-lib:1.7.7')


def gitSha() {try {//String gitRev = 'git rev-parse --short HEAD'.execute(null, project.rootDir).text.trim()String gitRev = 'git rev-parse --short HEAD'.execute(null, project.rootDir).text.trim()if (gitRev == null) {throw new GradleException("can't get git rev, you should add git to system path or just input test value, such as 'testTinkerId'")}return gitRev} catch (Exception e) {throw new GradleException("can't get git rev, you should add git to system path or just input test value, such as 'testTinkerId'")}
}def bakPath = file("${buildDir}/bakApk/")/*** you can use assembleRelease to build you base apk* use tinkerPatchRelease -POLD_APK=  -PAPPLY_MAPPING=  -PAPPLY_RESOURCE= to build patch* add apk from the build/bakApk*/
ext {//for some reason, you may want to ignore tinkerBuild, such as instant run debug build?tinkerEnabled = true//for normal build//old apk file to build patch apktinkerOldApkPath = "${bakPath}/app-debug.apk"//proguard mapping file to build patch apktinkerApplyMappingPath = "${bakPath}/app-debug-mapping.txt"//resource R.txt to build patch apk, must input if there is resource changedtinkerApplyResourcePath = "${bakPath}/app-debug-R.txt"//only use for build all flavor, if not, just ignore this fieldtinkerBuildFlavorDirectory = "${bakPath}/app-1018-17-32-47"
}def getOldApkPath() {return hasProperty("OLD_APK") ? OLD_APK : ext.tinkerOldApkPath
}def getApplyMappingPath() {return hasProperty("APPLY_MAPPING") ? APPLY_MAPPING : ext.tinkerApplyMappingPath
}def getApplyResourceMappingPath() {return hasProperty("APPLY_RESOURCE") ? APPLY_RESOURCE : ext.tinkerApplyResourcePath
}def getTinkerIdValue() {return hasProperty("TINKER_ID") ? TINKER_ID : gitSha()
}def buildWithTinker() {return hasProperty("TINKER_ENABLE") ? TINKER_ENABLE : ext.tinkerEnabled
}def getTinkerBuildFlavorDirectory() {return ext.tinkerBuildFlavorDirectory
}if (buildWithTinker()) {apply plugin: 'com.tencent.tinker.patch'tinkerPatch {/*** necessary,default 'null'* the old apk path, use to diff with the new apk to build* add apk from the build/bakApk*/oldApk = getOldApkPath()/*** optional,default 'false'* there are some cases we may get some warnings* if ignoreWarning is true, we would just assert the patch process* case 1: minSdkVersion is below 14, but you are using dexMode with raw.*         it must be crash when load.* case 2: newly added Android Component in AndroidManifest.xml,*         it must be crash when load.* case 3: loader classes in dex.loader{} are not keep in the main dex,*         it must be let tinker not work.* case 4: loader classes in dex.loader{} changes,*         loader classes is ues to load patch dex. it is useless to change them.*         it won't crash, but these changes can't effect. you may ignore it* case 5: resources.arsc has changed, but we don't use applyResourceMapping to build*/ignoreWarning = true/*** optional,default 'true'* whether sign the patch file* if not, you must do yourself. otherwise it can't check success during the patch loading* we will use the sign config with your build type*/useSign = true/*** optional,default 'true'* whether use tinker to build*/tinkerEnable = buildWithTinker()/*** Warning, applyMapping will affect the normal android build!*/buildConfig {/*** optional,default 'null'* if we use tinkerPatch to build the patch apk, you'd better to apply the old* apk mapping file if minifyEnabled is enable!* Warning:* you must be careful that it will affect the normal assemble build!*/applyMapping = getApplyMappingPath()/*** optional,default 'null'* It is nice to keep the resource id from R.txt file to reduce java changes*/applyResourceMapping = getApplyResourceMappingPath()/*** necessary,default 'null'* because we don't want to check the base apk with md5 in the runtime(it is slow)* tinkerId is use to identify the unique base apk when the patch is tried to apply.