
  • 创建petstore 数据库与表-
  • 建立数据完整性约束---
  • 数据插入-1-用户表-
  • 数据插入--2--商品分类表-
  • 数据插入----4----订单表-
  • 数据修改与删除-1-数据修改-
  • 数据查询
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创建petstore 数据库与表-


create database petstore;


use petstore;
create table account (userid char(6) not null,fullname varchar(10) not null,password varchar(20) not null,sex char(2) not null,address varchar(40) null,email varchar(20) null,phone varchar(11) not null,primary key (userid)
create table category(catid char(10) not null,catname varchar(20) null,primary key (catid)
create table product(productid char(10) not null,catid char(10) not null,name varchar(30) null,descn text null,listprice decimal(10,2) null,unitcost decimal(10,2) null,qty int(11) not null,primary key (productid)
create table orders (orderid int(11) not null auto_increment,userid char(6) not null,orderdate datetime not null,totalprice decimal(10,2) default null,status tinyint(1) default null,primary key (orderid)
create table lineitem (orderid int(11) not null,itemid char(10) not null,quantity int(11) not null,unitprice decimal(10,2) not null,primary key (orderid,itemid)



alter table productadd foreign key (catid)references category(catid)on delete restrict;
alter table ordersadd foreign key (userid)references account(userid)on delete restricton update restrict;
alter table lineitemadd foreign key (itemid)references product(productid)on delete cascadeon update cascade;
alter table lineitemadd foreign key (orderid)references orders(orderid)on delete cascade;
alter table account
add check(sex in ('男','女'));



insert into accountvalues('u0001','刘晓和','123456','男','广东深圳市','','17885091066');
insert into accountvalues('u0002','张嘉庆','147369','男','广东深圳市','','17885061235');
insert into accountvalues('u0003','李天威','131452','男','贵州毕节市','','17885091065');
insert into accountvalues('u0004','陈浪','584145','女','广东珠海市','','16658461684');
insert into accountvalues('u0005','吴晶','852416','女','广东广州市','','15599851352');



insert into category values('01','鸟类',' ');
insert into category values('02','猫',' ');
insert into category values('03','狗',' ');
insert into category values('04','鱼',' ');
insert into category values('05','爬行类',' ');

ERROR 1136 (21S01): Column count doesn’t match value count at row 1


可能 出现的情况为:






insert into category values('01','鸟类');
insert into category values('02','猫');
insert into category values('03','狗');
insert into category values('04','鱼');
insert into category values('05','爬行类');


insert into productvalues('AV-CB-01','05','亚马逊鹦鹉','75岁以上高龄的好伙伴',50.00,60.00,100);
insert into productvalues('AV-SB-02','05','燕雀','非常好的减压宠物',45.00,50.00,98);
insert into productvalues('FI-FW-01','05','景丽','来自日本的淡水鱼',38.00,45.50,300);
insert into productvalues('FI-FW-02','01','金鱼','来自中国的淡水鱼',6.80,6.60,100);
insert into productvalues('FI-SW-01','01','天使鱼','来自澳大利亚的海水鱼',10.00,21.05,100);
insert into productvalues('FI-SW-02','01','海鲨','来自澳大利亚的海水鱼',20.05,32.00,200);




insert into orders values(20191010,'u0001','2022-01-20 20:10:08',52.00,0);
insert into orders values(20191011,'u0002','2022-01-21 10:30:20',66.50,0);
insert into orders values(20191012,'u0003','2022-01-22 12:20:06',88.88,0);
insert into orders values(20191013,'u0004','2022-01-23 16:16:20',99.00,1);
insert into orders values(20191014,'u0005','2022-01-26 20:20:20',100.00,0);



update product
set unitcost=(qty*unitcost+50*15)/(qty+50)
where name='天使鱼';
update product
set listprice=unitcost*1.2,qty=qty+50
where name='天使鱼';


update product
set unitcost=(qty*unitcost+50*15)/(qty+50)
listprice = unitcost*1.2,qty=qty+50
where name='天使鱼';


update ordersset status=1where orderid='20191011';


update lineitem,productset product.qty=product.qty-lineitem.quantitywhere lineitem.itemid=product.productidand lineitem.orderid='20191011';


update orders,lineitem.productset orders.status=1,product.qty=product.qty-lineitem.quantitywhere orders.orderid=lineitem.orderidand lineitem.itemid=product.productidand orders.orderid='20191011';

ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database ‘lineitem’


-*-delete orders,lineitemfrom orders,lineitemwhere orders.orderid=lineitem.idand orders.userid='u0004';-*-


-*-delete from account where userid='u0004';-*-


-*-delete account,orders,lineitemfrom account,orders,lineitemwhere account.userid=orders.useridand orders.orderid=lineitem.orderidand account.userid='u0004';-*-



select fullname as 姓名,address as 地址,phone as 电话 from account;
select distinct itemid,unitprice from lineitem;
select orderid,itemid,quantity*unitprice as 金额 from lineitem;
select fullname,case when sex='男' then '1'when sex='女' then '0'end as sex
from account;


select name,casewhen unitcost < 500 then '抵挡商品'when unitcost >=500 and unitcost<1000 then '中档商品'else ‘高档商品'end as 档次
from product;


select userid,totalprice,status from orders where totalprice >=50;
select * from orderswhere orderdate >='2022-01-01' and orderdate <= '2022-02-20';
select fullname as 姓名,address as 地址,phone as 电话from account where sex='女';
select * from account where fullname like '吴%';
select * from orders where totalprice>=52 and totalprice<=99;
select * from product where productid like '%F____';


select orderid,name,quantity from lineitemjoin product on(itemid=productid);
select fullname,totalprice from ordersjoin account on (orders.userid=account.userid)where totalprice>=88;
select * from orders join accounton (orders.userid=account.userid)where fullname='李天威';
select fullname,totalprice from ordersjoin account on (orders.userid=account.userid)where orderdate<='2022-02-02' and sex='女';
select orderid,userid,orderdate from orders
where orderid in(select orderid from lineitem where itemid='FI-FW-02');
select * from product where unitcost >=any(select unitcost from product where name='景丽');


select count(*) as 总人数 from account;


select avg(totalprice) as 每单平均价 from orders;


select sum(totalprice) as 成交总额 from orders;


select max(totalprice) as 最高成交额,min(totalprice) as 最低成交额from orders;


select sex,count(*) from account group by sex;


select catid,sum(qty),avg(unitcost) from product group by catid;


select * from account order by phone desc;


select * from orders order by userid,orderdate desc;


select itemid,sum( quantity ) from lineitemgroup by itemidhaving sum ( quantity ) >=2order by sum( quantity );



create view account_v1
as(select userid as 用户号,fullname as 姓名,password as 密码,sex as 性别,phone as 电话from account where sex='男')with check option;
select * from account_v1;


select * from account_v1 where 姓名 like '李%';


create view orders_v2
as(select orderid,fullname,address,orderdate,totalpricefrom orders join accounton (orders.userid=account.userid) );
select * from orders_v2;


select * from orders_v2 where year(orderdate)=2022;


create view lineitem_v3
as(select name,orderdate,quantity,unitpricefrom lineitemjoin orders on (lineitem.orderid=orders.orderid)join product on (lineitem.itemid=product.productid) );


select * from lineitem_v3;
insert into account_v1values('u0007','陈薇','131452','男','15984247598');
update orders_v2 set totalprice=totalprice+200where orderid=20191012;


delete from account_v1 where 用户号='u0009';
drop view order_v2,linitem_v3;



create index I_em_ind on account(email desc);
create index C_fa_ind on account(fullname,address);
create unique index U_na_ind on product(name(4));


alter table categoryadd primary key(catid),add unique U_ca_ind(catname);

ERROR 1068 (42000): Multiple primary key defined


解决办法:去掉主键:primary key;

alter table lineitemadd primary key(orderid,itemid),add index C_qu_ind(quantity,unitprice);


alter table accountadd primary key(userid),add unique U_fu_ind(fullname);



create table shopcat(shopcatid int(11) not null primary key,userid char(10) not null,itemid char(10) not null,quantity int(11) not null,unitprice decimal(10,2) not null,index C_up_ind( userid,itemid )
show index from shopcat;


drop index C_up_ind on shopcat;


alter table orders partition by Key() partitions 3;

ERROR 1506 (HY000): Foreign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioning

错误 1506年:尚未支持将外键与分区 SQL 语句: 更改表 。按哈希(id)分区







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