* we can use git rev, svn rev or simply versionCode.* we will gen the tinkerId in your manifest automatic*/tinkerId = getTinkerIdValue()/*** if keepDexApply is true, class in which dex refer to the old apk.* open this can reduce the dex diff file size.*/keepDexApply = false}dex {/*** optional,default 'jar'* only can be 'raw' or 'jar'. for raw, we would keep its original format* for jar, we would repack dexes with zip format.* if you want to support below 14, you must use jar* or you want to save rom or check quicker, you can use raw mode also*/dexMode = "jar"/*** necessary,default '[]'* what dexes in apk are expected to deal with tinkerPatch* it support * or ? pattern.*/pattern = ["classes*.dex","assets/secondary-dex-?.jar"]/*** necessary,default '[]'* Warning, it is very very important, loader classes can't change with patch.* thus, they will be removed from patch dexes.* you must put the following class into main dex.* Simply, you should add your own application {@code tinker.sample.android.SampleApplication}* own tinkerLoader, and the classes you use in them**/loader = ["com.tencent.tinker.loader.*", "com.qiyei.funny.MyApplication"]}lib {/*** optional,default '[]'* what library in apk are expected to deal with tinkerPatch* it support * or ? pattern.* for library in assets, we would just recover them in the patch directory* you can get them in TinkerLoadResult with Tinker*/pattern = ["lib/*/*.so"]}res {/*** optional,default '[]'* what resource in apk are expected to deal with tinkerPatch* it support * or ? pattern.* you must include all your resources in apk here,* otherwise, they won't repack in the new apk resources.*/pattern = ["res/*", "assets/*", "resources.arsc", "AndroidManifest.xml"]/*** optional,default '[]'* the resource file exclude patterns, ignore add, delete or modify resource change* it support * or ? pattern.* Warning, we can only use for files no relative with resources.arsc*/ignoreChange = ["assets/sample_meta.txt"]/*** default 100kb* for modify resource, if it is larger than 'largeModSize'* we would like to use bsdiff algorithm to reduce patch file size*/largeModSize = 100}packageConfig {/*** optional,default 'TINKER_ID, TINKER_ID_VALUE' 'NEW_TINKER_ID, NEW_TINKER_ID_VALUE'* package meta file gen. path is assets/package_meta.txt in patch file* you can use securityCheck.getPackageProperties() in your ownPackageCheck method* or TinkerLoadResult.getPackageConfigByName* we will get the TINKER_ID from the old apk manifest for you automatic,* other config files (such as patchMessage below)is not necessary*/configField("patchMessage", "tinker is sample to use")/*** just a sample case, you can use such as sdkVersion, brand, channel...* you can parse it in the SamplePatchListener.* Then you can use patch conditional!*/configField("platform", "all")/*** patch version via packageConfig*/configField("patchVersion", "1.0")}//or you can add config filed outside, or get meta value from old apk//project.tinkerPatch.packageConfig.configField("test1", project.tinkerPatch.packageConfig.getMetaDataFromOldApk("Test"))//project.tinkerPatch.packageConfig.configField("test2", "sample")/*** if you don't use zipArtifact or path, we just use 7za to try*/sevenZip {/*** optional,default '7za'* the 7zip artifact path, it will use the right 7za with your platform*/zipArtifact = "com.tencent.mm:SevenZip:1.1.10"/*** optional,default '7za'* you can specify the 7za path yourself, it will overwrite the zipArtifact value*/
//        path = "/usr/local/bin/7za"}}

坑1 :can’t get git rev, you should add git to system path or just input test value ….


坑2:Error:Execution failed for task ‘:app:tinkerProcessDebugManifest’. tinkerId is not set
String gitRev = 'git rev-parse --short HEAD'.execute(null, project.rootDir).text.trim()
1 安装好git,并将该项目初始化为git工程
2 studio配置git

3 给项目设置版本管理


坑3:ignoreWarning 问题,当我们在studio终端中输入gradlew tinkerPatchDebug来生成pach时会报以下异常

Warning:ignoreWarning is false, but resources.arsc is changed, you should use applyResourceMapping mode to build the new apk, otherwise, it may be crash at some times
com.tencent.tinker.build.util.TinkerPatchException: ignoreWarning is false, but resources.arsc is changed, you should use applyResourceMapping mode to build the new apk, otherwise, it may be crash a
t some times

解决方案就是将build.gradle中的ignoreWarning = false改为true,如下:

tinkerPatch {.....ignoreWarning = true.....



/*** you can use assembleRelease to build you base apk* use tinkerPatchRelease -POLD_APK=  -PAPPLY_MAPPING=  -PAPPLY_RESOURCE= to build patch* add apk from the build/bakApk*/
ext {//for some reason, you may want to ignore tinkerBuild, such as instant run debug build?tinkerEnabled = true//for normal build//old apk file to build patch apktinkerOldApkPath = "${bakPath}/app-debug.apk"//proguard mapping file to build patch apktinkerApplyMappingPath = "${bakPath}/app-debug-mapping.txt"//resource R.txt to build patch apk, must input if there is resource changedtinkerApplyResourcePath = "${bakPath}/app-debug-R.txt"//only use for build all flavor, if not, just ignore this fieldtinkerBuildFlavorDirectory = "${bakPath}/app-1018-17-32-47"

其中tinkerOldApkPath = “${bakPath}/app-debug.apk”表示我们老的apk的目录,就是我们已经安装到手机上的apk的源文件的目录。

2 将继承Application改成继承DefaultApplicationLike

@DefaultLifeCycle(application = "com.qiyei.funny.MyApplication",flags = ShareConstants.TINKER_ENABLE_ALL)
public class Funny extends DefaultApplicationLike{private static Context mContext;//application Contextpublic Funny(Application application, int tinkerFlags, boolean tinkerLoadVerifyFlag, long applicationStartElapsedTime, long applicationStartMillisTime, Intent tinkerResultIntent) {super(application, tinkerFlags, tinkerLoadVerifyFlag, applicationStartElapsedTime, applicationStartMillisTime, tinkerResultIntent);}@Overridepublic void onBaseContextAttached(Context base) {super.onBaseContextAttached(base);mContext = base;ToastUtil.initToast(mContext);SystemUtil.init(mContext);TinkerInstaller.install(this);}@Overridepublic void onCreate() {super.onCreate();}public static Context getContext(){return mContext;}}

有几点需要注意:以前我们在Application中onCreate()中要做的事,这里可以移到onBaseContextAttached(Context base)方法中。我们还初始化了Tinker。
另外,这里指定了application = “com.qiyei.funny.MyApplication”,这里的MyApplication就需要我们在


3 TinkerInstaller.onReceiveUpgradePatch()加载补丁

String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath();
Log.d(TAG, "path:" + path);
TinkerInstaller.onReceiveUpgradePatch(getApplicationContext(), path +"/app_patch/patch_signed_7zip.apk");


4 生成补丁

    @Overrideprotected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.activity_test);ButterKnife.bind(this);mContext = this;initView();mTestView.scrollTo(0, 100);//        mLayout1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
//            @Override
//            public void onClick(View v) {
//                Log.d(TAG, "id:" + v.getId() + ",mLayout1");
//            }
//        });mButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {@Overridepublic void onClick(View v) {Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, NetworkTestActivity.class);startActivity(intent);}});mButton2.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {@Overridepublic void onClick(View v) {Animation animation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(mContext, R.anim.btn_animation);mTestView.setAnimation(animation);ObjectAnimator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mTestView, "translationX", 0, 800);animator.setDuration(1000);animator.start();String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath();Log.d(TAG, "path:" + path);//加载补丁文件TinkerInstaller.onReceiveUpgradePatch(getApplicationContext(), path + "/app_patch/patch_signed_7zip.apk");}});//ToastUtil.showLongToast("修复之后的9999999999999999999999999999");ToastUtil.showLongToast("修复之前");mButton3.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {@Overridepublic void onClick(View v) {showInfo(mContext);}});}public boolean showInfo(Context context) {// add more Build Infofinal StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();Tinker tinker = Tinker.with(getApplicationContext());if (tinker.isTinkerLoaded()) {sb.append(String.format("[patch is loaded] \n"));sb.append(String.format("[buildConfig TINKER_ID] %s \n", BuildInfo.TINKER_ID));sb.append(String.format("[buildConfig BASE_TINKER_ID] %s \n", BaseBuildInfo.BASE_TINKER_ID));sb.append(String.format("[buildConfig MESSSAGE] %s \n", BuildInfo.MESSAGE));sb.append(String.format("[TINKER_ID] %s \n", tinker.getTinkerLoadResultIfPresent().getPackageConfigByName(ShareConstants.TINKER_ID)));sb.append(String.format("[packageConfig patchMessage] %s \n", tinker.getTinkerLoadResultIfPresent().getPackageConfigByName("patchMessage")));sb.append(String.format("[TINKER_ID Rom Space] %d k \n", tinker.getTinkerRomSpace()));} else {sb.append(String.format("[patch is not loaded] \n"));sb.append(String.format("[buildConfig TINKER_ID] %s \n", BuildInfo.TINKER_ID));sb.append(String.format("[buildConfig BASE_TINKER_ID] %s \n", BaseBuildInfo.BASE_TINKER_ID));sb.append(String.format("[buildConfig MESSSAGE] %s \n", BuildInfo.MESSAGE));sb.append(String.format("[TINKER_ID] %s \n", ShareTinkerInternals.getManifestTinkerID(getApplicationContext())));}sb.append(String.format("[BaseBuildInfo Message] %s \n", BaseBuildInfo.TEST_MESSAGE));final TextView v = new TextView(context);v.setText(sb);v.setGravity(Gravity.LEFT | Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL);v.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 10);v.setLayoutParams(new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));v.setTextColor(0xFF000000);v.setTypeface(Typeface.MONOSPACE);final int padding = 16;v.setPadding(padding, padding, padding, padding);final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);builder.setCancelable(true);builder.setView(v);final AlertDialog alert = builder.create();alert.show();return true;}


我们将app\build\outputs\apk\app-debug.apk拷贝到app\build\bakApk目录下,注意与tinkerOldApkPath = “${bakPath}/app-debug.apk”保持一致。接着修改代码如下:

    @Overrideprotected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.activity_test);ButterKnife.bind(this);mContext = this;initView();mTestView.scrollTo(0, 100);//        mLayout1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {//            @Override
//            public void onClick(View v) {//                Log.d(TAG, "id:" + v.getId() + ",mLayout1");
//            }
//        });mButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {@Overridepublic void onClick(View v) {Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, NetworkTestActivity.class);startActivity(intent);}});mButton2.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {@Overridepublic void onClick(View v) {Animation animation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(mContext, R.anim.btn_animation);mTestView.setAnimation(animation);ObjectAnimator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mTestView, "translationX", 0, 800);animator.setDuration(1000);animator.start();String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath();Log.d(TAG, "path:" + path);//加载补丁文件TinkerInstaller.onReceiveUpgradePatch(getApplicationContext(), path + "/app_patch/patch_signed_7zip.apk");}});ToastUtil.showLongToast("修复之后的9999999999999999999999999999");//ToastUtil.showLongToast("修复之前");mButton3.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {@Overridepublic void onClick(View v) {showInfo(mContext);}});}


gradlew tinkerPatchDebug




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    一.前言 学习热修复 Tinker 的使用,主要有两个原因: 业务需要:项目会出现一些细小的bug,需要等到发布新版才能修复,因此一直有关注热修复这块的技术. 技术驱动:这是一件需要一直保持的事情,不 ...

  6. Android热修复-Tinker简析

    一.简介 日常工作工作中难免会遇到项目上线后出现bug问题,如果紧急发版往往由于渠道审核时间问题,导致bug修复不及时,影响用户体验.这时我们需要引入热修复,免去发版审核烦恼. 热更新优势: 让应用能 ...

  7. Android热修复Tinker原理分析

    目录 1.tinker的class文件修复 2.tinker的资源文件修复 3.几种热修复方案对比 1.tinker的class文件修复 1.1.先说dex文件的加载和类的查找过程 1.1.1.dex ...

  8. android热修复原理底层替换,Android 热修复 - 各框架原理学习及对比

    写在开头 从15年开始各技术大佬们开始研究热修复技术,并陆续开源了许多的热修复框架.如 Jasonross 的 Nuwa,美团的 Robust,阿里的 Andfix,腾讯的 Tinker 等等...均 ...

  9. 微信 Tinker 负责人张绍文关于 Android 热修复直播分享记录

    2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> 微信 Tinker 负责人张绍文关于 Android 热修复直播分享记录 来源:微信技术团队的公众号WeMobileDev 热 ...


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